AVHS Student Services
News and Notes from the Counseling Department
Back To School 2024-25
We are looking forward to the start of the 2024-25 School Year! Here is some important information for you:
2024-25 Schedules:
Schedules for the 24-25 School year are available for viewing in Infinite Campus from Friday, August 16th through August 22nd.
2024-2025 Change Requests -- Because we staff the school and balance classes based on student selections, schedule changes are very rare but occasionally may happen. Schedule Change Request Forms are accepted through August 22nd. After that, schedules will be turned off while final balancing is completed. They will be turned back on for student viewing on Tuesday, August 27th.
**Before submitting a request, students should review all of the guidelines and instructions below before requesting adjustments.
- Seniors who need a course to fulfill a graduation requirement
- Students would like to opt into a more appropriate level of the course
- Students who have not met the required prerequisites to be in the course
- A clear error has been made (same class twice, wrong grade level, etc…)
- A special services need is required (SPED/ELD/504 Plan)
- Requests for a class to be a specific hour (*This includes moving a study hall to a specific period)
- Requests for a specific teacher
- Requested change would exceed class size capacity
- Desire to have a certain lunch schedule
- Requests to change an elective course to a different elective course (administration may consider these requests if it fits in the schedule and does not exceed class size capacity)
- Remember, all schedule change requests must be submitted to the appropriate counselor via the Google Form only. Schedule changes may be subject to parent approval, administrative approval and class availability, without exceeding max class size.
*Students wishing to request a schedule change can go to the AVHS Counseling Page (https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-counselors) go under “Resources” and click on “Registration and Scheduling” to select the appropriate counselor to submit their request.
**Because we are still enrolling new students and will be doing so into September, some schedules will change prior to the start of school on August 28th. Please be sure to follow the schedule posted in Campus on the morning of August 28th.
Lockers for the 2024-25 School Year: All 9th graders are assigned an academic locker at AVHS. The locker number and combination is found on your Campus Schedule and portal. Students in grades 10-12 can request a locker by filling out the 2024-25 Locker Request Form and one will be assigned to you (and will show up in your Campus portal).
Attention Juniors/Seniors with a T1, P1/P7 Study Hall: Juniors and Seniors who have a P1 or a P7 study hall in Trimester 1 may request to be out of the building during that time. To do so, a request should be submitted via the EDU Request Form
Back-To-School Night: Back-To-School Night – Thursday, August 22nd, 6pm-8pm.
Homecoming Week – September 23-28: Always an exciting time around AVHS! If you would like to purchase a 2024 Homecoming t-shirt, please click on the link below and select the appropriate color (by grade) and size. Shirts will be picked up at AVHS during lunch around September 24th.
AVHS School Store -- If you're looking for some new gear to start the school year off, look no further! Our online store is now open. Link Below:
Trimester Two "Pass/No Credit" Form Available
T2 Pass/No Credit Form is available online: https://forms.gle/WK3BPxSw945c1UPm6
Remember, students can only sign-up for one class as P/NC for the trimester. Students can only take the P/NC options for AVHS classes (not PSEO or Career Development classes). To earn credit, students must get to a passing mark of at least 60%. Students may be required to complete essential learnings as outlined by the instructor. The deadline to submit this online form is before 11:59pm on Monday, January 29th.
News and Notes from Student Services -- October 3rd
October 5 - Picture Retake Day (AM)
October 6 - No School for Students: Staff Data Day
October 11 - Bus Evacuation Drill, Grades 9 and 10
October 12 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4pm-7pm
October 13 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 730am-1030am
**Look for an email regarding signing up for conferences through PTC Fast.
October 16 - Pass/No Credit Window closes
October 19/20 - No School, Teacher Conventions
October 23 - Winter/Spring Schedule Review (open until October 27)
October 25 - PSAT Exam for Juniors
**As always, please reach out to your student's counselor if you have questions/concerns.
ATTENTION SENIORS! College Application Information
On Friday, counselors met with Seniors in their social studies classes and presented a general outline of the College Application Process. Below, you will find a link to the information we reviewed. This has also been shared to the senior class on their Schoology page. Counselor contact information is included, please do not hesitate to reach out to your student’s counselor with any questions you may have as you begin college applications!
Attention Junior Parents: PSAT offered at AVHS on Wednesday, October 25th
Juniors have the option to take an exam called the PSAT-- Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). The PSAT is a practice SAT exam. The PSAT is not a college admissions test. Juniors who earn exceptionally high scores (within the top 1% in the country) could qualify to receive a National Merit Scholarship. Taking the test as a junior is the only way to be considered for the National Merit© Scholarship Program. This is an optional exam for interested juniors.
The cost of the test is $25 (non-refundable). Students should register on My Payments Plus. Registration will begin on September 20th. Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis! Registration closes on Wednesday, October 4th.
For more information and tips on how to prepare for the PSAT visit: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt/preparing
If you have any questions regarding the PSAT, please contact your counselor.
News and Notes -- August 18, 2023
We are looking forward to the start of the 2023-24 School Year! Here is some important information for you:
2023-24 Schedules:
Schedules for the 23-24 School year are available for viewing in Infinite Campus from Saturday, August 19th through August 24th. Change Requests -- Because we staff the school and balance classes based on student selections, schedule changes are very rare but occasionally may happen.
2023-2024 Schedule Change Request Forms are accepted through Thursday, August 24th. After that, schedules will be turned off while final balancing is completed. They will be turned back on for student viewing on Tuesday, August 29th. Before submitting a request, students should review all of the guidelines and instructions below before requesting adjustments.
- Seniors who need a course to fulfill a graduation requirement
- Students would like to opt into a more appropriate level of the course
- Students who have not met the required prerequisites to be in the course
- A clear error has been made (same class twice, wrong grade level, etc…)
- A special services need is required (SPED/ELD/504 Plan)
- Requests for a class to be a specific hour (*This includes moving a study hall to a specific period)
- Requests for a specific teacher
- Requested change would exceed class size capacity
- Requests to change an elective course to a different elective course (administration may consider these requests if it fits in the schedule and does not exceed class size capacity)
- Remember, all schedule change requests must be submitted to the appropriate counselor via the Google Form only. Schedule changes may be subject to parent approval, administrative approval and class availability, without exceeding max class size.
*Students wishing to request a schedule change can go to the AVHS Counseling Page (https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-counselors) go under “Resources” and click on “Registration and Scheduling” to select the appropriate counselor to submit their request.
**Because we are still enrolling new students and will be doing so into September, some schedules will change prior to the start of school on August 30th. Please be sure to follow the schedule posted in Campus on the morning of August 30th.
Lockers for the 2023-24 School Year: All 9th graders are assigned an academic locker at AVHS. The locker number and combination is found on your Campus Schedule and portal. Students in grades 10-12 can request a locker by filling out the 2023-24 Locker Request Form and one will be assigned to you (and will show up in your Campus portal).
Homecoming Week – September 18-23: Always an exciting time around AVHS! If you would like to purchase a 23-24 Homecoming t-shirt, please click on the link below and select the appropriate color (by grade) and size. Shirts will be picked up at AVHS during lunch around September 20th.
Attention Juniors/Seniors with a T1, P1/P7 Study Hall: Juniors and Seniors who have a P1 or a P7 study hall in Trimester 1 may request to be out of the building during that time. To do so, a request should be submitted via the EDU Request Form
Back-To-School Night: Back-To-School Night – Wednesday, August 23rd, 6pm-8pm. All the information you will need for the start of the school year can be found here:
Welcome Back 2023-24 -- News and Notes: Aug. 4, 2023
Trimester Three Finals and Credit Recovery
Trimester Three Final Exams
1. Trimester Three and the 2023-23 school year ends on Wednesday, June 7th. Final Exams will take place on Tuesday, June 6th and Wednesday, June 7th. Here is a link to the schedule AVHS will follow on these days: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aapUhNsiqeIQEWQCokbdo9uU7G_UYES2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106397634588366640429&rtpof=true&sd=true
2. We know Final Exam week can be a stressful time for students. Here are some suggestions to share with your student: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oLU62V_1CfzXs5pyTR7IZmuBeF9W78x8/view?usp=sharing
3. Trimester Three Final Grades will be posted into Campus during the week of June 19th (a message will go out when they are posted). Remember, Campus is our platform for attendance and final grades whereas Schoology is the in-progress grade book and learning platform.
