District 103

School Board Highlights
July 18, 2024
Budget Approval of the 2024-2025 Budget
Patrick Palbicke, Assistant Superintendent for Business, presented the 2024-2025 District 103 Budget at a public hearing. Later in the meeting the Board approved the budget. This is the 12th year the district’s budget is balanced. The budget projects $44.07 million in revenue and $43.43 million in expenses. The revenue that comes from property taxes is 84.6 percent with the remainder coming from federal, state, and local sources.
Bus Grant Application
The Board was informed that the district applied for an EPA Clean Heavy Duty Vehicles Grant through the Illinois State Board of Education. The grant will cover 75 percent (up to $280,000) of the cost. Buses are estimated to cost between $350,000 and $400,000. Additionally, if the district receives the grant, the district would file with the IRS for another rebate of $40,000 per bus. The district has shown interest in possibly purchasing up to four buses and should receive more information about the application in November.
Approval of Teacher Contract
The final agreement between the Lincolnshire-Prairieview Teachers’ Association and the District 103 Board of Education was approved by the Board. The four-year agreement goes into effect August 19, 2024, for the district’s 189 certified staff members. Salary increases are in line with area school districts.
School News
Health Forms
Health forms are due now to your child's school. Visit the Health and Wellness section of the website to see which grades need to turn in medical and dental forms.
School Supplies
School supply lists for each grade level can be found on the district's website.
Summer Reading Lists
Daniel Wright students have a summer reading assignment that is due when they return to school in August.
Board of Education Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting will occur at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 20. The notice and agenda can be found on the District 103 Board meeting website page. Members of the community should attend the meeting at 111 Barclay Boulevard, Lincolnshire if they would like to make a public comment. The public can also contact the Board at board@d103.org.
The Learning Fund Foundation is a group of volunteers who collaborate to bring innovative learning programs and experiences to students across all D103 schools. We welcome you to check us out and learn more at one of our monthly meetings. Contact us at lff@d103.org for more information.
The D103 PTO is a completely volunteer-run organization, dedicated to enhancing and enriching the educational experience of our students. Please visit the PTO store to become a member.
Calendar of Events
Leaders in Learning
Email: ask103@d103.org
Website: www.d103.org
Location: 111 Barclay Blvd, Lincolnshire, IL 60069, USA
Phone: 847-295-4030
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