The Buzz
Summer Term - 22nd June 2023

Message From The Head of School
At this time of year we start to think about moving up to the next class and getting excited about all we have to look forward to. Year 3 teachers came down to Year 2 this week and read their new class a story. We spoke in assembly about the junior YOYOB (You Own Your Own Behaviour) charts and the aim of reaching ‘top banana’ or the ‘honey pot’. Monday 3rd July is our HPP moving up day and children get to spend the morning with their new class teacher, in their new classroom. A letter will be sent home on the day giving all parents the information.
We have our HISNA Summer Fete on Saturday. We appreciate all the support you are giving to help run stalls. Tomorrow is a Mufti (own clothes) day where we are asking for donations for the bottle tombola. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Fete.
Claire Cook
Head of School
The River Thames looks gorgeous on a sunny day and lots of people use the river over the summer months. The risks for young people are real.
Last summer a 14 year old boy lost his life near Taggs Island Hampton and every summer children head there and to Teddington lock to jump off the bridge. Parents need to be vigilant that they know where their children are going if they say they are going “swimming” and not to assume they are going to a local pool.
Jumping off bridges is really dangerous as there could be debris in the water below, not to mention the real risk of cold water shock. The river temperature is very low, below 12 degrees even in hot weather and cold water shock can happen in anything below 15 degrees. It has already taken a young life in the Thames at Lechlade this summer. Cold water shock is a precursor to drowning. If cold water shock hits you, do not try to swim: Relax and float on your back to catch your breath. Try to get hold of something that will help you float. Keep calm then (when it passes) call for help or swim for safety if you’re able.
1K had the best attendance last week with 100%
Classes with the least lates last week were RK, 2A and 2D with no lates
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of RESILIENCE
RDC Freddie
RF Margot
RC Jack F
RK Delilah
1B Noah
1C Lucal
1H Elissa
1K Ahmed
2A Charlotte
2D Evie
2J Albert
2T Senara
Our focus story this week is 'What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside' by Julia Donaldson. We have enjoyed sharing our experiences of going to the seaside and begun thinking about what we might see, smell, hear and taste at the beach. Our role play area has been changed into an ice cream shop and has been full of customers buying delicious ice creams.
Out in the garden the search for bugs continued this week alongside some gardening. The children helped to pull up some weeds and turn over the soil as we scattered our butterfly and bumblebee seed mix.
In maths we have started exploring weight and identifying things that are heavy and light. We have been comparing objects and using heavier than and lighter than to make comparisons. In phonics we are developing our segmenting and blending skills.
This week has flown by! We have been up to so many wonderful things and have been really extending our learning! In maths we have been practicing our addition and subtraction skills and we have been reading lots of maths stories to help us. We were inspired by Mr Gumpy's Outing and made a boat to help us count how many legs there were when passengers hopped onto his boat. We also used the story 'Harry and a Bucketful of Dinosaurs' to help use our subtraction skills to count how many dinosaurs were left when they jumped out of Harry's Bucket. Additionally, the children have been very excited to solve our digging deeper maths question, where they help the teachers solve a maths word problem. The children have been brilliant and have really been thinking very carefully about the information given in each question and what they need to do to solve it.
The children have also been getting busy crafting as they get ready for next week's Arts week. We have been learning about the artist Andy Warhol and loved seeing all the bright colours in his pictures. We were so inspired by this we recreated our own artworks in the same Pop Art style...we can't wait for you to see our creations at the Art exhibition next Friday.
During PE, the children were incredibly pleased to discover that we were moving onto a new topic: gymnastics! First we read the book 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and inspired by this, we pretended to be Jack and climbed the tall beanstalk and used our balancing skills whilst performing gymnastics movements and shapes. We learnt lots of names of shapes, such as pike, star, dish and arch. It was fun and the children loved talking about their experiences of gymnastics too!
Year 1
In PE, we have been working on our whole class teamwork skills. We used the big parachute to play lots of games that involved us working together towards the same goal. Our favourite game was called mushroom, where children had to run under the parachute whilst others were working together hold the parachute up.
We have moved onto a new topic in computing ad this week we are looking at Programming Animations. We have learnt how to program instructions on Scratch Jr to move a character forwards/backwards/turn left/turn right.
In English, we have been looking at retelling the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have broken the story down into three chunks to help us produce our best possible writing. Using the story map we created last week, we wrote part one collaboratively and the following day we had a go at writing our own version. We then repeated this process for part two of the story.
This week we are learning about money in maths. We have been recognising and naming the various coins and notes, before moving on to counting money and making different amounts.
In D&T, we have enjoyed learning more about mechanisms and making their moving picture. Using the designs we created last week, we attached either a lever, a pivot or both onto our picture scene.
In geography, we have been identifying the human and physical features of England’s capital city London. We looked carefully at a photograph of London and made a list of the human features we could see. We then repeated the process by looking for the physical features, before discussing and writing down why we thought there were more human features than physical.
In science, we have been learning about different types of microorganisms. We looked at different types of microbes and identified that these can be different shapes and sizes, before looking at the best way to stop the spread of infection through washing our hands.
Year 2
English: We have taken on the role of newspaper reporters to write an article all about Sunny's journey away from home. We have looked carefully at the features of a newspaper and why each is important. We started by thinking of our own headline and what information is most important to include within the lead.
Maths: The children have been working hard to recap their learning of the four mathematical operations. This week we have thought back to addition and subtraction and how we can use these as the inverse to solve missing number problems.
PE: This half term, we are challenging the children to develop their team work skills. Through participating in a range of activities and games, we have worked together by listening and talking to each other. From passing the hoop to jumping the river, we have carefully considered how we can help each other to finish a set of tasks.
Geography: This week we have thought about how we using the River Thames in England and compared this to how the people of Kampong Ayer use the Brunei river. From leisure to fishing, we identified similarities and differences between to two rivers.
Reminder - Year 2 Transition to HJS
For all HISN children who will be continuing their HPP journey and starting with the juniors in September, you will have received a welcome email from the Junior School with important information and forms to complete on Monday of this week.
If you have not received this email please contact Mrs McLachlan at nmclachlan@hpp.school.
Job Vacancy
Hampton Primary Partnership is a federation of two successful schools within Hampton, Hampton Junior School and Hampton Infant School & Nursery. Both schools have a reputation for providing excellent provision for all children, supporting them to be the best they can be. Our vision is that, through working in partnership between our schools as well as with parents and the wider community, we will provide opportunities for all children to excel – for every child to have their ‘moment to shine’.
Information for Parents
Clarks Shoe Fitting
Over the next few weeks as schools start to break up for the summer holidays Clarks Measure and Fit Appointment service will be welcoming many families as they start to think about school uniform shopping for the new school year. Skip the queues and book a 15 minute measure and fit appointment at a designated time to suit you. Clarks are also extending their opening hours throughout August and the first week of September.
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815