4. Students who did not earn credit in a class are strongly encouraged to earn that credit back in the summer. Our credit recovery program begins on June 20th. Students need to register here: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/credit-recovery
*When on this site, open up link to "Summer 22/23 Credit Recovery"
**As always, we are here to support students and families through this educational journey. Remember that our counselors do not have office hours in the summer months but their out-of-office message should provide you with guidance you need:
Last Name A-Co Michelle.Gustafson@district196.org
Last Name Cp-Hi Don.Perkins@district196.org
Last Name Hj-Mn Val.Fogolin@district196.org
Last Name Mo-R Lisa.Schmidt@district196.org
Last Name S-Z Ellen.Perkins@district196.org
Trimester Two Grades and Credit Recovey
Trimester Two Final Grades are now posted to report cards and transcripts in Infinite Campus: https://district196mn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/district196.jsp
Students who failed a core academic class (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) are STRONGLY encouraged to register for our Spring Credit Recovery program. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNI_yxrqkeOwEk38SUBS2y3ky_kQuihCPHzNxsP9K6GvTHMA/viewform
*Credit Recover runs from April 6 - May 4, Tuesdays/Thursdays from 2:45-3:45pm. Credit recovery is IN PERSON only this trimester. Please plan on attending each session until you receive your passing grade (P). On April 6th, please meet in the AVHS Media Center no later than 2:45 to determine room locations. You will have the opportunity to sign up for ONE course for completion during the credit recovery time. If/when you complete the course, you may work with the registrar or Jennie Moren (administrator) to get signed up for an additional course. Please email Ms. Moren (jennifer.moren@district196.org) if you have questions regarding Credit Recovery
Finally, Apple Valley High School joins ISD196 on Spring Break until Monday, April 3rd. As always, we are here to support students and families through this educational journey. Please contact your student's counselor should you have any questions and they will get back to you when we return from break.
Last Name A-Co Michelle.Gustafson@district196.org
Last Name Cp-Hi Don.Perkins@district196.org
Last Name Hj-Mn Val.Fogolin@district196.org
Last Name Mo-R Lisa.Schmidt@district196.org
Last Name S-Z Ellen.Perkins@district196.org
Trimester Two Final Exams
Updates from Student Services - March 5, 2023
1. Trimester Two ends on Thursday, March 9th. Final Exams will take place on Wednesday, March 8th and Thursday, March 9th. Here is a link to the schedule AVHS will follow on these days: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aapUhNsiqeIQEWQCokbdo9uU7G_UYES2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106397634588366640429&rtpof=true&sd=true
2. We know Final Exam week can be a stressful time for students. Here are some suggestions to share with your student: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oLU62V_1CfzXs5pyTR7IZmuBeF9W78x8/view?usp=sharing
3. Trimester Two Final Grades will be posted into Campus during Spring Break week (a message will go out when they are posted). Remember, Campus is our platform for attendance and final grades whereas Schoology is the in-progress grade book and learning platform.
4. Trimester Three begins on March 13th. Further schedule changes will not be allowed except for in extreme situations as students have had multiple opportunities to request changes.
5. Attention Drivers -- Parking passes can be purchased in MyPaymentsPlus. Once purchased, you can bring your receipt to the Main Office and pick it up.
6. Spring break week is March 27th-March 31st.
**As always, we are here to support students and families through this educational journey. Please contact your student's counselor should you need anything:
Last Name A-Co Michelle.Gustafson@district196.org
Last Name Cp-Hi Don.Perkins@district196.org
Last Name Hj-Mn Val.Fogolin@district196.org
Last Name Mo-R Lisa.Schmidt@district196.org
Last Name S-Z Ellen.Perkins@district196.org
ISD 196 College Fair Comes to AVHS
On Wednesday, February 22nd, Apple Valley High School is hosting this year’s District College Fair. Minnesota Education Fair (MEF) and the Minnesota Association for College Admission Counseling (MACAC) work collaboratively to sponsor this event in District 196 each year. This year, we have over 100 college reps coming to Apple Valley High School. It is a great way for our students and families to meet college admission representatives from colleges, universities, community colleges, technical colleges, specialty schools and military organizations.
STUDENTS NEED TO PRE-REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT. The registration is very quick – please just scan the QR code on the picture below to register.
Take advantage of this great opportunity for our students!
News and Notes -- January 18th
News and Notes from Student Services -- January 18, 2023
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-Teacher Conferences for Trimester Two will be held Thursday, January 19th, from 4-7pm and Friday, January 20th from 7:30am to 10:30am. Conferences will be both in-person and on Zoom, depending on your preference. Apple Valley High school is using reserved time slots for conferences, so if you would like to meet with an AVHS teacher, please use the link that was sent a few days ago. If you are not able make it to conferences please feel free to contact teachers by phone or email to discuss your student’s progress.
In-Progress Grade book: A reminder to parents to please monitor your student's current progress on Schoology. You can log-in to Schoology here -- https://app.schoology.com/login Please spend some time reviewing grades prior to Parent-Teacher conferences. Our next intervention/enrichment day is slated for January 25th.
2023-24 Registration: The registration process for 2023-24 has begun. AVHS Counselors met with current 11th and 10th graders last week and will meet with current 9th graders on Tuesday, January 17th during science classes. Students are reviewing the process and guidelines for registration and have started entering choices. All of our registration information is found here: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/registration-information
Registration is done via the Academic Planner in Infinite Campus:
As always, please do not hesitate to contact your student's counselor should you have any questions: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-counselors
The AVHS Student Services Team
December Eagle Excellence
The December, 2022 Eagle Excellence winners were honored at the end of the month. A large group of family and friends turned out to celebrate this month's award winners that exemplify the traits we see in so many students at AVHS -- Academic success, character, overcoming obstacles, leadership, work ethic. Congratulations to our December Eagle Excellence winners:
Brodyn Ward - Mr. Wasmund
Mohamed Hassan - Ms. Vaughn-Fier
Addy Mullin - Ms. Larson
Brennen Brown - Mr. Hirte
Taylor Cozy - Mr. Hendrickson
Kieran Carson - Ms. Cody
Tyler Nordberg - Mr. Blaine
Kali Marvin - Ms. Ford
Arianna Land - Mr. Ostrander
Lucy Pershica - Mr. Laroche
Tyson Kaelberer - Mr. Hayes
Teodor Pollock - Mr. Lavalle
Fletcher Silvernail - Mr. Christiansen
Logan Rasmussen - Mr. Dodge
Eli Ocharo - Ms. Schmidt
Update from Student Services: December 13
Trimester One grades are now posted to Report Cards in Campus (https://district196mn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/district196.jsp). By the end of this week, official transcripts will be updated to include and reflect those grades. Seniors, remember that we use Parchment to send official transcripts to colleges/universities:
Students who need to recover credit in core classes (Science, English, Math, Social Studies) should register for our Winter Credit Recovery. The online registration link is found here: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/credit-recovery. Contact AVHS Administrator Jennie Moren at Jennifer.moren@district196.org or call 952-412-8213 with questions.
