Zebra Family Update!
November 2022
A season of gratitude!
This month, we welcomed two new staff members to the LHS staffulty - Ms. Kris Gianola and Ms. Nancy Monroe. Both are LHS grads, and they are joining our team to help us launch our LHS Wellness Center! This is a resource open to ALL students (and staff!) and will become a space where students can take a break, reset, and get the support that they may need to be their best selves! We are thrilled to partner with PCOE to make this Wellness Center commitment a reality. Our official launch will be in January - stay tuned!.
* We have launched a new intervention period this year. It's a slow start, but students report that they feel more caught up on their homework and that they have time to check in with their teachers - that was the goal! Stay tuned for data around grades coming soon - that's the real goal - that we have more Cs and better for semester credit reporting!
* We have hosted a couple of college visits this fall, including a multiday tour of southern CA colleges! 50 students joined us! We've also brought over a dozen colleges to LHS to meet with students and we helped to coordinate the regional college fair in October at RHS.
* Our CTE programs continue to work together to support career readiness by working with industry leaders to provide activities (like Cyber Patriot) and Internships (around town!) for our students to put their skills to work!
* It's hard to believe, but we are preparing for our 23/24 school year already. We have several new courses coming on board for next year, including courses for two new pathways (one in arts/media/entertainment, and one for education, plus new levels in our video game design courses)! Students will begin to select courses in January.
* Our fall sports kicked off so well - there has been learning and growth at all levels for all sports. We are proud of our play-off success for Varsity Football and Varsity Girls Volleyball, and Girls Golf and Cross Country XC is wrapping up their season with sectional meets!
* We are thrilled to open our winter sports season this month - wrestling (Boys and Girls), Boys and Girls Soccer, and Boys and Girls Basketball coming to our facilities soon!
* We are excited to be preparing to launch a Lacrosse program at LHS this spring...if your student is interested, reach out to Mr. Morris at kmorris@wpusd.org!
* Mrs. MacQueen and our student leadership class hosted amazing Zoos for our athletics programs, a celebration of our historic football teams, and very fun homecoming week.
* Our community has been celebrating our diverse campus culture with activities like Dias De Los Muertos, French Club Spooky Haunted House, and honoring Mexican Independence Day
* We are proud of our clubs for bringing in special guest speakers and supporters who are encouraging our students and building up our student leaders. Our FFA just returned from a 5 day trip to Indy to attend the National FFA Conference!
* We hosted Breaking Down the Walls in October with over 250 student participants experiencing community - the big takeaway is that it's difficult to be unkind to someone whose story you know!
* We are launching a freshman experience program this fall...our fall quarter activity was a freshmen tailgate for football with over 100 freshman and upper class students in attendance...be watching for another gathering soon!
* Our incredible theater program is hosting a joint production with TBHS of Julius Caesar - opening weekend will be 11/10-12!
* Our choir has dozens of performances lined up this winter to help us celebrate the holidays
* Our floral class designed, delivered, and installed a flowers for a wedding and reception at Catta Verdera
* We got our new band teacher on board and our students successfully worked collaboratively to produce a halftime show involving band, cheer, and dance this fall - amazing!
Resources for Students and Families about Fentanyl
In September, we hosted student assemblies for all LHS and PHS students. In mid-October, we hosted a parent night about Fentanyl for our community. In November (on 11/14 at 6pm), we'll host a similar parent education night in Spanish.
Click here for a list of resources shared by the presenter, as well as a copy of the recorded session from Lincoln HS. A copy of the session from Del Oro HS is coming soon (featuring some different speakers and stories). We will add resources from the Spanish night in late November.
Julius Caesar
FFA Turkey Trot
The Lincoln FFA Chapter is hosting a Turkey Trot 5k community event on Saturday November 19th at the Lincoln High School Farm! The 5k is all in good fun, and not an actual race, we will not be recording times or places. You can walk it, run it, dance through it or complete it any way you choose! Families are welcome and encouraged to attend! The course is plotted through the wetlands area at the farm, so it will be a fun and scenic route to take.
Registration is $35 which includes a t-shirt, and a tri-tip sandwich lunch after your trot! Registration closes on November 10th! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Jessica Armistead (jarmistead@wpusd.org) or Jacob Willhite (jwillhite@wpusd.org)!
LHS Peer Tutoring!
LHS offers an incredible tutoring program that is designed to help students get their homework done, get organized, to ask questions, to get reteaching, and even to take care of test retakes (for some teachers!). We are prepared to offer support in all content areas taught at LHS. The program starts in mid-September, so be watching for more details.
- In Person at LHS Library or online using Google Meet - code: LHStutoring
- M-F from 7:15-8:15am
- M from 2:30-4:30pm
- T-Th from 3:30-5:30pm
Keep in mind, that the library hosts our tutoring program to support students with learning. The library is not open for hanging out during tutoring times - all students must be actively involved in some type of academic activity during the tutoring program hours if they are in the library.
