Tiger Talk
This Week at Trinity
March 10th - 23rd
Monday, March 10th -
Lutheran School Week
Dress-Down Day: Favorite Sports Team
8:15 - 8:45 AM: K-8 Chapel led by 6th Grade
9:00 - 9:20 AM: EC Assembly - Tuba Tunes
2:00 - 2:45 PM: Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition in Parish Hall
3:00 - 4:30 PM: Track & Field Practice
Tuesday, March 11th -
Lutheran Schools Week
Dress-Down Day: Dress Like First Responders
8:15 - 8:30 AM: Lutheran Schools Week Devotions in the Parish Hall
8:30 - 8:45 AM: Faith Families - Make Cards for First Responders
3:00 - 4:30 PM: Track & Field Practice
5:00 - 7:00 PM: Scholastic Bowl Meet @ Williamsville
6:00 - 7:00 PM: Open House
Wednesday, March 12th -
Lutheran Schools Week
Dress-Down Day: Favorite Book Character
8:15 - 8:30 AM: Lutheran Schools Week Devotions in the Parish Hall
9:30 - 10:45 AM: LuHi Students Read to K-4 Students
3:00 - 4:30 PM: Winter Sports Team Pictures (Cheer, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball)
5:00 - 6:30 PM: Lenten Meal in Cafeteria - Pizza (Youth Group)
6:30 - 7:30 PM: Lenten Worship Service in Parish Hall
Thursday, March 13th -
Lutheran Schools Week
Dress-Down Day: Dress Like a Trinity Teacher
National Popcorn Day
8:15 - 8:30 AM: Lutheran Schools Week Devotions in the Parish Hall
10:00 - 11:00 AM: Mad Science Assembly in Parish Hall
3:00 - 4:30 PM: Track & Field Practice
6:00 - 7:30 PM: All-School Family Glow Dance in the Gym
Friday, March 14th -
End of 3rd Quarter
Lutheran Schools Week
Dress-Down Day: Class Choice
National Potato Chip Day
8:15 - 8:30 AM: Lutheran Schools Week Devotions in the Parish Hall
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM: Obstacle Course in the Gym
Saturday, March 15th -
5:30 - 6:30 PM: Worship Service
Sunday, March 16th -
8:00 - 9:00 AM: Worship Service
9:30 - 10:15 AM: Bible Study & Sunday School
10:30 - 11:30 AM: Worship Service
Monday, March 17th - Friday, March 21st -
Spring Break - No School
*Lenten Meal & Worship on Wednesday, March 19th at School Campus
Saturday, March 22nd -
5:30 - 6:30 PM: Worship Service
Sunday, March 23rd -
8:00 - 9:00 AM: Worship Service
9:30 - 10:15 AM: Bible Study & Sunday School
10:30 - 11:30 AM: Worship Service
Lutheran Schools Week Observed - March 10th - 14th
Please see below for some of the exciting things that will be happening during our special week to celebrate our Lutheran school. It is sure to be fun!
A Busy March at Trinity!
Upcoming March Events
10-14: Lutheran School Week Observed (More Details Above)
11: Open House (6-7 PM)
13: All-School Family Glow Dance (6-7:30 PM)
14: End of the 3rd Quarter
17-21: Spring Break
27: Optional Parent-Teacher Conferences (3-6 PM)
28: Spirit Day: Tie-Dye & Neon Day
Quarterly Chapel Offering - 3rd Quarter
World Vision
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. For the third quarter, we will be collecting offering to help get clean water in third world countries.
If you would like to donate to this cause right now, please click on the following link:
This is the last week of this project! If we can raise $500 as a school, there will be a special treat reward for each class. If we can raise $1000 as a school, there will be a special treat reward for each class & a special celebration at the end of the school year. More details to come! The door decorating contest collection is also going towards this project.
Tiger League News
Upcoming Tiger League Events
*3rd Annual All-School Family Dance - Thursday, March 13th from 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Join us for the 3rd Annual All-School Family Dance - Come dressed in your glow in the dark gear and enjoy some music, dancing, and snacks. Some snacks and drinks will be available for purchase in the concession stand. Admission is $1 per student and parents are free. All students from Two-Year-Old Town through 8th grade and their parents are invited to come. In order for our Tiger League to make this extra special, they are in need of some more volunteers. Please click on the link below to sign up to help out. Thanks for considering it!