As always, students can only sign-up for one class as Pass-No Credit for the trimester. The deadline to submit this online form is before Tuesday, January 24th. The form (https://forms.gle/6E4zUst6ivoGMBLs9) can be found on our counseling page (https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-counselors) under Student Services Forms.
Finally, we kickoff our registration for the 2023-24 school year in January. Counselors will meet with students early in the month and students will have time to review and discuss course choices before settling on their final selections prior to January 31st. More information will follow as we update links, videos and guides. All of the information will also be found on our counseling page under Registration/Scheduling.
As always, please contact your student’s counselor should you have any questions/concerns.
AVHS Student Services Team
Updates from Student Services - November 16, 2022
1. Trimester One ends on Thursday, December 1st. Final Exams will take place on Wednesday, November 30th and Thursday, December 1st. Here is a link to the schedule AVHS will follow on these days: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aapUhNsiqeIQEWQCokbdo9uU7G_UYES2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106397634588366640429&rtpof=true&sd=true
2. We know Final Exam week can be a stressful time for students. Here are some suggestions to share with your student: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oLU62V_1CfzXs5pyTR7IZmuBeF9W78x8/view?usp=sharing
3. Trimester One Final Grades will be posted into Campus around December 14th (a message will go out when they are posted). Remember, Campus is our platform for attendance and final grades whereas Schoology is the in-progress grade book and learning platform.
4. Trimester Two and Three schedules will be available for viewing on Campus around November 29th. We are currently finishing our balancing process. Further schedule changes will not be allowed except for in extreme situations as students have had multiple opportunities to request changes.
5. Attention Drivers -- Parking passes can be purchased in MyPaymentsPlus beginning on November 26th. Once purchased, you can bring your receipt to the Main Office and pick it up beginning November 28th.
6. No school for students November 24, November 25 and December 2.
7. Our registration process for the 2023-24 School Year begins in January. Watch for information coming home regarding our process. In the meantime, if you want a snapshot of most course offerings (not updated for 23-24 yet but very similar) and other exciting information about AVHS, you can go here: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/registration-information
8. As always, we are here to support students and families through this educational journey. Please contact your student's counselor should you need anything:
Last Name A-Co Michelle.Gustafson@district196.org
Last Name Cp-Hi Don.Perkins@district196.org
Last Name Hj-Mn Val.Fogolin@district196.org
Last Name Mo-R Lisa.Schmidt@district196.org
Last Name S-Z Ellen.Perkins@district196.org
October, 2022 Eagle Excellence Award Winners Are Celebrated!
The October, 2022 Eagle Excellence winners have been announced. They exemplify the traits we see in so many students at AVHS -- Academic success, character, overcoming obstacles, leadership, work ethic. Congratulations to our October Eagle Excellence winners:
Lane Dehnel
Bryson Flake
Natalie Swenson
Kaylee Nunn
Tyler Anderson
Izzy Hinck
Marcus Roselius
Alexa Tejada
Madeline Rock
Rylan Alvarez Avelli
Jayden Cunningham
Jariah Ratcliff
Lesley Amigon Alarcon
Amy Tong
Emily Toews
Trimester 2 & 3 Schedule Review
On Monday night (October 24) students will again be able to view their entire 22-23 schedule in Infinite Campus. Students have previously seen their schedule on a couple of occasions. If there remains a valid reason for a schedule change, students need to submit the request by 11:59pm on Sunday via the Schedule Change Request Google form (directions below). Students should remember the follow information:
- Seniors who need a course to fulfill a graduation requirement
- Students would like to opt into a more appropriate level of the course
- Students who have not met the required prerequisites to be in the course
- A clear error has been made (same class twice, wrong grade level, etc…)
- A special services need is required (SPED/ELD/504 Plan)
- Requests for a class to be a specific hour (*This includes moving a study hall to a specific period)
- Requests for a specific teacher
- Requested change would exceed class size capacity
- Requests to change an elective course to a different elective course (administration may consider these requests if it fits in the schedule and does not exceed class size capacity)
*Students wishing to request a schedule change can go to the AVHS Counseling Page (https://avhs.district196.org/families/avhs-counselors) go under “Resources” and click on “Registration and Scheduling” to select the appropriate counselor to submit their request.
2022 Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences
*If you are unable to attend conferences but would still like to connect with your student's teacher, please use our Staff Directory to send an email: https://avhs.district196.org/contact/apple-valley-high-school-directory?utf8=%E2%9C%93&const_search_group_ids=235&const_search_role_ids=1&const_search_keyword=
**Please note that on Thursday, October 6th, Apple Valley High School is also hosting a 7pm home football game. The parking lot will be busy so please plan accordingly!
ATTENTION JUNIORS -- PSAT Exam Registration Opens Next Week
Attention Junior Parents: PSAT offered at AVHS on Wednesday, October 12th, 8am-noon
Juniors have the option to take an exam called the PSAT-- Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). The PSAT is a practice SAT exam. The PSAT is not a college admissions test. Juniors who earn exceptionally high scores (within the top 1% in the country) could qualify to receive a National Merit Scholarship. Taking the test as a junior is the only way to be considered for the National Merit© Scholarship Program.
The cost of the test is $25 (non-refundable). Students should register on My Payments Plus. Registration will begin on September 21st Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis! Registration closes on Wednesday, October 5th.
Study guides with sample questions and important information about the test are available in the student services office and/or for more information about the PSAT: http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/about.html
Thank you,
AVHS Student Services
August Update #2 -- August 23rd, 2022
News and Notes from Student Services, August 23 -- Important notes from the Student Services Office.
1. Students will be able to view their 22-23 Schedule in Infinite Campus on Tuesday, August 23rd. Lunch assignments will be posted around the building and via student Schoology pages on Wednesday, August 31st. *Please note -- some schedules will change as we balance classes. Be sure to check Campus and follow whatever is posted there on Day 1 of school.
2. Schedule Change Requests -- Because we staff the school and balance classes based on student selections, schedule changes are very rare but occasionally may happen. Please note the following information:
2022-2023 Schedule Change Request Forms are accepted until Friday, August 26. After that, schedules will be finalized for the start of the 2022-2023 school year.
a. Review all of the guidelines and instructions below before requesting adjustments.
b. All schedule change requests must be submitted to the appropriate counselor via the Google Form only. Schedule changes may be subject to parent approval, administrative approval and class availability, without exceeding max class size.
- Seniors who need a course to fulfill a graduation requirement
- Students would like to opt into a more appropriate level of the course
- Students who have not met the required prerequisites to be in the course
- A clear error has been made (same class twice, wrong grade level, etc…)
- A special services need is required (SPED/ELD/504 Plan)
- Requests for a class to be a specific hour (*This includes moving a study hall to a specific period)
- Requests for a specific teacher
- Requested change would exceed class size capacity
- Requests to change an elective course to a different elective course (administration may consider these requests if it fits in the schedule and does not exceed class size capacity)
*Students wishing to request a schedule change can go to the AVHS Counseling Page (https://avhs.district196.org/families/avhs-counselors) go under “Resources” and click on “Registration and Scheduling” to select the appropriate counselor to submit their request.
3. Juniors and Seniors who have a P1 or a P7 study hall in Trimester 1 may request to be out of the building during that time. To do so, a request should be submitted via the EDU Request Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0tqDtUz-HT0KmCy2fvxM7t8uPks8g5osaD1pHGZYbBbWRjg/viewform
4. All 9th graders are assigned an academic locker at AVHS. The locker number and combination is found on your Campus Schedule and portal. Students in grades 10-12 can request a locker by filling out the 2022-23 Locker Request Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbYhKXUZa4hj-xqtLV1QEvrt-bFmW1hn-a5kxwbz2zsZb6Gw/viewform
5. Remember -- all of our “Back to School” information can be found on our Welcome Back Letter at https://www.smore.com/152u6f
August Update #1 -- August 2nd, 2022
Here is a link to some important information as we start the school year:
https://www.smore.com/152u6fImportant Upcoming Dates at AVHS
August 15 - Fall Athletics begin *Students must register in MyPaymentsPlus to participate
August 24 - Schedules available for viewing on Campus. **Remember that these could change
August 24 - 9th grade and New Student Orientation, 6pm at AVHS.
