Boys Town Skill of the Week
Working With Others
Working With Others
Students sometimes have difficulty working with others, especially when assigned to work with someone outside their group of friends or with someone they do not know very well. It is important for students to develop skills so that they can work with everyone. This week's skill focuses on working as a team so students can successfully complete projects or assignments and more importantly, gives them the skills they will need to work successfully with others they encounter in life.
Planned Teaching
Introduce the Skill
- Discuss what it means to be part of a team or group and what the attributes are of a good group or team member
Describe the Appropriate Behavior
- Identify the task to be completed
- Assign tasks to each person
- Discuss ideas in a calm, quiet voice and let everyone share his/her ideas
- Work on tasks until completed
Give a Reason
- You will get your work done in time
- Others will want to work with you on projects or assignments
- You might help someone learn something new
Practice with team building activities
- Cup stacking, cup stacking with rubber band tool, cup stacking puzzles'
- Minute to Win It partner games
- Board games promote good sportsmanship
- STEM Challenges
- See other team challenges below
- Be sure to frontload students with the expectations of working with others each time before they do group work
- Praise specific steps followed and give feedback on areas of improvement. Let students know you will be watching in order to "catch them" using the skill
- Continue to praise and re-teach as needed
Kagan Cooperative Learning
Kagan cooperative learning strategies
Other Ideas
- As a class, come up with a team name for your classroom
- Create team handshakes, songs, chants, cheers
- Integrate team builders into Morning Meeting
- End of the day/week meetings to wrap up - students offer praise and compliments for things that happened successfully - celebrate each other - discuss how to make difficult or unsuccessful things better next time
- Partner with older/younger grades to model and practice social skills & procedures
Read Alouds for getting along and working together
Spaghetti In a Hot Dog Bun
Shows how to do the right thing, even in challenging situations.
Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon
Molly gets picked on, but she knows how to respond.
Recess Queen
Mean Jean learns to be kind.
Hooway for Wodney Wat
Helps students see that even though we are different, we can still be friends.
Rude Cakes
Even the rudest of cakes can learn to change their ways.
Stick and Stone
Power of friends sticking together.
Crayon Box That Talked
When we all work together, things are more colorful and interesting.
Invisible Boy
About a boy nobody seems to notice until.....
Most Magnificent Thing
Persevering when we are frustrated and stuck.
Enemy Pie
The difficulties and rewards of making new friends.
Crabby Pants
When things don't go his way, he becomes very difficult. Until he finds a better way.
Do Unto Otters
Importance of following the Golden Rule.
Pixar short film "Piper"
Pixar's brand new short film "Piper" is about overcoming fears to be your best self and also shows how friends can help each other do that.
Hether Darnell
Academic & Behavior Facilitator
Tech Academy @Pettit Park
Location: 901 W Havens St, Kokomo, IN, United States
Phone: 765-454-7075
Twitter: @HetherDarnell