*Pie Sales - April (for Easter)
*Teacher Appreciation Week @ School - Monday, May 5th - Friday, May 9th
*In addition, Tiger League organizes and runs our school uniform exchange. More information on this coming soon!
Music News
Trinity Band – Announcing Exciting Spring 2025 Activities!!
Friday, Mar 21 Lutheran Honor Band in Peoria
Our top band students will spend the day with the best Lutheran band
students from all over Illinois!
Tuesday, Apr 8 Instrument Testing Day – Grades 3-7
Discover which instrument is the easiest for you to play. Get a head start on lessons over the summer and join the band in fall 2025
Saturday, Apr 26 Musical Showcase/Fine Arts Night
Winter Sports Team Pictures
Who: Cheer, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball
What: Team & Individual Pictures
When: Wednesday, March 12th - after school
Where: School Gym
Why: To Remember Their Seasons and Teams
Track & Field Coaches Needed
It is almost Track & Field Season and we are in need of coaches! If you are interested in learning more about how to apply as a coach, please contact our Athletic Director, Reed Gwillim, at athletics@trinity-lutheran.com. Thanks for considering it!
Monthly Themes
Each month, the Early Childhood classrooms use weekly thematic units to support all of the skills they are working on (fine motor skills, gross motor skills, social skills, letters, colors, numbers, shapes, and much more). Please see below for the list of the themes for this month.
September - Apples, Farm, Leaves/Fall, Emotions/Kindness
October - Human Body, Pumpkins, Spiders, Fire Safety, Halloween
November - Friendship, Bears, Thanksgiving
December - Gingerbread Friends, Advent, Christmas
January - Winter/Snow, Polar Animals, Transportation, Nursery Rhymes
February - Dental Health, Valentine's Day, Community Helpers
March - Space, Dr. Seuss, St. Patrick's Day
April - Insects, Holy Week, Easter, Earth Day/Recycling, Spring
May - Bodies of Water, Dinosaurs, Family, End of the Year Fun
Early Childhood Reminders
- Please send a reusable water bottle (labeled with your child's name) to school. The teachers will send it home with your child on their last day of each school week to be deep cleaned.
- Please make sure your little one wears tennis shoes each day.
- If your child attends full days, they can either bring a sack lunch or purchase a hot lunch. Hot lunches cost $3.50 a day. You can put money on your child's lunch account in the school office at any time.
- If your child attends full day, please be sure to send a blanket, a pillow, and a stuffed buddy. That will all come home in your child's nap bag on Fridays to be washed and returned to school the following week.
- Please send at least one-two changes of clothes with your child. Please label them with your child's name.
- If your child is in Two-Year-Old Town and not fully potty-trained, please send a package of diapers and baby wipes labeled with their first and last name.
Early Childhood Parents' Night Information
Who: All Early Childhood Students (Two-Year-Old Town, Yellow PS Room, & both Pre-K Rooms)
What: Let's Have a Ball! (Sports Theme)
When: Thursday, May 1st from 6-7 PM
Where: Trinity's School Gym
Why: To Celebrate the End of the School Year Together
*There will be games, a craft, a photo booth, a reading corner, and goody bags!
Memory Work - Week of March 10th
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5
Tiger Newz Video Announcements
Some of our middle school students present the daily announcements every morning through live video. There is a private YouTube channel that both classes and parents can view. Please see below for a link to that. Enjoy!
Elements of Success
Each month we learn about a "c" word and we celebrate students who are showing what they have learned. Please see below for the entire list of these elements of success.
Monthly Elements
September - Compassion
October - Composure
November - Citizenship
December - Communication
January - Creativity
February - Collaboration
March - Clear Thinking
April - Curiosity
May - Review All Elements
Please visit click on this link: https://trinity-lutheran.com/school/about-our-school/ to learn more about our Elements of Success.
