Lake Ripley Elementary
September-October 2024
Welcome to Lake Ripley School
Principal's Points
As we have opened our school doors to welcome you back to another great year, our teachers have established routines, and students have settled into normal day to day operations, I can say it has been an outstanding start. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure your children can achieve their highest potential. Together we will create a year of excellence for our children. As partners, we share the responsibility for your children’s success and we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning and know that we always have their best interests in mind.
The start of the school year has been jam-packed. Since the first day, your children have been a part of Welcome Conferences, a fire drill, bus safety, safety training from Officer Nelson, the first of monthly character education lessons, FAST testing, Dragon Week Celebrations, color days, and the annual fundraiser. In addition, they have learned how to punch in their numbers in the cafeteria, have learned their routines in classrooms, and have been a part of the specialist rotation with music, STEAM, gym, and media. It has been very busy, but very fun. Your children have done an amazing job with it all.
Our favorite furry friends have started their weekly appearances recently as well. Tucker, Tenely, and Millie, certified therapy dogs, will be onsite to greet and visit with students during specific days. It is so fun to see the socialization and interaction between the dogs and both students and staff members.
During the month of October, the world comes together to raise awareness for bullying prevention and to reflect on where we have been, where we are now, and where we hope to be in the years to come. This month serves as a reminder that bullying prevention must be addressed, and one way to accomplish this is through educating ourselves, our communities, and the youth in our lives.
A quick shout out to our amazing custodians here at Lake Ripley. Our building, once again, was ready for students and staff to start the year. The amount of work and effort to make our school look so nice is truly remarkable. Thank you custodial crew for all of your hard work.
Thank you for sharing your children with us at Lake Ripley Elementary. As a staff we appreciate the collaboration and shared responsibility of developing the best possible educational experience for your children. New school years always bring about positivity, excitement, and anticipation. We anticipate a wonderful school year with learning, laughter, and lessons.
6 Back to School Skills to Help Your Child Succeed
Reading Tips for Elementary Readers
Tip #1
READ EVERY DAY-Find a time to read with your child every day. Even a brief daily commitment can convey that reading is an important priority for you.
From the Desks of Mrs. Mahoney and Mrs. Minton
On Wednesday, September 18th Litchfield Public Schools were able to host the film screenagers. The film highlights families struggling to set healthy boundaries around screen time. Maybe you find yourself also struggling to set positive limits around the use of technology. If so, here are 4 Basic rules to consider— (go to to find ways to enforce rules).
1. No screens in bedrooms when kids and teens go to sleep (for younger kids keep
screens out completely). Fact: 75% teens get inadequate sleep. The presence of devices disrupts sleep cycles.
2. Set time goals for studying without multitasking and then, also, take tech breaks. Fact: Multitasking is linked to less retention and poorer academic outcomes.
3. Eat family meals without devices. Fact: Face-to-face conversations improve mood and empathy.
4. Put phones and devices away in the car. Fact: More than half of kids report seeing their parents text while driving.
Up Coming Events at Lake Ripley
9/16-9/29 - Fundraiser for Lake Ripley Elementary
9/30-10/4- Dragon Homecoming
10/17-10/18 - MEA NO SCHOOL
Lake Ripley Elememtary
Location: 100 West Pleasure Drive, Litchfield, MN, USA
Phone: 320-693-2436