ROCORI Secondary School Update
August 16, 2024

September 2: No School
September 3: First Day of School
September 9: A la cart opens
September 25: 1 Hour Late Start
If you were unable to attend the 6th grade meeting during open house, scan the QR code for information that was discussed.
If you were unable to attend the 9th grade meeting during open house, watch the video below for information that was discussed.
High School and Middle Schedules are open for viewing in Skyward. Parents must fill out the 2024-2025 Fall registration in skyward family access in order to view student schedules. If these documents are not updated, the schedule will not open for viewing.
A few adjustments have been made to the Middle School Schedules since Open House - so please double check schedules on Skyward prior to the first day of school.
The ROCORI School District would like to inform families that school bus routes will run as they have been scheduled the first week of school. There were many change requests made during open house and it will take time to process these.
The week of September 9th, new bus routing will be available if changes were made. Please see the My Ride K-12 app for your most up to date information. Information to download the app and find other transportation information can be found on the districts transportation website.
The parking permit application will be available online or a paper copy can be picked up in the office. If you complete this form and pay online, you must still come to the office and pick up your permit. All permits will need to be in place prior to September 13th. If you have any questions, please let us know. All vehicles parked in the ROCORI Parking lots, must have a parking permit displayed at all times.
As the year progresses you will hear more about ROCORI Secondary aligning our courses and registration to career pathways for students. The first change you may notice in scheduling is that homeroom assignments have changed. Rather than students staying with the same advisor for four years, we are assigning our staff to a single grade level. Their advisor will be the person who helps them register, and we want our staff to be well versed in registration for that next grade. The change has already been implemented, and we wanted you to be aware that the change had a purpose.
ROCORI Families:
What do we expect of students?
Students should not have their phone out in class unless there is a pre-approved emergency or reason. Middle School students are allowed to use them at passing time only. High School students are allowed to use them during passing time and lunch.
How will we respond to misuse of cell phones?
We will treat offenses progressively, but for chronic offenders we are going to make some changes. As in the past on the third offense, parents must pick up the phone from school. If a student has a 4th offense, a parent meeting will be called to analyze how we handle a problem that appears to be an addiction.
What do we expect from parents?
We ask parents to speak with your child about appropriate cell phone use, to remind your child to keep the phone put away during class, and to be supportive when infractions occur.
Juniors will have the opportunity to take the PSAT (Preliminary SAT) Test this year, which will be offered at ROCORI High School on October 30, 2024. This test is optional for students. Please sign up in the counseling office the first week of school. The deadline to sign up for this test will be Friday, September 6, 2024.
Food service will not be offering alacart the first week of school. Alacart will open on September 9th during lunch and after school.
Season passes for Activities are ready!! Season passes are DIGITAL this year. Please use the QR code you see below or go to: https://gofan.co/app/school/MN19653
There is the option to get all passes, including Family passes of various sizes and passes for our ROCORI Senior Citizens (free).
Please be patient with the process as this is new for all of us. We will also have all individual game tickets on sale for anyone available very soon.
Rocori High School Seniors will get in free to games and will get their passes in the next few weeks. For now, seniors can check in at the gate and we will let them in.
As we make the transition to digital tickets, here are some helpful hints and tips to make your life easier if you haven't done digital ticketing before:
1. Download the GoFan App onto your phone. The app looks like the picture posted above.
2. Create an account with your email and personal password
3. It will have you search for your favorite team - type in Rocori
This will be your new home to get season passes, buy tickets to all game, both home and away, etc.
When you get to the game, open up the app and click on tickets. There you show the gate attendant your ticket.
Thanks for your patience as we make this adjustment in the Central Lakes Conference to have all our teams using the same system.
Go Spartans!!
Order your ROCORI gear by September 4th! https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/bJHeomYfE7
Please make sure all immunization records are updated, and a copy provided. If you choose to decline immunizations, make sure to sign a form and have it notarized. If you wish to sign the form declining immunizations, Missy in the HS/MS nurse’s office will be available during open house.
Prescribed medications need a doctor's note and to be in prescription bottle.
If students need over the counter medication such as ibuprofen or Tylenol, make sure to fill out the consent form and bring a bottle in.
Middle School Yearbooks
Save $5 if you purchase your Middle School Yearbook by September 6th!
High School Yearbooks
Save $15 off you order your High School Yearbook by September 6th!
Dear Seniors, Parents, and Guardians,
Thank you for your patience regarding the Jostens online link for submitting class of 2025 senior photos, baby photos and messages. When you are ready to submit the photos and message, please visit: Jostens Photo Upload. You may also scan this QR code to take you directly to the site.
You will be asked to create an account, and then you can submit your senior photo and baby photo (along with the message) under the portraits section. Please remember to tag ALL photos AND messages with your student’s name to ensure proper identification. It’s important to register your account with an email that you check regularly so we can reach out if we have any questions.
We appreciate your understanding as we transition to a new system this year. The deadlines for the yearbook are:
- November 15th: Baby photo and message due.
- December 1st: Senior photos due.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to yearbook@rocori.k12.mn.us.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Best regards,
ROCORI High School Yearbook Advisors
Anna Panek and Renee Bacon
10th – 12th Grade Supply List. Students are expected to have general school supplies available. Suggested examples: Writing utensils (pens/pencils), highlighters, notebooks, & folders. ROCORI students in 10th- 12th grade have many class offering available and therefore diverse schedules. Students should follow advice from their CORE and elective course teachers in regards to unique school supplies.
The Application for Educational Benefits (aka Free & Reduced Application) must be submitted to the district on an annual basis. Log into Skyward Family Access to complete the online application (see directions below). Or, you can fill out a paper application below and return by mail to the District Office or to your child's school.
District OfficeAttention: Chris Barker534 5th Ave NCold Spring, MN 56320