1/4 Newsletter
St. Petronille Catholic School
A Note from Mr. Schmidt
Happy New Year! I hope every one of our families and students had a wonderful break! We cannot wait to see everyone on Monday to kick off the second half of the school year!
As we get back in the swing of things, please keep in mind re-enrolling for the 2025-26 school year. You should have received an email through FACTS before break with instructions on completing the enrollment packet for next school year for your returning students. Please complete the packet by January 17. If you are planning on applying for a new student to come to St. Pets next year, please make sure to complete an application for them by February 7. The online application can be found on our website and also linked below this letter.
Please reach out with any questions. I hope everyone is ready for Monday!
God bless,
Eric Schmidt
Coffee and Donuts After Mass on 1/12!
Trivia Night on 1/25!
Lights, Camera, Auction on March 8!
Plans are underway for the Key to the Future auction, the school’s premier fundraising event. Plan to join us on Saturday, March 8th for a night in old Hollywood to celebrate and support St. Petronille Catholic School.
Your help is needed to make this event a smashing success. The auction committee is looking for items, everyday and unique, to create exciting silent and live auction packages. Do you have access to a coveted item or experience that would garner a hefty donation at the auction? Do you want a premium table and tickets? There are a variety of sponsorship opportunities that include tickets. Check out the auction website for more information and learn how your participation can ensure auction success. Donations are due by 1/31/25.
For questions, auction@stpetschool.org Thank you for your consideration.
Save the Date for Heritage Night
Backpack Mail
Fr. Jerome's Letter to the Parish
Enrichment Clubs 2025
Chicago Wolves Family Day
On the Calendar
Monday, January 6: Classes resume
Sunday, January 12: Donut Sunday following 9:30 AM mass
Friday, January 17: T2 Mid-Trimester Progress Reports
Monday, January 20: NO CLASSES - MLK Day
Tuesday, January 21: MLK Mass at 9:30 AM
Wednesday, January 22: Spelling Bee at 1:30 PM in PLC
Sunday, January 26: Catholic Schools Week Mass at 11:30 AM, School Open House to follow until 2:00 PM
Follow Us on Social Media!
Important Links
Quest Hot Lunch
Stay in the know with PO!
Learn more about St. Petronille!
Website: www.stpetschool.org
Location: 425 Prospect Avenue, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630-469-5041