August 31 - First Day of School *Special Schedule
September 1 - Students attend regularly scheduled classes
September 2 & 5 - NO SCHOOL
September 8 - Picture Day
September 12 - September 17 - Homecoming Week
September 14- Open House 6-8 pm
September 16 - Homecoming Football Game
September 17 - Homecoming Dance
September 30 - NO SCHOOL/High School Data Day
October 6 - School Conferences 4 pm to 8 pm
October 7 - NO SCHOOL/School Conferences 7 am to 10 am
News and Notes - June 13, 2022
Good morning,
As we have reached the end of the 21-22 school year, the Student Services Office wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your support as we navigated this interesting year. Our students were finally able to return to some "normalcy"and enjoy many events such as Homecoming, Prom, Activities, and of course Graduation. There are some many success stories to celebrate! We hope you find time to rest, relax and recharge over the summer. We can't wait to see everyone in the fall. Go Eagles!
A few notes regarding end of T3 grading:
Teachers will submit their final grades early this week. After, we will follow our auditing process to review grades for accuracy. Our goal is to post final T3 grades to transcripts and report cards during the week on June 20th.
Final Transcripts for Seniors
Transcripts will not be final until Trimester Three grades are posted and your graduation date is added. This will occur the week of June 20th. You can order your transcript now and use the "hold for grades" option. Below are instructions on how to order the transcripts.
• Log into your Parchment account (www.parchment.com)
• Click Order
• Search for the destination that you want to send your FINAL transcript to. When you find it, click Select
• Under "When do you want this sent?", select Hold for Grades. This means the transcript won’t be sent until Trimester Three grades are posted to transcripts. Click "Save & Continue". You will click Save & Continue again after reviewing your order.
• Give consent and click "Save & Continue".
• Enter payment information and submit and you are done!
• Any questions, contact Chris Borman (chris.borman@district196.org) in the AVHS Student Services Office.
Summer 2022 Credit Recovery
Students who did not receive passing marks in core classes should register for Credit Recovery. To sign up, please CLICK HERE (https://avhs.district196.org/academics/credit-recovery)
We hope you enjoy a restful summer, enjoying time with family and friends.
The AVHS Student Services Office
T3 Final Exams
*Final Exams for Trimester Three will be held on June 7th and 8th. We will follow the schedule below. Students who choose to prepare for exams off-site on June 7th should make sure to be in the building by 9am.
Tuesday, June 7
Exam Prep 7:40 – 9:00
Period 2 9:05 – 10:25
Period 4 10:30 – 11:50
Lunch/Advisory 11:50 – 1:05 *Lunch is by Advisory
A Lunch = 11:50 – 12:15, Adv 12:15 – 1:05
B Lunch = 12:15 – 12:40, Adv 11:55 – 12:15, 12:45 – 1:05
C Lunch = 12:40 – 1:05, Adv 11:55 – 12:40
Period 6 1:10 – 2:30
Wednesday, June 8
Period 1 7:40 – 9:00
Period 3 9:05 – 10:25
Period 5 10:30 – 11:50
Lunch/Advisory 11:50 – 1:05 *Lunch is by Advisory
A Lunch = 11:50 – 12:15, Adv 12:15 – 1:05
B Lunch = 12:15 – 12:40, Adv 11:55 – 12:15, 12:45 – 1:05
C Lunch = 12:40 – 1:05, Adv 11:55 – 12:40
Period 7 1:10 – 2:30
News and Notes -- April 1, 2022
To earn credit, students must get to a passing mark of at least 60% and may be required to complete essential learnings as outlined by the instructor. Near the end of the trimester, it is the student’s responsibility to communicate their desire to their instructor as to whether they will take the current grade or the option of "P". A grade of “P” has NO EFFECT on Grade Point Average (GPA). With a final course grade of less than 60%, students will receive a GRADE of NC, (No Credit) not "F". If you are a prospective Division I/II college athlete, please check in with your counselor, as this could have college implications. The deadline to submit this online form is before Tuesday, April 26.
This form, along with other AVHS Student Services forms can be found here: https://avhs.district196.org/families/avhs-counselors
2. Tuesday, April 5th is a Testing Day!
*Students in Grade 10 will take the Pre-ACT exam
*Students in Grade 11 will take the national ACT exam
*Students in Grades 9 & 12 DO NOT report to school. Instead, they have an at-home, digital learning day.
3. April 21 and 22 are Non-School Contact Days. No school for students on these days.
Trimester Two Coming to a Close
Trimester Two at Apple Valley High School ends this week. Final Exams will be given on Wednesday, March 9 and Thursday, March 10. We will be on Final Exam Schedule on those days:
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Final Exam Prep Time, 7:40 – 9:00 **Quiet study hall in the cafeteria/commons or supervised individual/small group sessions with teachers. Students may choose to prepare at home and not arrive until 9am.
Period 2 9:05 – 10:25
Period 4 10:30 – 11:50
Lunch/Advisory 11:50 - 1:05
A Lunch 11:50 - 12:15, Advisory 12:20 - 1:05
B Lunch 12:15 - 12:40, Advisory 11:55 - 12:15 and 12:45 - 1:05
C Lunch 12:40 – 1:05, Advisory 11:55-12:40
Period 6 1:10 – 2:30
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Period 1 7:40 – 9:00
Period 3 9:05 – 10:25
Period 5 10:30 – 11:50
Lunch/Advisory 11:50 - 1:05
A Lunch 11:50 - 12:15, Advisory 12:20 - 1:05
B Lunch 12:15 - 12:40, Advisory 11:55 - 12:15 and 12:45 - 1:05
C Lunch 12:40 – 1:05, Advisory 11:55-12:40
Period 7 1:10 – 2:30
This week can be stressful for some students. Encourage them to spend time preparing, to get a good amount of rest and to eat a good breakfast each day. Having a consistent study spot and developing a preparation routine can also lead to success. As always, please reach out to your student's counselor should you have any questions/concerns.
Trimester 3 begins March 14 and Spring Break runs from March 19-27.
Be well!
Post-Secondary Information for All AVHS Students
A reminder to seniors and senior families - The 2022 Common Scholarship Application is due on Tuesday, March 1st. Completing this application will allow students to apply for multiple scholarships that are being given exclusively to AVHS seniors. Some of the scholarships require letters of recommendation and/or essays, so make sure that you plan ahead. The application is available here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclogI0nsjGMjXKKvDFa4zfILGZNOH8R5CmbVkPULXXh95PkQ/viewform and also linked on the AVHS Counseling page under “College Information.” Students who win these scholarships will be recognized at our senior awards program in the spring. Good luck!
Current AVHS freshmen, sophomores and juniors - Check out the 2022 Minnesota Education Fair at Rosemount High School on March 3rd from 4:30-6 p.m. Visit with representatives from over 100 colleges, universities, community and technical colleges at this free event. For more information see the flyer linked here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jTALYyWLeD4y4d1UTm2Git8nqLVeE6rycKYttQXrFcs/edit and connect with your AVHS counselor if you have any questions.
