Week of September 16 - 20
Our small group team:
SC1: Dr. Gitau and Ms. Gay
SC2: Mrs. Bassery and Ms. Hurley
SC3: Ms. Turnbull and Mrs. Speaks
SC6: Mrs. Banks and Mrs. Moore
Our emails:
Dr. Gitau and Mrs. Bassery use an adapted curriculum called enCore. There are 36 units; with each grade level having 6 units. Our classes have multiple grade levels, so we might use two units simultaneously. For example, a class might use a unit for kindergarten through second and a different unit for grades third through fifth. Each unit consist of an adapted Fiction and Nonfiction book. It takes six weeks to complete one full unit with three weeks per book.
Students learn Phonics and Language Arts skills in the areas of letters and sounds, vocabulary, sight words, word endings, such as “ing” and “ed”, prefixes and suffixes, and much more.
Learning activities for Math are provided in the areas of Counting and Cardinality, Operations & Algebraic Thinking, Measurement and Data, Time, Money, and Geometry.
Science and Social Studies activities follow grade level standards. Areas of learning include weather, living and nonliving, rules and laws, goods and services, and many more.
For more information on our wonderful curriculums please visit the links below:
Areas of Focus Last Week
Dr. Gitau’s class:
* Reading: Non-Fiction story Food Groups (Unit 1)
* Letter and Sound Identification: Identify letters A/a; Identify short “a” sound
* Math: Time and Money
* Science: Identify Food Groups
* Social Studies: Healthy and Unhealthy Choices
Mrs. Bassery’s class:
* Reading: Non-Fiction stories Weather (Unit 7, Grades K-2), Staying Healthy (Unit 25, Grades 3-5)
* Letter and Sound Identification: Identify letters U/u; Identify short “u” sound (Unit 7), Identify silent
“e” (Unit 25)
* Math: Time and Money
* Science: Weather Conditions and Patterns
Ms. Turnbull’s class:
* ELA: Wit & Wisdom Lessons 9, 10, and 11
* Morphology: base word <port>
* Math: Patterns with numbers and shapes
* Science: Earthquakes
* UFLI Phonics: short /i/ and CVC
Mrs. Banks class:
1st Grade
* Reading: Narrative Retell, Asking & Questions, Story Elements and Character Traits
* Phonics: Long i (i-e)
* ELA: Types of Sentences, Narrative writing
* Math: Interpreting Data
* Science: Plants and Animals
2nd Grade
* Reading: Narrative Retell, Asking & Questions, Story Elements and Character Traits
* Phonics: Long i (i-e)
* ELA: Types of sentences, Narrative writing
* Math: Adding and Subtracting
* Social Studies: Connecting Themes (Laws & Government)
Areas of Focus This Week
Dr. Gitau’s class:
* Reading: Non-Fiction story Food Groups (Unit 1)
* Letter and Sound Identification: Identify letters A/a; Identify short “a” sound
* Math: Geometry
* Science: Identify Food Groups
* Social Studies: Healthy and Unhealthy Choices
Mrs. Bassery’s class:
* Reading: Non-Fiction stories Weather (Unit 7, Grades K-2), Staying Healthy (Unit 25, Grades 3-5)
* Letter and Sound Identification: Identify letters U/u; Identify short “u” sound (Unit 7), Identify silent
“e” (Unit 25)
* Math: Geometry
* Social Studies: Maps
Ms. Turnbull’s class:
* Wit & Wisdom: Lesson 11, 12, and 13
* Social Studies: Citizenship
* Math: Patterns with numbers
* UFLI: /f/,/i/, /o/
Mrs. Banks class:
1st Grade
* Reading: Narrative Retell, Asking & Questions, Story Elements and Character Traits
* Phonics: Long i (i-e)
* ELA: Types of Sentences, Narrative writing
* Math: Interpreting Data
* Science: Plants and Animals
2nd Grade
* Reading: Narrative Retell, Asking & Questions, Story Elements and Character Traits
* Phonics: Long i (i-e)
* ELA: Types of sentences, Narrative writing
* Math: Adding and Subtracting Strategies
* Science: Force and Motion
Visual Cooking
Cooking is an important life skill our students will need to learn. At home, you can use visual recipes to help your child begin learning these important skills!
Save the Date
- September 19: Picture Day
- September 23 – 27: Fall Break
- October 14 - 18: Conference Week
- October 14 - 18: Fall Book Fair
- Park Street is a uniform school. Below is a copy of our uniform policy. Your child is expected to be in uniform Monday-Thursday.
- Birthday parties are not permitted. However, birthday cupcakes are allowed during lunch time.
- If there is a change in transportation arrangements, we require notice from the parent before allowing students to be transported by anyone other than a parent. You may send in a note with your child or email with the details of the change.
- When a student arrives late (after 8:30), an adult must sign the student in at the office.
- If a child is out for any portion of the school day, the missed time is recorded as a tardy. A note sent in the morning will help us to have your child ready. To avoid interruptions to instruction, no student will be released between 2:45 and 3:15.