Safety Patrol - Week of March 10th
Office Side - Camden, Bella, Suzi (Subs: Jacen & Callum)
Parish Hall Side - Kalen, Reeve, Zoey (Subs: Justin, Liam)
Lunch Reminders
Additional Entree for Hot Lunch
Students can purchase an additional entree for 75 cents. Please make sure if your child wants to do this that they tell their homeroom teacher when they take lunch count, so the teacher can enter it properly in the computer. Please let us know if you have any questions.Cold Lunch Info
If your child is cold lunch, please do not pack them soda or candy. Also, please try to include something substantial like a sandwich and fruit. A well-balanced meal will help them have energy and focus for the rest of the school day. Please do not bring them fast food unless it is a special occasion like a birthday. Thanks so much for your cooperation with this!
Extended Care Reminders
Important Information
- If your child is in tutoring, their siblings will not be free of charge.
- If your child has tutoring from 3:15 - 3:45 PM, a ten minute pick up window will be allowed before a charge is assessed.
- Please make sure your child is aware of their tutoring schedule.
- If your child has basketball or cheer practice that doesn't start until 4:00 PM, a short stay fee of $6.00 will be assessed.
- Please make sure your child knows their practice schedule.
- The late fee will now be $2.00 (as opposed to $1.00).
- Please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing for winter. We go outside when temperatures permit even if it is only for 10-15 minutes.
- Thanks for taking note of these things!
No Afternoon Extended Care
Friday, May 23rd
Youth Lenten Meal This Week
Please come to the Lenten Meal run by our youth group this coming Wednesday, March 12th. All free-will donations will support our Youth Group going to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this coming July.
Lutheran High News
Summer Basketball & Volleyball Camp
Please click on the link below to register your children for basketball and volleyball camp through Lutheran High School!
Let's Glow Auction
Lutheran High will be holding the annual Auction on April 4th at The Northfield Center. Reserve your spot for $50 per person by March 24th. The Let's Glow Auction committee is also asking for donations. Please consider donating an item. Items can be dropped off at the school or contact Kim Haynes at k.haynes@spiluhi.org for pickup. Come and enjoy a night of fellowship as we support the Let's Glow Auction.
Proposed Design of Lutheran High School's New Exterior
Proposed Design of Lutheran High School's New Gym
Sharing Our Blessings
Lenten Meals 2025
Each Wednesday during Lent, different groups will be serving a meal from 5:30-6:30 pm in the school cafeteria. Lenten services will follow in the Parish Hall at 6:30 pm.
Mar. 12 - Pizza served by Trinity’s Youth Group
Mar. 19 - Hamburgers and Hot Dogs served by the Men’s Group
Mar. 26 - Pulled Chicken served by Ladies Aid
Apr. 2 - Mostaccioli served by MomCo
Apr. 9 - Pulled Pork served by the Lutheran High Board of Directors
March Men's Bible Study
All men of Trinity-congregation members and school dads--are invited to join us on the third Saturday of each month in the Church narthex for fellowship time and Bible study. On March 15th, we will begin a new study called "If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat" (Preface and Chapter 1). Book and study guides are available for a $15.00 donation. Please contact Bill Denham at 217.720.0339. Starting a new study is a good time to start attending!
Women's Bible Study
Join Deaconess Sharp for a women of the Bible based study, to dive deep into scripture and focus on our vocations. Classes will be at the School Campus in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, March 19 at 9:30am and Thursday, March 20 at 6:30pm. We would love for you to join us for one of these Bible study opportunities!
GriefShare Support/Recovery Group
No matter what the circumstances, grief is a painful, confusing process. GriefShare is a safe place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. At this weekly support group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief and gain solid support each step of the way. At each meeting, you will view a video on grief-related topics, have a small-group discussion to allow people time to talk & share support. Everyone will receive a workbook to take home filled with valuable exercises for navigating their personal grieving process. Meetings will begin Tuesday evenings, 3/18/25 at the school location in the Parish Hall (a few classes will be in the library) from 6-8pm. If any questions or to pre-register, please go to GriefShare.org or contact Joleen Hoff, #217-899-9418 or trinitygriefshare@yahoo.com.