News and Notes from Student Services -- January 17, 2022
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-Teacher Conferences for Trimester Two will be held Thursday, January 20th, from 4-7pm and Friday, January 21st from 7:30am to 10:30am. Conferences will be both in-person and on Zoom, depending on your preference. Apple Valley High school is using reserved time slots for conferences, so if you would like to meet with an AVHS teacher, please use the link below. Information regarding teacher’s conference location and Zoom information is available in the link below. If you are not able make it to conferences please feel free to contact teachers by phone or email to discuss your student’s progress. Conferences link: https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/AVHSConferences
In-Progress Grade book: A reminder to parents to please monitor your student's current progress on Schoology. You can log-in to Schoology here -- https://app.schoology.com/login Please spend some time reviewing grades prior to Parent-Teacher conferences. Our next intervention/enrichment day is slated for January 26th.
2022-23 Registration: The registration process for 2022-23 has begun. AVHS Counselors met with current 11th and 10th graders last week and will meet with current 9th graders on Tuesday, January 18th during science classes. Students are reviewing the process and guidelines for registration and have started entering choices. All of our registration information is found here: https://tinyurl.com/Reg2022-23
As always, please do not hesitate to contact your student's counselor should you have any questions: https://avhs.district196.org/families/avhs-counselors
The AVHS Student Services Team
News and Notes from the AVHS Student Services Office - December 15th
Hello from the AVHS Student Services Office -- Here are a few important pieces of information for you:
1. Trimester 1 grades have been posted to report cards. You can view final grades on the Campus Portal. Current seniors -- Beginning on December 27th, transcripts will be updated and you can then request new transcripts be sent to colleges/universities by using Parchment. Those orders will be processed beginning January 3rd, 2022. Information for transcript requests can be found here: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-departments/order-transcript
2. If a student did not earn credit in a core class or required elective (Science, English, Math, Social Studies, Wellness, Art), they should plan to enroll in our Winter Credit Recovery program. If you have questions, please email Ms. Moren at jennifer.moren@district196.org or contact your child's counselor.
3. For current 9th-10th-11th grade students, registration for the 2022-23 school year will begin in early January. If you would like to review the information we will share with students and look over our registration offerings, please go to our Registration One-Stop-Shop at https://tinyurl.com/Reg2022-23 Much of our information for registration will be shared with students via their advisory. PLEASE encourage your student to attend all advisory sessions!
4. Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, January 20 (4pm-7pm) and Friday, January 21 (7:30am-10:30am). Families will sign up for a conference time slot. Look for a sign-up link coming out in early January via the PTC Fast system that we used in the past. You will have the option to come to AVHS at the time you selected and meet with the teacher in-person or access the teacher’s zoom link for a virtual conference during the time for which you registered.
5. Winter Break goes from December 23 (Thursday) to January 2 (Sunday). School begins again on Monday, January 3rd.
Updates from the AVHS Student Services Office - November 23rd
- Trimester One ends on Thursday, December 2nd. Final Exams will take place on Wednesday, December 1st and Thursday, December 2nd. Here is a link to the schedule AVHS will follow on these days: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aapUhNsiqeIQEWQCokbdo9uU7G_UYES2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106397634588366640429&rtpof=true&sd=true
- We know Final Exam week can be a stressful time for students. Here are some suggestions to share with your student: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oLU62V_1CfzXs5pyTR7IZmuBeF9W78x8/view?usp=sharing
- Trimester One Final Grades will be posted into Campus around December 16th (a message will go out when they are posted). Remember, Campus is our platform for attendance and final grades whereas Schoology is the in-progress grade book and learning platform.
- Trimester Two and Three schedules will be available for viewing on Campus around November 24th. We are currently finishing our balancing process. Further schedule changes will not be allowed except for in extreme situations as students have had multiple opportunities to request changes.
- Attention Drivers -- Parking passes can be purchased in MyPaymentsPlus beginning on November 25th. Once purchased, you can bring your receipt to the Main Office and pick it up beginning November 29th.
- No school for students November 25, November 26 and December 3.
- Our registration process for the 2022-23 School Year begins in January. Watch for information coming home regarding our process. In the meantime, if you want a snapshot of most course offerings (not updated for 22-23 yet but very similar) and other exciting information about AVHS, you can go here: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-departments/registration-information
As always, we are here to support students and families through this educational journey. Please contact your student's counselor should you need anything:
Last Name A-C Michelle.Gustafson@district196.org
Last Name D-He Don.Perkins@district196.org
Last Name Hf-Mek Val.Fogolin@district196.org
Last Name Mel-Roo Lisa.Schmidt@district196.org
Last Name Rop-Z Ellen.Perkins@district196.org
AVHS FAFSA Event - Nov. 18
PARENTS OF SENIORS: Apple Valley High School will host a FAFSA Completion Event on Thursday, November 18th. It will be held in the AVHS Media Center from 6:00pm-7:30pm.
What is FAFSA? FAFSA stands for "Free Application for Federal Student Aid". It is the form you need to fill out to get any financial aid from the federal government to help pay for college. Each year, over 13 million students who file the FAFSA get more than $120 billion in grants, work-study, and low-interest loans from the U.S. Department of Education.
If you need help completing your FAFSA application or have questions about the application, please attend this event on Thursday, November 18th. We will have computer access for attendees and a college Financial Aid Representative as well as AVHS counselors will be available to answer any questions and help your family complete and submit this form. Please email Val Fogolin ( val.fogolin@district196.org ) with any questions prior to the event. We hope to see you there!
The AVHS Student Services Team
T2/T3 Schedule Change Information
Trimester 2 and 3 schedules are available this week for viewing. Although adjustments will still be made as we balance sections, students can once again review their selections. If changes need to be made, students can make a schedule change request by using this link: https://avhs.district196.org/families/avhs-counselors. Under "Resources", open the Registration/Scheduling window. From here, students can review the guidelines we are following for making changes (at this point, students have had 3 or 4 opportunities already to request changes). The guidelines are found here: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-departments/schedule-change-request.
The window to make requests for changes closes on Friday, October 29th. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to have your student connect with their counselor. After the window closes, final balancing for the school year will be completed. Trimester 2 begins on Monday, December 6th.
Fall Conferences and More...
Important Upcoming Dates at AVHS
October 6 - Eagle Day *May be the last day to submit late work since Sept. 1 for some classes
October 7 - School Conferences 4 pm to 7 pm
October 8 - NO SCHOOL/School Conferences 7:30-10 am
October 21-22 NO SCHOOL/State Teachers' Convention
Sign Up for Conferences Oct. 7th & 8th
Please join us this week to share goals and strategies for your student. Conferences are Thursday, October 7th, 4:00 - 7:00 pm and Friday, October 8th, 7:30 - 10:00 am.
All conferences are in person at Apple Valley High School. District 196 policy requires all people to wear masks/face coverings inside district buildings. Please schedule a conference with your student's teacher using the link below:
If your family would like to schedule an interpreter, please call the Secretary to the Principal, Teresa Stepka, at 952-431-8201 or email her at teresa.stepka@district196.org
How to Find My Student's Teachers to Request a Conference
Campus Parent is the records platform including student schedules, attendance, behavior reports, and final grades. To find your student's teachers before scheduling a conference...
2. Click the menu option on the upper-left corner
3. Select "schedule"
Schoology is the learning platform containing in-progress grades, assignments, and classroom resources (syllabus, handouts, readings, etc.).
Need help?
10th & 11th Graders -- PSAT Exam will be Oct. 13
High School students can enter the National Merit® Scholarship Program by taking the PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®) and by meeting published program entry/participation requirements. The test is for 11th and 10th graders. Please note that 10th graders may take the PSAT test but that score does not count for the National Merit Scholarship program. Students must take the test in 11th grade to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship program.
The PSAT is run through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The entire scholarship process takes about 18 months with about 9,200 of the 1.4 million test takers receiving some type of scholarship. The PSAT is only used as a screening for the National Merit Scholarship program and is also an inexpensive method of preparation for the SAT. It is not used as a college entrance exam.
The cost of the test is $25 (non-refundable). Students should register on My Payments Plus. Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis! Registration closes on Wednesday, October 6th.
