News from the Nest

Important Dates
- Monday, September 2nd - Labor Day (No School)
- Wednesday, September 4th - Coffee with the Principal - 8 am in the WvES Media Center
- Thursday, September 12th - PTO Meeting, 8:15 am @ Weaverville Elementary Media Center
- PTO Website:
- Thursday, September 26th - Open House & Annual Title 1 Meeting, 5:30 - 7:00 pm *All families are invited!
- Friday, September 27th - Early Dismissal (12:25 pm)
- Friday, October 4th - Fun Run (More details coming soon!)
- Monday, October 7th - Optional Teacher Work Day (No School for Students)
- Tuesday, October 8th - Optional Teacher Work Day (No School for Students)
- Wednesday, October 9th - Health Fair (Permission forms are in back-to-school packets. Parents must sign with permission to participate).
- Monday, October 14th - Fall Picture Day
- Thursday, October 31st - Early Dismissal (12:25 pm)
Important Reminders
- If you need to check your child out early, please check them out BEFORE 1:45 pm. We will not be checking students out the last 30 minutes of the day as this interrupts instruction for all students.
- If you need to make a dismissal change for your student, please call the front office before 12:30 each day.
- Do not enter the car line from Main Street. Please use Yost St. Please respect our school rules that keep others safe.
A Note from Mrs. Nichols
Dear Weaverville Families,
It was an AMAZING first week with our students! I've been so impressed with how quickly they are acclimating to their new classroom and grade level. Thank you for supporting them in getting to school on time, and making sure they are prepared and ready for a great day!
This week we start our Morning News broadcast live on Youtube. Did you know we have a Weaverville Elementary Youtube Channel? We have all of our live Morning News shows on our channel, but we also have other fun videos for you to learn more about our school. Here's the link to our Youtube Channel, and I'll keep the link in our News from the Nest for you to reference in the future. Click on the "live" tab to see Morning News.
Let's talk about carline! First, how FUN was it to have all those fun greeters each morning? It was such a great way to start each day. Here are some Car Line tips for morning:
- Please pull all the way forward before letting your student out. You might have to pause for a moment and then pull all the way up. This helps keep things moving.
- Please make sure your child is ready to get out of the car when you stop. Parents should not have to get out of the car to get their children out.
- If you can, please make sure your child can get out on the passenger side of the car. If not, please double-check that no cars are coming.
- Please do not pass cars in the morning. This can be super dangerous for kids who are getting out on the driver side.
This is important: Please do not park your car on Main St, near our cafeteria, and then walk your student/s in. Several families did this last week, and it does not meet our safety expectations for morning drop-off. Please follow our drop-off rules by using the car line. If you want to park off-campus and walk your child to school, you can, but you cannot park on campus in the morning.
In the afternoons, our carline is always pretty slow the first couple of weeks of school. However, it is my goal that it starts and ends in under 20 minutes. Last year, we were closer to 15 minutes! Please be patient and kind to our staff who are working car line. We have strict safety guidelines to ensure students go home with an approved adult, and we also will not let cars enter our carline from Main St. in the afternoon.
Safety Drills
I also want to let families know that we conduct important safety drills during the first ten days of school. We practice fire evacuation, lockdown, and bus evacuation drills. I'll always share with families when we have a lockdown drill so that you can check in with your student when they get home.
Reminders from previous weeks:
- Be sure to follow us on Facebook, AND take a look at our Weaverville Elementary Youtube Channel to see videos of all the awesome things from past years!
- Check out our PTO website AND our PTO Facebook page, too!
Be Sure to Read Arrival and Dismissal Procedures (Further down in Newsletter)
Please do not plan to enter the car line (in the morning OR in the afternoon) by turning from Main St. You must always use Yost St. to enter the car line. Please do not block driveways on Yost St.
Coffee with the Principal
Join Mrs. Nichols and Ms. Burleson in our media center for Coffee with the Principal on Wednesday, September 4th at 8 am (after drop-off and morning news). We'll schedule a few of these this year, depending on participation. This is an informal gathering to meet other parents and get to know Mrs. Nichols and Ms. Burleson!
Rotary Teachers of Excellence Nominations
Rotary Teachers of Excellence - Nominations due by September 30!
The Rotary Club of Asheville is now accepting nominations for the 3rd Annual Teachers of Excellence Program. They have provided a quick video and a link to the Nomination Form. Please consider nominating teachers who you would like to see honored with this recognition. Nominations can be submitted by administrators, parents, teachers and even students, so please share the form as widely as you wish. The Rotary selection committee will evaluate all nominations, conduct Zoom interviews with the 10 finalists, and award five winners $2,000.
Cell Phone Policy
If students do bring cell phones to school, please know that they must remain in their backpack while at our school and while on the bus. The sound must be turned off. If a student is using their cell phone at school, it will be taken and parents will have to pick it up.
