Sea Lion Spotlight
Malibu Elementary Parent Newsletter #7 - September 23, 2024
Table of Contents
2. Highlights - Photos of Recent Events
3. Important Dates - Coming Soon
4. Looking farther forward - Events to anticipate farther out in time
5. Articles - Timely information for parents
6. More Highlights
7. Useful Resources and Links
Principal's Pen
Hello MES Families,
Getting our children to and from school safely is everyone's concern. Please use the greatest caution when parking, when standing near the loading zone, and when walking from home. Below is an article for parents who want their children to walk or bicycle. When entering the loading zone, use a name placard on your dashboard so that staff and I may alert your child that you have arrived. Always load on the passenger side in the loading zone. Ensure all children are buckled up before pulling out.
In the morning please do not park in the teachers' spots along the perimeter. Teachers will be forced to double park. Please consider parking across the street and saving the center spots for our families with TK and Kinder-aged students. Remember to mind parking restrictions posted on Fernhill. This will help so much. Thank you.
Parents can access score reports for CAASPP, ELPAC and Star Renaissance assessment results on their Aeries Parent Portal. Hard copy score reports are not mailed home. These videos help explain to students & parents/guardians on how to access their portals. Student Portal Parent Portal. This guide helps parents locate your child's test scores and State Test Scores Reports: Parent Portal: Test Scores [Aeries]-attachment.
Please complete your annual data verification in your Aeries Parent Portal now. Make sure we have the right numbers, emails, and health information for your child and family. The article below will guide you with this important task.
Our Student Council has formed thanks to Teacher Tina Jennings. They have scheduled some great Spirit Days. Here is the schedule and details. Let's get behind our Council and show our spirit!
Thank you for your partnership,
Proud Principal Chris Hertz
Peace Day is coming. Show your spirit.
Trustworthiness Assembly
Touch Tank
Important Dates Coming Soon
24-25 Academic Calendar
24-25 PTA Calendar
- Now: Annual Parent Data Confirmation Open in Aeries (Parents affirm their data.)
- Sat 9/21 - Heal the Bay Beach Cleanup @ Zuma Beach Tower 2. (See flier below)
- Fri 09/27 - International Peace Day - Zoe's Lunchtime Theater - Audience: K-5 / 9:10-9:40 @ field
Looking farther forward...
Wed 10/02 - Picture Day (Details below)
Thur 10/03 - Local Holiday (Rosh Hashanah / No School)
Thur 10/10 - Make-Up Picture Day
SSC Meeting / 3:30 - 4:45 @ Zoom Link Forthcoming (Agenda: Star Data Analysis)
10/16/24-10/18/24 - 5th Grade Outdoor School (Pali Camp!)
10/21 - 10/25 - Book Fair Week (Details coming from PTA)
Wed 10/30 - Trunk-or-Treat / 5-6pm
Thur 10/31 - Yearbook 10% off discount promotion ends (Coupon Link)
Halloween Parade 8:30am (Overview) & Halloween Party Day
Fri 11/01 - Zoe Theater - Dia de Los Muertos / 9:10 am - 9:40am
- Tues 11/05 - Fri 11/08 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week (See minimum day schedule below)
- Tues 11/05 – Pupil Free Day for Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School)
- Wed 11/06 – 12:45 Dismissal for for Parent-Teacher Conferences (Minimum Day)
- Thur 11/07 – 12:45 Dismissal for for Parent-Teacher Conferences (Minimum Day)
- Mon 11/11 – Holiday (Veterans Day / No School)
- Fri 11/15 - Jog-a-Thon / morning
- November 27, 28, & 29, 2024 -- Thanksgiving Break (No School)
- Fri 12/20 – Last Day before Winter Break
Articles for Parents
Keep Your Child Safe on the Way To and From School
Regardless of whether your child walks or bikes all the way to school or just to the bus stop, you want him/her to stay safe. You can help your child stay safe by doing the following:
• Plan ahead. Whether your child walks to the bus stop or to school, figure out the safest route. Choose a way that has the fewest street crossings. If you can, avoid vacant lots or places where there aren’t many people. Walk the route with your child.
• There’s safety in numbers. If possible, arrange for your child to walk with a friend, neighbor or family member.
• Play “What if” with your child. What if he/she gets a bloody nose? What if a large dog is in the path? Talking about these unexpected things will make handling them easier for your child.
• Teach your child never to ride with strangers. Remember, a stranger is anyone your child doesn’t know well. Many families have a “secret code.” If you had to send a friend to pick up your child, you would tell the person this secret word. It is a signal to your child that this person is safe to ride with.
Reflections Art Contest!
Calling all MES students to participate in this years PTA Reflections Art Contest! This years theme is 'Accepting Imperfection'
There are 6 creative categories for your child's age division: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography or Visual Arts. Winners in these categories will go on to represent the school in the wider district contest! More exciting promotional events to come for this contest but in the meantime please ask your child to enter and showcase their creative prowess!