For more information about the PSAT visit: http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/about.html
If you have questions, you can email AVHS Counselor Michelle Gustafson at michelle.gustafson@district196.org
Update -- August 31, 2021
Quick Hitters from the Student Services Office
1. Day 1 and Day 2 Schedule (Click Here)
2. Locker Request Form (Click Here)
3. Students -- to see your 2021-22 Schedule (Click Here)
**Students should be sure to follow the online schedule beginning tomorrow as things are constantly changing.
4. If you are a Career Development Student and/or have a Zero-Hour Physical Education class, those begin on Wednesday, September 8th.
**To see contact information for our counseling staff, please go to https://avhs.district196.org/families/avhs-counselors
9th grade and new students begin their day on September 1st at 7:40am. Returning students in grades 10-12 will start classes at 11am.
Welcome back, Eagles!
Student Services Update -- August 20th, 2021
Student schedules are now available for viewing in Infinite Campus: https://district196mn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/students/district196.jsp
If a student would like to request a possible schedule change, they should first review our guidelines regarding changes. That can be found here:
If a change is warranted, it can be requested by selecting the appropriate counselor’s link from this page: https://avhs.district196.org/families/avhs-counselors
*Click on Registration/Scheduling
**Any request for a change must be made prior to Friday, August 27.
Students in Grade 9 are assigned a locker. Students in Grades 10-12 who want a locker can request on by filling out this form:
***A document containing this information is included below.
Student schedules for the 21-22.pdf
Important Dates
•August 30 – Back to School Night for all students, 6pm-8pm
•September 1 – 9th grade students report for a typical school day (classes begin at 7:40am). Students in grades 10-12 will begin their school day at 11am. Bus transportation will be provided for 9th graders to arrive at their regular school time and for students in grades 10-12 to arrive at our adjusted times. Students will follow a modified schedule and meet all of their teachers
•September 2 – Regular school day for all students (7:40am-2:30pm)
•September 3, 6, 7 – No School (classes resume September 8)
Student Services Update -- August 1, 2021
Hoping that you are having an enjoyable summer. As we near the start of the 21-22 School Year, information will be shared here to keep you up-to-date on important pieces of information.
Infinite Campus
*Infinite Campus is our student information system. Students will be able to view their schedules online on or around August 24th. Information for parents around Campus and much more can be found at https://avhs.district196.org/families
- If you have not done so, the following link shows you how to set up your Campus Parent portal: https://avhs-xshare.district196.org/CampusHelp/
- We no longer use paper emergency cards for health information. As it does every year, ISD 196 reset all Campus parent accounts, requiring parents/guardians to go through the annual review process of verifying emergency contact and health information. When you access your Campus Portal account, you will be required to complete the annual review process before you can access the information in the portal
Important Dates
•August 24 (approx.) – Student schedules available in Campus
•August 30 – Back to School Night for all students, 6pm-8pm
•September 1 – 9th grade students report for a typical school day (classes begin at 7:40am). Students in grades 10-12 will begin their school day at 11am. Bus transportation will be provided for 9th graders to arrive at their regular school time and for students in grades 10-12 to arrive at our adjusted times. Students will follow a modified schedule and meet all of their teachers
•September 2 – Regular school day for all students (7:40am-2:30pm)
•September 3, 6, 7 – No School (classes resume September 8)
To reference 2020-21 School Year Information, see below...
Trimester 3 Grades on Campus Now
Trimester 3 Grades are now available for viewing on Infinite Campus. They will be posted to transcripts early next week.
Credit Recovery will be offered this summer for those who have received an incomplete or fail for required courses. Credit recovery does NOT mean the entire course - it means that you must show proficiency for learning that has not occurred…yet. We will be offering MATH, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES, and ENGLISH options. Registration for Credit Recovery can be found at https://avhs.district196.org/academics/credit-recovery.
Have a fantastic summer.
The AVHS Student Services Team
End of the School Year
Dear AVHS Families,
Thank you for all the support this past school year. Our Eagle community is fantastic! None of us wanted the school year that we had, but we made the best of it. Your support and partnership through this journey has been fantastic.
Good luck to our graduates as they transition to the next phase in their lives. You will be great! It has been our honor to work with you and we look forward to the times when you will return to AVHS to share your successes with us.
We also look forward to the return of our students in the fall and a "normal" school year. Look for a mailing from us and email communications in early August that will lay out our "Back-To-School" nights and kick-off events to the 2021-22 school year.
Enjoy the summer. We hope everyone can spend time with family, friends and loved ones. Be well and stay safe.
Important End of T3 Information
As we approach the end of Trimester Three, here are important pieces of information for our students/families:
For Current Seniors
--Grades in Schoology are accurate and cannot be lower than what is posted on June 1st at 3:30pm
--T3 instruction is done on Thursday, June 3rd.
--Friday, June 4th is graduation practice, 9am
--Graduation is Saturday, June 5th at Rosemount High School, 2pm (graduates arrive by 1:30pm)
**Seniors who need to still complete work can come into school during the week of June 7-11 to wrap-up work
For Current Juniors/Sophomores/Freshman
--T3 formal instruction is done on Tuesday, 6/8/21. Thursday, 6/10/21 and Friday, 6/11/21 are to be used for intervention and/or enrichment. **These are school days for all students!
--Schoology grades are accurate and the final grade will not be lower than what is shown in Schoology by 3:30 pm on Wednesday, 6/9/21
--The last chance to turn work and improve a letter grade is 3:30 pm, Friday, 6/11/21 (ex…get that C+ to a B-)
--Requests to change the current grade to a P by 3:30 pm on Friday, 6/11/21 (ex…I’ve decided to take a “P” instead of the B-). This request should be made by parent/guardian directly to the teacher
--Last chance to turn in work to move from a NC to a P is 3:30 pm on Friday, 6/11/21
Senior Survey Information
On Monday and Tuesday this week, counselors visited Senior social studies classes and asked seniors to complete the 2021 AVHS Senior Survey. The information we collect from this short survey helps us to understand what your plans are after graduation and it gives us the opportunity to recognize you this year on our virtual Senior Awards Program. This need to be completed before Friday, May 8th.
Here's the link:
Board Approves Learning Model Change
Last night the District 196 School Board approved a change to the secondary hybrid learning model. This change increases the number of in-person learning days from two to four days each week beginning Tuesday, April 20. Monday, April 19th is designated as a preparation day. Therefore, there is no school for students.
- Students in the hybrid learning model who are currently attending two days of in-person learning will attend four days of in-person learning each week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Wednesdays will continue to be distance learning.
- Social Distance in classrooms will go from 6 feet to 3 feet. Students will continue to wear masks.
- Important to note- the criteria for determining a close contact quarantine will remain the same- within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more.
- Students who are identified as close contacts will quarantine at home but will be able to join their classes through Zoom through their quarantine period.
- Students in the 196 Digital Academy full-time distance learning model will now have the opportunity to join synchronous Zoom sessions up to four days each week.
Students will continue in their current learning model (in-person or digital) as we shift to full, in-person instruction. If you would like to request a change in your student’s current model, please call 952-431-8218 by 3 pm on Friday, April 16th.
T2 Ending, T3 Beginning
Trimester Two is coming to an end. Specific instruction around T2 topics finished on March 9th. Thursday, March 11th and Friday, March 12th are being used for intervention, enrichment and introduction to Trimester Three topics. Here are some important notes for you:
--Grades you see in Schoology are accurate and the final grade will not be lower than what is shown in Schoology after Wednesday, 3/10/21
--The last chance to turn work and improve a letter grade is 3:30 pm, Friday, March 12th (ex…get that C+ to a B-)
--Requests to change the current grade to a P by 3:30 pm on Tuesday, March 16th (ex…I’ve decided to take a “P” instead of the B-). Parents need to submit this request to the teacher.
