Junior BETA Club and Prep BETA Club
The National Junior BETA Club Preparation Invitation
Dear Parent,
Congratulations! Your child (name listed below) has been identified as a potential student who illustrates potential academic rigor, character, and citizenship required to work towards joining The National Junior Beta Club.
Middle School Students (6-8 Grade)
Ashley Corker- Rising 8th Grader
Daxton Williams - Rising 8th Grader
Elementary (4-5 Grade)
Jalen Shepard- Rising 5th Grader
Judah Benton- Rising 4th Grader
Solana Stewart - Rising 4th Grader
Teliah Grier- Rising 4th Grader
The National Junior Beta Club- Admission Process
Who qualifies for membership in The National Junior Beta Club?
Students who have earned all A’s and B’s or hold, at least, a 3.5 GPA. Additionally, the student must exemplify strong character in all classes, and have maintained role model behavior throughout the school year.
What’s next?
Now that you child has been identified, we will take first semester 2018 and work with them to achieve a 3.5 GPA. Those students who obtain this GPA will be selected in The National Junior Beta Club!
Over the summer, there will be parent/child meetings to prep for the upcoming academic year. Also during the summer, there will be some practice work for him or her to work to keep them academically alert and involved. This work will be administered electronically.
Prep BETA Club Invitations
Elementary School (1-2 Grade)
McKenzie Shepard - Rising 3th Grader
Addison Park - Rising 2th Grader
Farrah Collins - Rising 2th Grader
Jerimah Kea - Rising 1st Grader
Program Sponsors
Temeka L. Abbott, PhD
Dana Shepard