Counseling, College & Career Corner
Each month, the LHS counselors will provide you with information on hot topic items as well as areas of focus with students. Stay tuned for information on all things college, school success, academic planning and mental health support. Should you need to reach out to your child’s counselor, here is our contact information:
Julia Kent: Last names A-Di, jkent@wpusd.org ext 37833
Sherri Sandoval: Last names D0-La, ssandoval@wpusd.org ext 37830
Misty Alarcon: Last names Le-Re, malarcon@wpusd.org ext 37832
Robyn Court: Last names Rh-Z, rcourt@wpusd.org ext 37831
Sruti Vadgama, College & Career Technician, svadgama@wpsud.org
Supporting Student’s Academic Success
With the recent release of progress grades, you have a GREAT opportunity to see how your child is progressing in his/her classes. Please be sure to check those grades by going into the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Mrs. Hladun recently sent out detailed instructions via Parent Square on how to access those grades.
Taking an interest in your child’s grades is important for his/her success. Naturally, if your child’s progress is not satisfactory, there are ways to get help. Following are some suggestions:
Talk with your child and listen to their report about what is happening in class. His/her perspective is important. Brainstorm solutions, including some of the options below.
Your child can access our peer tutoring program in the library before or after school. We have in person and virtual options available. If you need more information, please contact the office.
Contact your child’s teacher to understand what is happening in class from the teacher’s perspective. Teachers can easily be reached via email. To locate a teachers email address, please go to the staff directory on the LHS website.
Schedule a Parent/Teacher conference to meet with all the teachers at one time. This is a great option if your child is struggling in multiple classes. Please contact the counseling secretary, Mrs. Emerson if you would like to schedule this.
College Corner
November is an important month for preparing for college. Here are three items Seniors and Senior Parents should be aware of:
Financial Aid for Seniors: Cash For College Event on 11/9 at 6pm. ALL seniors need to apply for financial aid regardless of their post high school plans. This is a new requirement that aims to ensure that all students have access to financial support for their next step after high school. Come on November 9th to get expert help in completing the FAFSA or CADAA application. See the flier below!
UC/CSU Application due on 11/30 for Fall 2023 admissions: The counselors have been meeting with seniors individually and offering group application sessions during Government or Economics for extra help. It is recommended that students have a counselor double check their applications for accuracy prior to submission. Students can make an appointment with their counselor for individualized support by scanning the counselor's appointment QR code posted on flyers around campus. We recommend getting those applications submitted EARLY! Sometimes the sites crash at the last minute, so make sure they don’t delay in getting them done.
Sierra College Application Support: Students applying to Sierra College are encouraged to complete the application by December. The process involves multiple steps and it is crucial that once students apply, they check their Sierra College email account regularly for additional instructions. Alistar Turner is our Sierra College Representative and he is available in our library from 12:30 - 2:15 to help with applications or answer questions on the following dates: Oct 27, Nov 10, Dec. 1 & Dec 15th. See a flier with more details below.
Sierra College Enrollment Support
Caps and Gowns!
What's coming up?
- Wednesday, 11/9: College & Career T-Shirt Spirit Day
- Wednesday, 11/9: FAFSA/CADAA Cash for College Night
- Thursday-Saturday, 11/10-12, LHS Theater: Julius Caesar Production (details above!)
- Thursday, 11/10: ASVAB (military career pre-assessment) administered (see Mrs. Emerson)
- Thursday, 11/10, 12:30-2:15, Library: Sierra College Enrollment Support
- Friday 11/11: No School (Veterans Day)
- Week of 11/14: Winter Sports Season Starts!
- Monday, 11/14: ELAC Meeting - focus on Fentanyl
- Monday, 11/21-Friday, 11/25: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- Thursday, 12/1, 12:30-2:15pm, Library: Sierra College Enrollment Support
- Thursday, 12/15, 12:30-2:15pm, Library: Sierra College Enrollment Support
- Monday, 12/19-Thursday, 12/22: Finals Week
- Thursday, 12/22: End of Semester 1
- Friday, 12/23-Friday, 1/6: No School (Winter Break)
January & February 2023
- Monday, 1/16: No School (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
- Wednesday, 1/18: Lincoln High School "Zebra Showcase" for incoming students
- Week of January 23rd: Winter Homecoming (Dance on Sat., 1/28)
Visit our community and athletics calendars for more details on special activities, sports, and school events!
What We Stand For:
Vision: Lincoln High School empowers students to develop their potential, to advocate for themselves, and to make a lifelong positive contribution to the community.
Mission: Lincoln High School creates opportunities for all students to gain the education and experiences needed to be successful, knowledgeable, and responsible contributors to society.
Learn about our Student Learning Outcomes here.
Connect with Us!
- Facebook @LincolnHighSchoolWPUSD
- Insta @lhsfightingzebras
- School and Athletics Calendars are here!
Staff Directory
- This directory contains some staff who are no longer at LHS, but it also includes all of our current staff
Specific Course Information
- All of our teachers posted information about their class on Schoology - parents and students can always go back to revisit syllabi and a video introducing your teacher on their Schoology pages: https://wpusd.schoology.com/ > Courses > Select tile for the class you want to learn more about!
General School/Course Information
- Website: lhs.wpusd.org
- Course Catalog: https://lhs.wpusd.org/academics/course-offerings/course-catalog
- Handbook: https://lhs.wpusd.org/our-school/about-us/student-handbook
Email: jhladun@wpusd.org
Website: lhs.wpusd.org
Location: 790 J Street, Lincoln, CA, USA
Phone: 916 645 6360