Bus App: Edulog
The Edulog Parent app is AWESOME if you have a student who rides a bus! I use it for my own children. Take a moment to explore it. You can see where the bus is, and this is helpful when your bus is running late (or even if you're running late!).
- For accurate drop off /pick up times, and bus number, sign up for the edulog app. Edulog directions click here.
- Bus # Update: Bus 302 is now Bus 86.
After-School Club Schedule
*We are still working on scheduling Weaverwood (grades 3-4), Battle of the Books (grade 4), Chorus and Lego Robotics (grade 4). Chorus (grades 3-4) will start after November.
Bricks for Kids will not be hosting an after school club this year, but we are working with Zaniac to get something going!
Mondays -
- Playground Stage, Grades 2-4, 2:30-3:30pm, 9/23-12/2 unless school is closed.
- Girls on the Run, Grades 3 & 4, (Wednesdays as well) - 2:30-4:00 pm
Tuesdays -
- Tennis Time, Grades 2-4, 2:30-3:30 pm - 9/3-11/12
Wednesdays -
- Battle of the Books, Grade 4 only - 7:30 am in the Media Center (We are trying mornings this year so that more kids can participate!).
- Chess Club, Grades 2-4, 2:30-3:30 pm, 9/18 - 11/20
- Girls on the Run (Mondays as well) - 2:30-4:00 pm
Thursdays - TBD
Fridays - NONE
Scholarships available for afterschool clubs! Contact Ms. Wheeless, Counselor
Chess Club Registration Form
Click on the picture for link to registration form. Registrations are due to Dr. Dunkel (3rd Grade Teacher) by Friday, September 13th. If you have questions, please email Dr. Dunkel directly:
Tennis Time Registration
Click the picture for a link to the flyer. Enroll at Email questions to
Girls on the Run
Click here for registration:
contact with questions. Valerie is a 2nd grade teacher at our school!
Participant registration opens online on Monday, August 16th and will close Friday, September 20th. Sliding scale tuition based on income.
Community Input Sessions Set for School Consolidation Study
Buncombe County Schools
August 6, 2024
In September of 2023, the North Carolina General Assembly mandated that the Asheville City and Buncombe County school systems jointly study the feasibility of a merger and designated Buncombe County Government as the lead entity for this project. Prismatic Services, the firm chosen by Buncombe County commissioners to conduct the study, will lead nine drop-in community meetings, as well as one online forum to gather community input that will be presented to the North Carolina General Assembly in February 2025.
The drop-in meetings are designed so community members can participate for 15-30 minutes at the time and location that best suits their schedules. Spanish interpretation will be provided. For those who cannot attend in person, an online forum will be held. An online input form will also be released in September. The drop-in community meeting schedule includes:
Monday, Sept. 9 - 3:45-6:30 p.m. - Owen Middle School
Tuesday, Sept. 10 - 3:45-6:30 p.m. - East Asheville Library
Thursday, Sept. 12 - 3:45-6:30 p.m. - Cane Creek Middle School
Friday, Sept. 13 - 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. - Weaverville Community Center
Monday, Sept. 16 - 3:45-6:45 p.m. - Isaac Dickson Elementary School
Tuesday, Sept. 17 - 3:30-6:30 p.m. - Erwin High School
Wednesday, Sept. 18 - 5:30-8:30 p.m. - Enka Intermediate School
Thursday, Sept. 19 - 3:45-6:30 p.m. - Hall Fletcher Elementary
Friday, Sept. 20 - 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. - Skyland/South Buncombe Library
Monday, Sept. 23 - 5:30-7:30 p.m. - Online forum
Click here for more information or to sign up for updates on the consolidation feasibility study.
PTO Meetings and Resources
All parents are automatically members of the PTO! Come to a meeting to learn more about how our PTO supports our students, staff and families. We have one of the best PTOs around!
Check out our PTO Website for all things Weaverville Schools PTO!
Free Lunch & Breakfast for ALL STUDENTS!
Free Lunch Information
Free Lunch Info from Lisa Payne
Do you want to know more about free lunch? I recommend every parent read through this newsletter (above) from our Child Nutrition department. You can learn how lunches are paid for, and what constitutes a whole lunch. This program depends on participation, so the more students who participate and get “free lunch” (which is at least 3 items) - the longer this program will continue. This document has good information for parents!
Breakfast and lunch will be provided at no cost to all students this school year!
We are pleased to inform you that Buncombe County Schools will be implementing a program available to schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Programs called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
What does this mean for you and your child(ren)?
Great news! All enrolled students at Buncombe County Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no cost to your household each day of the school year. Weaverville Elementary School Parents, there are no action steps for you to take at this time to participate in this program.
