Weekly Newsletter

Hello Morris Families & Guardians,
We look forward to meeting with you at Parent-Teacher Conferences! This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child's progress and plan for continued growth. Due to the delayed start tomorrow, breakfast will not be served at Morris Elementary.
The picture to right is Mrs. White’s and Mrs. Davison’s classes teaming up as part of our classroom buddy program, giving younger students the chance to work with their older peers. It's a fantastic opportunity for students to learn from positive role models and build connections across grade levels!
📚 Book Fair - Join Us!
We are excited to welcome families to our Fall Book Fair! This is a great chance to encourage your child's love of reading while exploring a variety of wonderful books. We hope to see you there!
Book Fair Hours:
- Monday, 10/28: 8:45 - 10:45 a.m. & 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, 10/29: 4:00 - 7:45 p.m.
- Wednesday, 10/30: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
- Friday, 11/1: 8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
👻 Costume Day - October 31st
On Thursday, October 31st, students are invited to wear costumes to school! To ensure a fun, safe day, please review these Costume Day Guidelines:
School rules regarding dress code must be followed. (See page 23 of the Morris School Handbook).
- No masks, but hats & hoods are allowed as part of costumes (on this day only).
- All costume preparations should be done at home.
- No weapons or fake weapons (like nunchucks, swords, or guns) are permitted.
- Costumes should allow independent restroom use.
- No bloody, gory, or extremely scary costumes to keep our younger students comfortable.
If a costume is deemed inappropriate, a change of clothes will be required. We suggest packing a change of clothes just in case your child wants to change mid-way through the day.
Thank you for helping us create a fun, distraction-free environment!
Special Treat for Students and Teachers!
To celebrate, students will have a special treat time in the gym with a screening of The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Teachers are invited to take a short break during this time as well.
🔍 School Improvement Plan
Learn more about our goals and strategies for the year! Click here to read this year's School Improvement Plan.
Attendance Reminder
If your child is going to be absent due to illness or any other reason, please make sure to notify the school office at 413-637-5570 . It's important for us to maintain accurate attendance records and ensure your child’s safety.
Bus Pick Times for Delayed Start on October 28th
Pick up from LCC
- 10:35 Morris - 10:40 at Morris (54 Students)
The full route times are also listed below:
Click here to view the full route.
- Green start time @ 10:00 am drop off @ school @10:40 am
- Blue start time @ 10:08 am drop off @ school @ 10:40 am
- Red start time @ 10:07 am drop off @ school @ 10:40 am
- Yellow start time @10:08 am drop off@ school @ 10:40 am
Title 1 News
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parents/guardians of Title 1 students are welcome to schedule a conference with their child’s interventionist during the day or evening of parent teacher conferences.
The Title 1 Parent Meeting will be held in the Morris conference room on Tuesday, October 29th at 6:00 pm. This meeting is to discuss Title 1 in general, not your specific child.
Calendar items
- 10/28 Delayed Start - School Day begins at 10:40 Instructional Time
- Parent Conferences 8:45 - 10:00
- No breakfast served
- Drop begins at 10:30
- 10/29 Picture Make-Up Day
- Parent Conference Evening 4:30 - 7:00
- 11/1 Early Release - Dismissal at 11:45
- Parent Conference
- 11/8 Veterans Day Parade - Details to come
- 11/11 Veterans Day - No School
- 11/12 Wellness Committee Meeting 4:00 p.m. LMMHS
- PTO Meeting 6:30 p.m.
- 11/13 Grades Close Trimester One
- 11/21 Friendsgiving Feast
- 11/ 22 Report Cards Go Home
- 11/25 No School for Students - Professional Development for Staff
- 11/26 No School for Students - Professional Development for Staff
- 11/27 through 29 No School for Students - Thanksgiving Break