The deadline is October 27th with the required entry form.
Submission form is HERE
Please send your submission here MESreflectionschair@gmail.com
Report Safety Concerns to the Principal
Parents, if you see a safety concern, please send me an email at chertz@smmusd.org or call me at 310-457-9370 ext. 78-202. Your observations and ideas have been extremely valuable over the past years. I look forward to working with you to make our school even safer. Also, please tell your child to contact me or a staff member if they think there is a dangerous incident. This includes aggression on campus, stranger danger, or if someone talks about harassment or suicide. Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to each of us.
Learning While School is Inaccessible/Closed due to Road Closures, Fire, Power Outage
If two or more roads into/out of Malibu are closed, then Malibu schools will close. This decision is rendered by the Executive Director of the Malibu pathway no later than 6:30am the day of. Please know that the safety of our families and staff are the priority with these decisions.
We must still offer learning opportunities to students. We will be consistent across all grades.
Students may use Lexia, read AR books, use DreamBox, use Reflex, write about what they did that day, and for grades 4 & 5 - use google classroom.
Teachers will not take attendance. Teachers will not email or Zoom with students. This is a School Closure Day.
Unincorporated LA County Road Closures Website: https://pw.lacounty.gov/roadclosures/
Annual Parent Data Confirmation or Revision - Aeries Parent Portal
Beginning August 12, 2024
ACTION NEEDED: Malibu Elementary’s annual registration process is completed in the Aeries Parent Portal. You must complete data confirmation for each student.
Beginning August 12, 2024:
- Log in to your Aeries Parent Portal: https://santamonicamalibu.aeries.net/
- Be sure to read, review, and discuss all the materials with your student.
- Very Important: We need to gather information from you for emergency contacts. Please add at least two non-parents. While there are many boxes to fill, at minimum include name, relationship, and phone number.
- We also need to gather information from you for health documents.
Note: You may decide to print some of the documents for future reference. For a tutorial on how to complete this process, please click here English
We have worked to digitize the compliance and document portions of the “First Day Packet.” The Data Confirmation process is easy. This includes items like Emergency Cards, Parent Handbooks and Policies and Authorizations. We have many important documents and plenty of information for your family within the online registration site, accessed via your Aeries Parent Portal. Note: You must complete data confirmation for each student. Please be sure to read, review, and discuss all the materials with your student. We also need to gather information from you for emergency contacts and health documents. You may decide to print some of the documents for future reference.
For a tutorial on how to complete this process, please click here English
LCAP Parent Advisory Committee
We held our first LCAP Parent Advisory Committee Meeting last week.
Our next Meeting is November 14.
MES is still in need of one or two parent reps for this District-wide think tank. Please, continue to recruit and add name to the spreadsheet (and email me/Yvonne Strahn) once you are able to find someone. Recruitment Letter.
Picture Day
Picture Day is Wednesday, October 2nd. All students will be photographed. There is no need to fill out any forms or submit payment on Picture Day. Approximately 1-2 weeks after Picture Day, you will receive an email link to view your proof and order online. For more information and tips on what to wear, please see the PDF attached and click this video link: CLICK HERE TO WATCH!
MES Minimum Days Schedule / 12:45 Dismissal for All Students (TK-5)
- Nov 6 (Parent Conference Week)
- Nov 7 (Parent Conference Week)
- Nov 8 (Parent Conference Week)
- May 22 (Open House and Celebration of Learning)
- June 11 (2nd to last day of school)
- June 12 (last day of school)
MBGC Information - September
The Boys & Girls Club of Malibu aims to provide a fun, safe, and creative environment for all Malibu youth to thrive, find support through positive mentorship, develop important life skills, and receive social and emotional support. We are currently offering: Link
Volunteering at MES
Consistent attendance is crucial for your child’s academic success. Every student, every day matters! When students are present, they are more likely to stay on track with their learning and build positive relationships with their peers and teachers.
Absence Reporting Procedures:
If your child will be absent, please report the absence by emailing Kim Rivetti at krivetti@smmusd.org. Be sure to include your child’s name, grade, date, and reason for the absence. You have 3 days to clear any student absences.
For more detailed information, please review the SMMUSD attendance policies by clicking HERE.
More Highlights
Useful Resources and Links
Principal Chris' Past Newsletters
PTA Website and Store
PTA Spirit Wear "Akaway Collection"
Student Services Registration Documents 23/24
MES Minimum Days - 2023 - 2024
Volunteering at MES: Information and Signup form
Medications at School Form Send to School Nurse Marion Mayer: mmayer@smmusd.org
Connect with Chris Hertz
Email: chertz@smmusd.org
Website: malibues.smmusd.org
Location: 6955 Fernhill Drive, Malibu, CA, USA
Phone: 310-457-9370
Twitter: @hertzinator