K-12 Prepayment will remain active allowing parents and guardians to place money on their students accounts to purchase a la carte items if they would like too. We look forward to serving your students during the 24-25 school year. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact us at Buncombe Schools Nutrition Office, 828 255-5932.
Participation matters! The more students who eat lunch and breakfast at our school increases the likelihood that this program will continue.
Masks Available
Don't forget that our students, staff, and visitors have access to masks all day long. We have regular 3-ply masks and KN95 masks available. Masks are available in the front office, and we have reminders at hand-sanitizing stations that you can get a mask in the front office.
If a student requests a KN95 mask, we must have parent permission since it is considered a respirator. Parents must complete the Voluntary Respirator Use Form and sign and return. Here is a link to the form. If a student requests a KN95 mask, and we do not already have the form on file, we will email it to parent/guardians for you to sign.
More Information About Our School
Support Weaverville Elementary While You Shop!
As we start another school year, remember it's time to link your Ingles Advantage Card to Weaverville Elementary School. This must be done each year to ensure the benefits from your card will support our school! Ingles Tools for Schools makes a huge difference in our school. Thanks for your support.
Other Ways to Support WvES While You Shop:
- Publix:
- Amazon Smiles:
- Box Tops:
- Harris Teeter -
Family Handbook Information
The information below are parts of our Student & Families Handbook. While we're still a month away from the start of school, it's important that our families know all the procedures and safety expectations. I'll leave these in our News from the Nest for a few weeks
Arrival Procedures
The WvES campus will open at 7:15 for morning arrival. No students may be dropped off prior to 7:15 AM. Students will wait in the cafeteria until they are dismissed to their homerooms at 7:40 AM. All students should be in their classrooms and ready to learn by 7:55 AM.
Car Riders:
Please remember that all school traffic should use Yost Street (which is off Merrimon Avenue) when dropping off students and picking up students as car riders. In the morning, cars must use Yost Street to enter our car rider line, and then use Yost again when exiting the car rider line.
Please be respectful and patient. The first weeks of school are always a little bit confusing for everyone, and wait time can be longer. I promise it will improve as we move into the school year.
Dismissal Procedures
Students will be dismissed from class at 2:25 pm. Buses will load in the bus lane, and car riders will wait in the gym for their names to be called when their ride arrives.
All parents of car riders must use the car rider line to pick up their child(ren) in the afternoon.
Please view the illustration above to see how the car line works.
Dismissal Car Line Pro Tips:
- Pull all the way forward to the empty space, and a staff member will call for your child to come out.
- Please use your car tag each afternoon if you plan to use the car line. This will help the line move swiftly and efficiently.
- Please use YOST ST. to both enter and exit the car line. Use the illustration above for reference.
- If you have someone picking your child up that is not YOU, make sure this person is listed in powerschool as someone who can pick up your child. We will ask for their ID to make sure they are who they say they are. We appreciate your patience and kindness in these circumstances; we definitely want to make sure we're sending kids home with adults who have permission to pick them up!
- If you do not have your car tag with your child's name, we will ask you to come into the office and get one, and we'll ask you to show and ID. We can't do this in the car line because only our office staff have access to that information in powerschool. Please remember that this is a commitment to keeping each child safe. We only want students going home with grownups who are approved for pick-up.
- Please be patient during the first few weeks of school. The car line always take a bit longer in the beginning, but we'll get the hang of it! After a week or so, it's usually about 15 minutes.
A few WvES families live next door to the school and they are considered 'walkers'. Parents of 'walkers' may come to the gym door with their green card to collect their child/ren. If you do not walk to campus to pick up your child, this does not apply to you so you must use the car rider line. Please do not park your car and walk to the gym door to collect your child/ren.
Visitor Procedures
ALL parents and visitors to campus must sign in at the office and obtain a visitor sticker (or a volunteer pass if applicable). Please note that you must sign in even if you are only visiting the cafeteria. Your cooperation in helping us to follow Central Office policy and ensuring the safety of all children is expected and appreciated.
If you have an appointment or scheduled time to be at school in the morning, and wish to walk in with your child, please still plan to follow the established procedure of coming to the office, signing the visitor registry, and obtaining a visitor tag.
Visitors will only be allowed to visit a classroom if the visitor has scheduled the visit with the teacher beforehand or if the visitor is a scheduled volunteer.
Walking Your Child to Class
We love having families in our building, and we promise to have many opportunities for our community to be in our school this year. We also want our first day for students to start with high expectations for safety and routines. Because of this, we ask that you allow your student to walk to class on their own. We will have many staff ready and waiting to help them along their way. Thank you for respecting this request.
