SVDP Newsletter
May 23, 2020
Dear SVDP Community,
As we move into our final week of instruction, teachers will be collecting assignments and finishing up classes. Then they will connect with our students through our end of the year events before the summer break commences (see information below).
Like our students, the staff mourns the loss of time in each other's company this trimester. We recognize that the uncertainty of the fall is heavy on the minds of our community members. Saint Vincent de Paul School is actively making plans for our return to school in Fall 2020. Given the necessity of complying with local health regulations and the uncertain trajectory of this pandemic, we are designing a variety of contingency plans in order to ensure that we reopen with as little disruption to our families and schedule as possible (see survey button below).
We understand that every scenario, (aside from five on-campus, full-schedule school days a week), will impact your own schedules and routines. So that we can better understand the variety of circumstances and mindsets within our community, please take a moment to provide feedback to this survey.
As always, we will continue to hold our students in the center of all our actions and find solutions so they can continue to grow, learn, and thrive. While we don't have a crystal ball, we will keep you informed of plans and decisions as they unfold.
End of Year Events 2020
Online instruction will come to a close on Thursday, May 28th. Please support your student in completing and submitting any school work or projects by Friday, May 29th. Teachers and the administration will be assessing academic growth by evaluating student work and participation. The grade book will be closed to viewing by parents and students until June 12th when a hard copy of report cards will be mailed home.
SVDP typically celebrates the close of the school year with many traditional community events. This year is no different...except for the mode of participation and communication. Everything this year will be done virtually. You can find a list of the events below.
Please note (per schedule below) the times students will gather with their classmates to view an event or just to chitchat and socialize with friends.
On June 1st and June 2nd (see time below), one parent from each family is invited to come to school to pick up their student's classroom materials and work. You should also bring any textbooks, library books, or uniform donations you have at home. Items not picked up will be discarded. Families unable to arrange pick up are still responsible to return textbooks and library books by the end of June. Please adhere to all CDC and SFHPD guidelines when entering the courtyard.
Yearbook production has been delayed. Shipment is due mid-June. A notification will go out to families when yearbooks are ready for distribution.
And the art auction race is on!
It's time to check out the Blazers & Baubles Art Auction.
Updated - School Calendar 2020-2021
St Vincent de Paul School
Email: administration@svdpsf.com
Website: Svdpsf.com
Location: 2350 Green Street
Phone: (415)-346-5505