--Last chance to turn in work to move from a NC to a P is 3:30 pm on Tuesday, March 16th.
--Teachers post final grades into Campus by 11:59pm on Wednesday, March 17th
--The Student Services Office reviews all grade submissions and then final grades are posted to Campus transcripts and report cards on or before April 1st.
Trimester Three Schedules will be available to view on Campus Friday morning, March 12th. A reminder that students have reviewed their selections four times and have had three opportunities to request changes. Therefore, except in extreme examples such as a course needed for graduation, an obvious error in schedule (same class again) or a requirement in an IEP, no schedule changes will be made.
Have a great end of T2 and start of T3!
The AVHS Student Services Office
Scholarships on Naviance
AVHS uses Naviance Family Connection to post local/regional scholarships that are available to students. Included on this list are alumni scholarships from district 196 elementary and middle schools, scholarships from local businesses and MANY other opportunities. The video below shows how students are able to access scholarships in Naviance Family Connection. Please contact your student’s school counselor with questions.
Accessing scholarships in Naviance (3:21) OR
Last Name A-C Michelle Gustafson Michelle.Gustafson@district196.org
Last Name D-He Don Perkins Don.Perkins@district196.org
Last Name Hf-Mek Val Fogolin Val.Fogolin@district196.org
Last Name Mel-Roo Lisa Schmidt Lisa.Schmidt@district196.org
Last Name Roo-Z Ellen Perkins Ellen.Perkins@district196.org
"Virtual" College Fair 2021
Freshmen, sophomores and current AVHS juniors and famiilies- Check out the 2021 MN Virtual College Exploration program, taking place March 9th-11th. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about paying for college, financial aid, the college application process, internships and more. Listen to live information sessions with over 150 colleges from across the country during this free event. See the flyer linked here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pw6yg-22g1jTArA1Kvtob0sE_JuF2Wt8Gk1X8WDwVhk/edit
and connect with your counselor if you have any questions.
Seniors - Scholarship Information
A reminder to seniors and senior families - The 2021 Common Scholarship Application is due on Monday, March 1st. Completing this application will allow students to apply for multiple scholarships that are being given exclusively to AVHS seniors. Some of the scholarships require letters of recommendation and/or essays, so make sure that you leave yourself enough time. The application is available here:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRaWG2g4bhffBUgmb4ZD72Z97BS4x8rem8RN5uwoIalHW5pA/viewform and also linked on the AVHS Senior section of our website and on the Counseling home page. Students who win these scholarships will be recognized at our senior awards program in the spring.
Additional Support and Grief Resources
Zoom Link to meet with AVHS Counselors during advisory and/or lunch on Monday and Tuesday https://tinyurl.com/VFMeet2020
While there is no right or wrong way to cope with loss, there are resources available in Dakota County that can support you during times of grief. These resources are provided by the Dakota County Department of Public Health to help promote healing:
Center for Grief, Loss and Transition 651-641-0177 St. Paul, MN www.griefloss.org Link to How Can We Help Specializes in grief and loss therapy. Accepts Medical Assistance/MN Health Care Programs.
Fairview Youth Grief Services 952-892-2111 www.fairview.org Youth Grief Services is a community service of Fairview which provides a safe and nurturing place where you and your children can turn for help after a loved one dies.
Growing Through Grief 952-993-6299 www.parknicollet.com Growing through Grief is a school support program for children and teens who have experienced the death of a loved one. This program works with various school districts on peer support activities for students (K-12).
Survivor Resources, St. Paul & Minneapolis 651-266-5674 www.survivorresources.org Provides immediate & long term support for families and friends of those who have died unexpectedly
Emergency Resources:
Dakota County Crisis Response (24 hours/day) 952-891-7171
National Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-448-4663
News and Notes from Student Services
Some important information from the AVHS Student Services Office:
1. AVHS will return to Hybrid Learning on Monday, February 22nd. On that day, Cohort A students will return to the building while Digital Academy students, last names A-K will join their classes via Zoom. On Tuesday, February 23rd, Cohort B students will return to the building while Digital Academy students, last names L-Z join their classes via Zoom. The entire schedule with graphics can be found here: https://www.smore.com/d8mwb-avhs-update-return-to-hybrid
2. If you are currently listed in Cohort A or B and would like to remain in Distance Learning for the remainder of the school year, please call 952-431-8218 to be added to the list.
3. On or around February 20th, a survey will be sent home to all families. Here, you can request to move from Distance Learning into your cohort assignment (based on alpha) for Trimester Three. That survey will be open until February 26th.
4. Trimester Two ends on Friday, March 12. Please check Schoology for your student's updated grades.
5. Trimester Three begins Monday, March 15. Students should check in Campus on or after March 12 to view their T3 Schedule (section balancing will continue up until that date).
6. Should you have questions/concerns regarding social, emotional or academic needs, please do not hesitate to contact our counseling staff:
*Ms. Gustafson (Last names A-C)
-To schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/michelle-gustafson
*Mr. Perkins (Last names D-He)
-To schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/don-perkins/counselor-meeting
*Ms. Fogolin (Last names Hf-Mek)
-To schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/val-fogolin
*Ms. Schmidt (Last names (Mel-Roo)
-To schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/lisa-schmidt-1
*Ms. Perkins (Last names (Rop-Z)
-To schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/ellen-perkins
January Eagle Excellence Winners
The January, 2021 Eagle Excellence winners have been announced. They exemplify the traits we see in so many students at AVHS -- Academic success, character, overcoming obstacles, leadership, work ethic. Congratulations to our January Eagle Excellence winners:
William Loher
Ella Wiggs
Cece Voss
Ranina Keizer
Kyle Weber
Mark Hentges
Jihan Abdi
Andrew Meyer
Bontu Dale
Hunter Aceret
Ashmin Kasim
Jabril Hassan
Our January Eagle Excellence screen cast is now on YouTube. https://youtu.be/f-UfhEusSac
WWW -- Wellness and Wisdom Wednesday #5 -- College Scholarships
AVHS Seniors - Do you have questions about scholarships? Do you know where to search for scholarships and how to apply? The AVHS counselors want to help! Please join us on Wednesday, February 3rd at 2 pm to learn more about the scholarship application process. These sessions will be done via Zoom so click on your counselor’s link to join the session.
Michelle Gustafson (A - C)
Don Perkins (D - He)
Val Fogolin (Hf - Mek)
Lisa Schmidt (Mel - Roo)
Ellen Perkins (Rop - Z)
2021-2022 Registration Information - January 12-29
Registration for the 2021-2022 school year will run from January 12-29. Students who are currently in 8th-11th grade who will attend AVHS should complete their registration on the Academic Planner in Infinite Campus. Important information for students will be delivered during Advisory this month. IT IS CRITICAL that students attend all assigned advisory sessions!
Below are some links to important pieces of information:
1. AVHS "One-Stop-Shop" for all things registration: From this link, you will find our registration videos, course guides, "how to" sheets, etc...Everything you need to learn about our classes at AVHS.
2. January Advisory Schedule and Counselor Zoom Links: This form lays out exactly when students should attend their Advisory classes for registration sessions. It also provides links to all of the counselor Zoom rooms.
3. Access to Infinite Campus Portal: Once the window opens on January 12, students will click on Academic Plan in Campus to complete their registration.
4. "How To Register" guide: This document is a great visual aid on the step-by-step process for graduation.
5. 2021-22 AVHS Registration Guide: Found on our registration page, this booklet lists all of our classes along with descriptions and prerequisites.
Again, the registration window will open on January 12 and it closes on January 29. Registration is an exciting time for students/families as you select the classes that will guide you toward graduation and your career interests.
