Tiger Talk
WCH Upcoming Events
There is a lot going on around WCH. You can always find a list of events on our website calendar also.
- 09/27 - 09/30 - Fall Book Fair
- 09/29 - Kardivas "Get-toKnow-You" Party (5th grade girls)
- 09/30 - Cupcake Friday
New On-line Dismissal Management System
For your convenience, West Cypress Hills Elementary proudly announces that we will begin utilizing a new on-line dismissal management system in October. It is dependable, easy to use, and can be updated by parents and guardians from the convenience of their smart phones, tablets, and PCs. For more information regarding this new system, please click here.
WCH Fall Scholastic Book Fair
September 27-30th, Tuesday - Friday
The WCH Fall Book Fair is coming! Students will preview books with their classes in the library on Friday, Sept. 23rd and Monday, Sept. 26th. Sales will begin Tuesday, Sept. 27th. There will be a great selection of books for the entire family, and every purchase benefits our school library!
Book Fair Hours
Tues. 09/27 - 7:00am - 6:30pm (Kona Ice will be here from 3:15pm - 6:30pm)
Wed. 09/28 - 7:00am - 4:00pm
Thurs. 09/29 - 7:00am - 4:00pm
Fri. 09/30 - 7:00am - 12:00pm
*The library will be open from 7:00 - 7:20am ONLY for students with a parent. In order for all students to get to their classrooms on time, morning sales will stop at 7:30am. Your children will be welcome to make their purchases throughout the school day based on teacher approval.
Kardivas "Get-to-Know-You" Kick-off Party (5th Grade Girls)
Thursday, September 29th, 2:50pm - 4:00pm, rm 508
Kardivas is a girls club beginning its 12th year in Lake Travis ISD, dedicated to providing a nurturing, loving environment where girls can develop life long character and values through fun activities and supportive mentors. Click here to find out more about this fun program and for the permission slip.Destination Imagination Team
Is your child creative? Do they like team work and problem-solving? If you answered yes to any of these items, then your child might be interested in joining the WCH Destination Imagination Team. Click here for more details and the permission slip. Permission slips are due by October 3rd.
LTISD in need of Nurse Substitutes
Are you a registered nurse? Love working with children? Lake Travis ISD has an opportunity for you! The district is in need of substitute nurses. If interested, please contact Nurse Hensel.
Free Flu Vaccinations on October 7th!
LTISD is partnering with Healthy Schools and E3 Alliance to offer free flu vaccinations to all elementary and middle school students in the district. The CDC no longer endorses flu mist vaccinations therefore flu vaccinations will be given by injection. Parent letters and consent forms wills be included in today's Tuesday folders. In order for your child to have the flu vaccination on October 7th, a signed consent form MUST be returned to your child's teacher by Friday, September 30. Please contact Nurse Hensel with any questions.
Thank you to WCH PTO
Thank you to Hasler Brothers Steakhouse and Frost Gelato for donating gifts cards for door prizes at last week's Fun Doughnut Friday. And, a huge thank you to WCH PTO board members Kelly Peters and Barby Schmidt along with the Teacher Appreciation Committee for hosting Fun Friday Doughnut Day for our WCH teachers and staff!
Calling all Watch DOG (Dads of Great Students) Dads
Please access the sign up Volunteer to set up your dates to be a Watch DOG at WCH. We are excited to have you volunteer this year! Still need to order your Watch DOGS t-shirt? Please click on one of the following links: Adult T-Shirt / Child T-Shirt Please contact JL Stevens if you have any questions.
APEX Fun Run Coming Soon!
Save the Date
Oct. 18th - APEX Kickoff Pep Rally
Oct. 27th - APEX LEGEND Fun Run
Stay tuned - more information coming soon!
Collect Box Tops for Education
The class with the most Box Tops each semester will win a special prize! Just look for pink non-expired Box Tops, neatly clip them on the dotted lines, and have your child turn them into your child's teacher. This week's Tuesday folder will include a collection sheet.
Artsonia is back!
Order Your Copy of the 2016-17 LTISD Student Directory
Don't miss out! Have all the information you need for the school year! The directory is printed and bound and contains student contact information as well as information for each LTISD school and all district offices. With all the growth and change in our district, you will definitely want at least one for your family. $2 from each sale will go back to our campus. Help our school AND help yourself... It's a WIN-WIN. Click here to print the order form. You can send the completed form and payment to the front office with your student. Please make checks payable to LTHS PTO. Please contact directory@lthspto.org with any questions.
E-Tuesday Folder from LTISD District
Click on the links below for more information on the following district events:
Kinder Team
1st Grade Team
2nd Grade Team
3rd Grade Team
4th Grade Team
5th Grade Team
Special Areas
Cathy Seidenberger, Missa Mayes, Christy Mirizzi, Chelsea Hill, Lindsie Davis & Marlowe Macintyre
Special Education Teachers
Office Staff
More Information about WCH
West Cypress Hills Elementary
Website: www.ltisdschools.org/wch
Location: 6112 Cypress Ranch Boulevard, Travis County, TX, United States
Phone: 512-533-7500
Twitter: @principalwch