Attendance, Tardies, and Early Dismissals
Students must be in attendance for more than half a day (11:30 a.m.) to be counted present for the day. On a two hour delay, the half day mark is considered 12:15. On a three hour delay, the half day mark is considered 12:45. Students arriving at school after 7:55 AM must report to the office and to sign in. Tardies will only be excused if accompanied by a medical (doctor or dentist) statement or if excused by the principal. These notes/statements should be presented to the office staff when signing in. Upon returning to school from an absence, students must bring their teacher a parent note or medical statement (doctor or dentist) giving the reason for the absence.
Our day starts promptly at 7:55 am. Please work together as a family to have your child arrive on time, with time to get settled in their classroom, and ready to learn at 7:55 am. If your child plans to eat breakfast at school, please do your best to have them arrive with time to eat before lessons begin at 7:55 am.
If your student will be taking an extended trip during the school year, please communicate with our data manager at least 2 weeks before the trip is to take place. This will allow us to properly document the student's absences and complete any necessary paperwork.
Parent Portal Account
Check your child's grades, attendance, and more! Email and our BCS staff will email you a link, login, and password for your account. If you email this week, please be patient as they respond to many requests, especially right before school starts.
You can also manage your contact information through parent portal.
Not Getting Info From School?
Email, WvES Data Manager, to check your Powerschool settings and contact information.
Safety at our School
Safety is one of my top priorities, and I want to be very clear with all of our families about the ways we will keep our students safe on our campus. The following procedures and expectations are in place with safety in mind. Please support our staff and students in keeping our campus safe by following these expectations at all times.
- All visitors must check in each time with no exceptions. You'll get a badge to wear, and you must wear the badge at all times. If you do not have the badge on, our staff will politely ask if we can help you, so please be kind to staff in response.
- Visitors are only allowed to visit a classroom if they have a scheduled appointment with the teacher. We want to protect the instructional time of all students.
- All doors will remain locked at all times.
- Please do not enter the front door unless you have been buzzed in by an adult. It may seem easy to slip in with someone else who is being buzzed in, but please help us keep our safety practices in tact by following this simple request.
- If you are already inside the school, please do not open the front door for others. Please allow our office staff to safely screen each person entering the building.
Please follow this "Multi-visitor Entrance Procedure:"
- If you have buzzed in and are being screened and you notice another visitor is arriving, please don't hold the door and allow anyone in without being screened first.
- If the other visitor is 15 feet or less from the door, please buzz in and be screened together.
- If the visitor is more than 15 feet from the door, please buzz in and ensure the door is closed completely after you enter.
We certainly want to encourage politeness, and we also want our visitors to understand that it is unsafe to hold doors and allow visitors in without being verified by front office staff first. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
School safety is the most important component of our day. We know we must balance safety with having a welcoming school building so that parents and community members can be part of our school. Please help us do this by honoring these safety protocols about entering our building.
Lunch With Your Child
Parents are invited to eat with their child in the cafeteria; however, as a courtesy to other students, we ask that you do not bring outside food such as fast food and/or sodas into the school cafeteria. Parents should arrive at school in time to get a visitor’s pass and report to the lunchroom hallway five minutes before the scheduled lunch time. Please always let the teacher know ahead of time if you plan to eat with your child.
Parents are invited to have lunch with their child at the end of September. Please wait for an announcement from the principal that parents/family can come to school to have lunch with their child.
A monthly menu will be posted in the classroom and the daily menu will be read during morning announcements. Occasionally there will be a menu change due to late deliveries or snow days.
You can find links to BCS menus here:
Please note that any outside food brought in for special snacks or birthday treats cannot be consumed until the last student has been served lunch. This will be at approximately 12:30 PM. Should you desire to bring in a special snack for your child’s birthday or another event, please coordinate this with your child’s teacher so as not to conflict with our lunchroom policies. In addition, any food brought into the school to be shared with students must be store bought with ingredients listed. Please allow school staff to distribute snacks due to their knowledge and understanding of students’ allergies and dietary needs. Our school also encourages healthy snacks and choices. Please refer to the School Wellness section in this handbook for more information.
Ongoing Reminders
- Please do not check your child out between 1:55-2:55 so that we can have a safe and calm dismissal for students each day.
- Please always let us know in writing if there is a transportation change for your child.
- Please let us know by 1:00 pm if you are changing your child's regular dismissal procedure.
Important Links for Parents/Caregivers
Contact Weaverville Elementary School
Phone: 828-645-3127
Address: 129 South Main St., Weaverville, NC 28787
Mary Nichols - Principal (
Whitley Burleson - Administrative Intern (
Maggie Wheeless - Counselor (
*Please email both office staff if you have a dismissal change.
Dawn Flanigan-Bryson - Data Manager (
- attendance
- student information/records
- immunizations
- enrollment
Ashley Mendoza - Head Secretary (
- general inquiries
- money questions related to school
- bus questions