Principal 6th grade back to school
Back to School Information and Forms
Dear Le Sueur-Henderson 6th Grade Parents and Students,
Welcome to Le Sueur-Henderson Middle School! We are excited to begin an outstanding year of engaging learning opportunities. There are many exciting experiences planned for the 2024-2025 school year.
6th Grade Parents/Guardians and students are invited to attend our "6th Grade Orientation" on August 20th which begins at 6:00 pm. During this time participants will become more familiar with our school and learn how to support students to be successful throughout their Middle and High School experience.
Open House - August 22-23rd, 2024
To provide more accessibility, Open House will be held at two separate times for the Middle and High School:
Thursday, August 22: 3:00-7:00 PM
- Informational Presentations about the new Crisis Response Initiative and Cell phones will be held at 4:00 and 6:00 pm
Friday, August 23: 8:00-11:00 AM
**During this time students who have completed the 1:1 Device Agreement and provided payment for optional insurance can pick up their device. Teachers, counselors, and office staff will be available at each Open House to answer any questions you might have as we prepare for the school year.
This is a great opportunity for students and parents to explore the school on their own, practice opening lockers, and preparing for the 1st day of school.
Beginning Band Camp
School Pictures During OPEN HOUSE
School Pictures
School pictures will be taken during Open House. See the attached flyer below.
Back to School Forms and Information
Most of our Back-to-School forms will be completed digitally. Please review the Back to School Checklist below and complete all forms included before our first day of school. Please let our office staff (507-665-5800) know if you have any questions or need assistance.
Infinite Campus Account
Please log into your IC account to complete Census Verification and Educational Benefits.
Census Verification
- To complete this form online
- Simply log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal
- Follow the tabs on the left-hand side: ‘More’
- Select "Address" and confirm each tab has accurate information
- Select "Demographics" and confirm each tab has accurate information
- Select "Family Information"and confirm each tab has accurate information.
Mobile Device:
- In Infinite Campus
- Click on the 3 lines on the top left corner
- Select “More,” confirm your information is up to date in each section:
- Address
- Demographics
- Family Information.
**Please add your child’s cell phone number to the contact information in Infinite Campus if available.
Any updates to mailing addresses should be sent to for processing.
🌟Please Complete Educational Benefits - It provides More than just free Meals🌟
Your application will help the school qualify for education funds, discounts, and other meal programs.
Infinite Campus Education Benefits Path:
To complete this form online
- Simply log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal
- Follow the tabs on the left-hand side: ‘More’
- Select ‘Meal Benefits’
Choir/Band Registration
Parents/caregivers of our 6th grade students- please fill out the following form to ensure that your child is placed in the elective class of their choosing. All 6th grade students are required to take either Band, Choir, or both on alternating days. Once you complete this form, the chosen class will be placed in your students schedule prior to the first day of school. Thank you!
Digital Equity Form
To ensure access to educational resources and support school districts are required to collect information on the Digital Equity Form. Please complete the form below.
Vaccination Reminder
1:1 Device Agreement - Chromebooks
Please review the ISD 2397 Le Sueur-Henderson Schools Student Device Handbook.
Le Sueur-Henderson Middle/High School is a 1:1 chromebook school. All students are required to use school devices at school. Personal devices will not be accepted in school but may be used to complete assignments at home. The 2024-2025 Mobile Device Student & Parent Agreement below is required to be completed for all students before device pick-up. Information about optional chromebook insurance is available in the device handbook. Online chromebook insurance payments can be made here.
Photo Consent
School Pay
Payments can be made online through School Pay for Student Device Insurance and Lunch Accounts. Click the link below.
Health Forms
Annual Health/Emergency Information Forms can be found in the MSHS main office and will be available at 6th Grade Orientation, Open House and Device Pickup. For questions or concerns please contact Beth Wagner:
General Information
District Website
Our district website ( is a great communication tool for all of our students, parents, staff and community members. Important dates for school activities and athletics as well as announcements and staff communication information are a few items which can be found on the school website.
6th Grade Daily Schedule
6th Grade students at LS-H Middle School will attend seven classes each day and each class will be 48 minutes in length. All 6th grade students will take Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, WIN (What I Need), Band/Choir/Both, and Phy Ed/General Music/Digital Life/STEM.
Learning Lab
Students identified as needing extra support for Reading and/or Math skills may be assigned to Learning Lab where intense intervention skills will be taught and practiced on a 6 week rotation.
POWER Lounge
The POWER Lounge is a dedicated space in our school designed to support students in various ways. POWER stands for Pride, Ownership, Willingness, Empathy, and Respect—the core values we strive to uphold in our community. The POWER Lounge provides a safe and supportive environment where students can de-escalate from stressful situations, reflect on their actions, and relearn appropriate behaviors. It also offers a haven for social-emotional support, helping students navigate their personal and academic challenges with the guidance of trained staff. Our goal is to foster a positive school experience by encouraging students to take ownership of their actions, demonstrate willingness to improve, show empathy towards others, and maintain respect in all interactions.
Medication Policy
The Le Sueur - Henderson Public Schools medication procedure does not allow students to self-carry over the counter medications (OTCs). This applies to students of all ages and includes basic pain relievers such as Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen. This does not apply to rescue medications, such as Inhalers or EpiPens.
For MS/HS students and parents, please be aware that our Annual Health form allows for you to provide consent for basic OTCs. Please recognize that this requirement is to help ensure the safety and health of our students. We thank you in advance for partnering with us and making sure this is a safe place for students to learn and grow.
Locker Information
Locker Numbers and Combinations can be found on each student’s schedule. Schedules are located in Infinite Campus for all LS-H Middle/High School students.
School Lunch
Students are provided one school lunch and breakfast free of charge. Additional meals and A La Carte items will still be available at additional charge.
**School Pay Link Here** here.
H.A.V.E. Membership
H.A.V.E. (Humanities are Vital to Education) exists to promote, foster and develop quality programs in the arts and humanities in the Le Sueur/Henderson area. If you are interested in a HAVE Membership please complete the attached form.
Attendance Matters
Every minute of a student's time at school is important. Students who are absent miss valuable instructional time. However, students who are ill should stay home, rest, and recover.
We recognize these messages can feel at odds with one another. We hope to underscore that keeping students in school when they’re healthy allows flexibility and time, if needed, to be absent and fully recover from illness before returning to school.
It is important that families continue to report their child’s excused absences, so school officials know when to expect students in class. However, the state tallies any absence – excused or unexcused – toward overall absenteeism. A student is considered chronically absent when 10% (18 days) or more of the school year are missed. Therefore, when a student is absent for any reason, certain actions are triggered as follows:
Unexcused absences
- At the 3rd unexcused absence, a letter will be sent home from the school
- At the 5th unexcused absence, a meeting will be held to draft an attendance plan for the student
- At the 7th unexcused absence, a follow up meeting will be held to revisit the plan
- At the 10th unexcused absence, the student or parent may be referred to court services
Excused absences will also be monitored
- Schools may send letters home, call families, and/or coordinate meetings with families to review student absence rates.
MS School Supply Lists
Le Sueur-Henderson Middle & High School901 East Ferry Street, Le Sueur, MN 56058
(507) 665-5800