The Ram Report
September 27, 2024
Month of October: Socktober Sock Drive
10/2: Vision Screening
10/7: PSO Meeting; 6:00-7:00pm
10/9: No School; Teacher planning day
10/11: Picture Day
10/16: Walk & Roll to school day
10/17: Pastini Dine Out Night
10/21-11/5: Al's Garden Center Poinsettia Voucher Fundraiser
10/24-10/25: No School; Family Partnership Days (Conferences)
- Message from Mr. Kingery
- Socktober
- Talented & Gifted Meeting Info
- ParentSquare Information
- Volunteer Information
- ClubK Information
Message from Mr. Kingery
Dear Art Rutkin Elementary Families,
We had a wonderful Fun Run today. Thank you to our PSO Fun Run Committee and volunteers! We also want to thank Mrs. Megowan our PE teacher, Mrs. McKean our music teacher and all our staff members who worked together to make this a great event for students. We also enjoyed a fun spirit week leading up to today’s fun. Special thank you to Integrity Staffing who sponsored Fun Run t-shirts for every student and staff member this year. Everyone should sleep well tonight after a lot of good running today.
We have some important things happening this coming week. Please read this newsletter for all the details. We will be celebrating custodial staff day on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd. This comes with bittersweet news about Mr. Bill, our Building Day Specialist. Mr. Bill will be officially retired as of Monday, September 30th. We appreciate Mr. Bill for everything he has done to help open this new school over the last 18 months. The Art Rutkin community will always be grateful for your contributions to this new school. We will have an official announcement for our new custodial building day specialist next Friday.
Our school-wide goal is 97% for regular attendance. Currently our school attendance rate is just over 97%. Way to go families!!! We know that students who miss more than about one day a month are likely to have their progress impacted during the school year. We certainly understand when students are too sick to be at school. Please remember to plan vacations and appointments outside of the regular school day when at all possible. Please contact your child’s teacher, or our school office with any questions.
Arrival & Dismissal
Please remember to drive slowly and safely in our school parking lots at all times. Arrival and dismissal will take more than just a few minutes so we ask everyone to be patient. We feel that everyone is doing well with after school routines so parking lot cones and signs will stop going out soon. Please continue to follow our procedures carefully. We will place the cones and signs back out if we need them in place again. Thank you for your cooperation every day.
Student personal devices
Please review the student rights and responsibilities handbook regarding devices from home. We expect that all cell phones, smart watches and personal communication devices get turned off and put away during the school day between 8:00 AM and 2:20 PM. Please contact your child’s teacher, or me with any questions.
Parent Square
If you need assistance signing up for Parent Square, please contact the school office. Families will be receiving regular messages through this new communication app. Please watch for Family Partnership conference time sign ups that will be coming from your child’s teacher on Friday, Oct. 4th next week.
Oct. 1st - TTSD Community Engagement Meeting - Twality MS
Please consider attending the TTSD Community Engagement Meeting on Oct. 1st from 6:00-8:00 PM. We will hear from our new superintendent, Dr. Iton Udosenata, provide input on district priorities and engage in small group collaboration. Family dinner from 6:00-6:30. Please join me there.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Kingery
TTSD Talented And Gifted Education Community Meeting
Dear TTSD TAG Parents and Guardians,
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming community meeting on October 2 from 6:30-7:30 PM via Zoom. Join TAG Building Leaders from elementary, middle, and high schools as well as TAG specialists to learn valuable information about how students who qualify for Talented and Gifted Services are supported in TTSD. We’ll also discuss self-advocacy strategies for TAG students and their families. There will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions at the end of the presentation.
Meeting Details:
Date: October 2
Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Platform: Zoom (link below)
Please note that this meeting will be recorded and made available on our TTSD TAG website for future viewing.
We hope to see you there!
Volunteer Information
Would you like to be a volunteer or be a field trip chaperone? Have you gone through TTSD's volunteer process? If not, please make sure to do so. Once cleared you are good for 3 years. If there is even a slight change your answer is yes, then please complete the steps. It's better to have clearance than not! Here is the link!
*For new students this year coming from another TTSD school and have gone through this process, please email and we'll get you added to our volunteer computer.
Tigard, OR 97224
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch;, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed;, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223