December, 2020 Eagle Excellence Award Winners
Congratulations to this month's Eagle Excellence Award Winners:
Here is a link to the December, 2020 Eagle Excellence presentation.
This month’s honorees are:
Samira Mohamed – Ms. Ford
Evan Cha – Ms. Jagim
Monze Carbajal Pastrana – Ms. Dorsey
Amara Hachfeld – Mr. Bergh
Max Harvey – Ms. Lachapelle
Marcel Poindexter – Mr. Hayes
Jeffery Amigon Alarcon – Ms. Buhr
Stuart Buckland – Mr. Blaine
Anya Gann – Mr. Lavalle
Carter Ehlers – Mr. Dodge
Grace Lankas – Mr. Swanson
Isaiah Burns – Mr. Christiansen
What's Up?? Important Info from Student Services -- Dec. 17
Hello from the AVHS Student Services Office -- Here are a few important pieces of information for you:
1. Trimester 1 grades have been posted to report cards and to transcripts. You can view final grades on the Campus Portal. Current seniors can request new transcripts be sent by using Parchment. Information for that can be found here: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-departments/order-transcript
2. If a student did not earn credit in a core class (Science, English, Math, Social Studies, Wellness), they should plan to enroll in our Winter Credit Recovery program. Other classes might be offered as well. Information will be coming soon for our Winter 2020-21 Credit Recovery. If you have questions, please email Ms. Moren at jennifer.moren@district196.org
3. For current 9th-10th-11th grade students, registration for the 2021-22 school year will begin in early January. If you would like to review the information we will share with students and look over our registration offerings, please go to our Registration One-Stop-Shop at https://tinyurl.com/AVReg2021 Almost all information for registration will be shared with students via their advisory. PLEASE encourage your student to attend all advisory sessions!
4. Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, January 21 (4pm-7pm) and Friday, January 22 (7:30am-10:30am). These will be done virtually as we did during Trimester 1. Look for a sign-up link coming out in early January via the PTC Fast system that we used in the past.
5. Winter Break goes from December 23 (Wednesday) to January 3 (Sunday). School begins again on Monday, January 4th.
December Important Dates and Information
Trimester One officially ends on Friday, December 4th
-December 8th -- this is the final date students who are not earning credit in a class (NG in Campus) to turn work in to get to a passing mark (P in Campus).
-December 9th -- by the end of this day, teachers will post final grades into Campus
-December 17th -- Final grades are posted to report cards and onto transcripts in Campus.
*Students who do not earn credit in a class should look for information on our Credit Recovery program. That will be sent out in the coming weeks.
Trimester Two officially starts on Monday, December 7th
-December 5th/6th -- students should log into Campus and review their T2 schedule. There have been some changes to schedules as we balance class sizes so it is important that students follow the current T2 schedule in Campus.
-December 5th/6th -- students should log into Schoology to make sure they have access to their T2 schedule and the Zoom links for classes.
-December 7th -- T2 Classes begin at 9am. Students will follow what is in Campus/Schoology.
-December 22nd -- This is the final day of class of 2020, leading us into Winter Break. T2 begins again on January 4th, 2021.
**If you run into tech issues, please visit our tech help site: https://avhstech.help/
WWW #4 -- Wellness and Wisdom Wednesday: College Applications
ATTENTION SENIORS – Do you have questions about the college application process? If so, we are here to help! Join the AVHS counselors on Wednesday, December 2nd at 2 p.m. to learn more about this process and what you need to do in order to be ready for the December 15th early application deadline that many schools have. These sessions will be done via Zoom so click on your counselor's link and join for a Q and A session.
Michelle Gustafson (A - C)
Don Perkins (D - He)
Val Fogolin (Hf - Mek)
Lisa Schmidt (Mel - Roo)
Ellen Perkins (Rop - Z)
WWW #3 -- Wellness and Wisdom Wednesday
Are you interested in finding tools to help manage stress? Join AVHS counselors on Wednesday, November 18th at 2 p.m. to learn about Change to Chill - a website with tools to help teens manage everyday stress.
Michelle Gustafson (A - C)
Don Perkins (D - He)
Val Fogolin (Hf - Mek)
Lisa Schmidt (Mel - Roo)
Ellen Perkins (Rop - Z)
The 9th annual Apple Valley High School Veterans Day celebration is being held "virtually" this year. Although we do not have the opportunity to hold our in-person event, please visit the AVHS Eagle Media page and enjoy a look back at some of the highlights from the past 8 celebrations. Most importantly, THANK YOU to our veterans and their families for all of their sacrifices to make this the greatest country on Earth. To link directly to the program, you can go to https://tinyurl.com/AVVeteransDay2020
October, 2020 Eagle Excellence Award Winners
T2/T3 Schedule Change Requests
2020-2021 Schedule Change Request Forms are accepted from October 22-29. After that, schedules will be finalized for the rest of the 2020-2021 school year.
*Please note -- some schedules will change as we balance classes and cohorts. Be sure to check Campus and follow whatever is posted there.
1. Review all of the below guidelines and instructions below before requesting adjustments.
2. To make a request that follows the stated guidelines, select the appropriate counselor link below.
3. All schedule change requests must be submitted to the appropriate counselor. Schedule changes may be subject to parent approval, administrative approval and class availability, without exceeding maximum class size.
**NOTE: As we are bound be guidelines from the Governor and the Department of Health, we must maintain class sizes within our cohorts which allow us to operate safely. Therefore, changes will only be considered if they meet one of the criteria below.
Schedule changes will be considered for the following reasons:
- Seniors who need a course to fulfill a graduation requirement
- Students would like to opt into a more appropriate level of the course
- Students who have not met the required prerequisites to be in the course
- A clear error has been made (same class twice, wrong grade level, gap in the schedule, etc…)
- A special services need is required (SPED/EL/504 Plan)
Schedule changes will NOT be made for the following reasons:
- Requests for a class to be a specific hour (*This includes moving a study hall to a specific period)
- Requests for a specific teacher
- Requested change would exceed class size capacity
- **Requests to change an elective course to a different elective course will be considered if it fits in the schedule and does not exceed class size capacity
To access the Schedule Change request form, go to https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-departments/schedule-change-request
AVHS Schedules for Oct. 9/12/13
WWW #2 -- Senior College Planning, Oct. 7th
Our 2nd "Wellness and Wisdom Wednesday" session will take place October 7th.
AVHS Counselors will host a 15 minute zoom session at 2pm to offer a brief review of the college application process checklist. Any interested senior should join their counselor's zoom room prior to 2pm.
If you have time beforehand, review this video and come with any questions: College Application Checklist (5:19)
Michelle Gustafson (A - C)
Don Perkins (D - He)
Val Fogolin (Hf - Mek)
Lisa Schmidt (Mel - Roo)
Ellen Perkins (Rop - Z)
If you are interested in meeting for individually with your counselor please sign up for a senior meeting, if you have not already done so by clicking on this link:
The purpose of the senior meeting is to discuss credits, graduation requirements, college planning and post-secondary planning. This includes college choice, college admission requirements, NCAA eligibility, military and job hunting.
Wellness and Wisdom Wednesdays (WWW)
The Hybrid schedule allows us an opportunity to connect with our students and families on Wednesdays. Our first WWW session was held on September 30th and it was for the Class of 2024. Our 9th graders were invited to a Zoom meeting by their counselors where they watched a brief video introducing them to our office and our school and then their was an opportunity for a Q and A session. If you were unable to attend, that informational video is available on You Tube.
About Us -- AVHS Student Services
Website: https://avhs.district196.org/families/avhs-counselors
Location: 14550 Hayes Road, Apple Valley, MN, USA
Phone: 952-431-8212
Facebook: facebook.com/avhsscholar
Twitter: @AVHSAcademics