Quilts for Missions
Help those in need by assembling tied quilts for missions in the Parish Hall on Fridays Jan. 10 until Apr. 11 from 8:30 am to 2 pm. Come for as long as you can! Bring a sack lunch if you plan to stay all day. Please join us in this project that will benefit people around the world. For more information, contact Paula at 217-652-7500.
What is Drill Sargeant Parenting?
In 1990, Foster Cline and I published Parenting with Love and Logic and first introduced the concepts of Drill Sergeant parenting and Helicopter Parenting. Since then, these concepts have permeated the parenting world and have proven very useful. These days, the stress and strain of our world take a tremendous toll on many parents and lower their patience and tolerance with their kids. This is often reflected in parents calling Love and Logic and asking for help with their disobedient kids. These parents often tell us that their kids will not obey their orders or demands, no matter what they say, how they say it, or how loud they say it.
Barking orders and making demands are characteristic behaviors of drill sergeant parents—these are parents who try to command and direct the lives of their children. A drill sergeant parent implies, “You can’t think. I have to do your thinking for you.” They tend to avoid giving children opportunities to make decisions on their own so they can learn from their mistakes.
Recognizing Drill Sergeant Parents
Drill sergeant parents are easily recognized, even in profile. They’re the ones with the jutting jaws, ramrod spines, and admonishing index fingers. They’re also known by the familiar word sequence, “I don’t care how you feel. I want it done, and I want it done NOW!”
I know those words well. Growing up, I did a lot of saluting to them. Whenever my father said those words, I jumped up and did it, whatever it was, right then. I swore I was never going to be like him.
My first words in a classroom and as a parent were those familiar words. Starting out, I succeeded with not being like my father. I was a good Helicopter parent instead. However, when I was stressed, strained, or running on automatic pilot with my children, every time I opened my mouth, my dad popped out. Let’s look at an example of a drill sergeant mother and a solution for her.
Crossing the Line
Tony's mom has had it. She's tired of waiting for him to empty the dishwasher.
"I’m tired of this," she yells. "Get in there and take care of your job and do it this minute! And I mean it this time!"
In Tony's mind, his mom crossed the line between allowing him to feel some control over the situation to not letting him have any control. Typical kids, at this point, will try to regain control, and when they do, it’s not a pretty situation.
"Yeah, you can forget it," he screams. "You can't tell me what to do. I'm not your slave!" Here, Mom used fighting words as she tried to take total control. Tony retaliated by escalating the fight.
Use Thinking Words Instead
We create thinking words when we tell others what we are going to do. We create fighting words when we tell others what they are going to do. After learning the difference between fighting words and thinking words at her Love and Logic class, Mom tried a different approach.
As it was getting close to the time when Tony needed to be taken to his soccer game, his mom told him, “Tony, I'll be driving you to your soccer game when you've got the carpet vacuumed.”
Tony responded as he usually did by saying, “I'll do it later, Mom. I've got to get my equipment ready.” She simply replied, "No problem, Tony."
This caught him off guard, and he asked, "What do you mean, no problem?" Mom turned and walked away.
When she reported the results to her class, she said, "A few minutes later I heard the vacuum running. I didn't recognize it because that was the first time I ever heard it from a distance. It was at that point I knew my life was changing for the better and that my son was learning to accept responsibility."
Effective Parenting Starts with the Right Approach
Love and Logic believes that being consultant parents is the best way to help kids learn how to make responsible decisions in their lives. Our audio, Helicopters, Drill Sergeants, and Consultants, is a timeless resource that has more insights for how Love and Logic can help you become a consultant parent.
Thanks for reading!
Links to Helpful Information on Trinity's Website
- Faculty and Staff Directory: https://trinity-lutheran.com/school/faculty-staff/
- School Spirit Day Schedule: https://trinity-lutheran.com/school/calendars/
- Weekly Church eNewsletter: https://trinity-lutheran.com/news-events/
- Elements of Success: https://trinity-lutheran.com/school/
- School Year Music Schedule: https://trinity-lutheran.com/school/calendars/