The LHS Weekly

September 13, 2024
Take care,
Ian / Principal
Focus on Learning
Calendar Notes
September 16, 10:45-11:45 - Mini College Fair in the Gym. Admissions officers from these colleges will be present: Keene State College, Colby Sawyer College, Plymouth State University, Franklin Pierce University, Rivier University, Southern NH University, New England College, Saint Anselm College, University of New Hampshire, Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, NH Technical Institute - Concord's Community College, Lakes Region Community College, and River Valley Community College
September 16, 5:30-6:30 - College Information Night for parents of seniors
September 19, 5:30pm - LHS Open House - Parents are invited to come meet the teachers and see our school.
September 28, 7:00-9:30 Homecoming Dance
LHS Open House
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Thursday evening is our annual Lebanon High School Open House, and we hope to see you there. Please arrive in the cafeteria between 5:30 and 5:45 for light refreshments and a chance to pick up your child’s schedule from one of the Counselors. We will have brief remarks from administrators at 5:45. Beginning at 6:00, you will have the opportunity to attend all seven periods in ten minute intervals.
Please note that traffic is challenging this time of day, so plan ahead.
It’s important to note that Open House is designed for parents more than students. This isn't time for parent-teacher conferences, but rather an opportunity for you to visit classrooms, experience high school hallways for the first time in a while, and meet the teachers. Each teacher will give a brief overview of their classroom content. If you happen to have a study hall, you can return to the cafe for cheese & crackers, visit our library, or stop by to see one of our specialized programs (ELO, 504, Learning Centers, etc.) The schedule for the evening is below.
You will follow your child’s schedule...
5:30-5:45 Meet your child’s Counselor and pick up their schedule
5:45 - 6:00 Greetings from LHS Admin in the cafeteria
6:00-6:10 Period 1
6:14-6:24 Period 2
6:28-6:38 Period 3
6:42-6:52 Period 4
6:56-7:06 Period 5
7:10-7:20 Period 6
7:24-7:34 Period 7
The Weekly
We appreciate all of the comments on our new format. Smore tracks views, and last week's newsletter has been viewed by 935 people! Please remember that we welcome updates & photos depicting student life at LHS. We are also happy to add community members, relatives, friends, and alumni to our direct mailing list. Please email brobinson@sau88.net.
Our New Addition
Every day, when we pull up to school, we are amazed by the difference our new addition has made. Last week, we looked at the student center, and today we include photos of our light, spacious, and sound-proofed band spaces. Thanks to the community for this amazing upgrade!
Grade Nine Hike 2024
Yesterday was a beautiful day to climb Mt. Kearsarge, and the Class of 2028 did it in style. More photos are available here - check them out! Thanks to all of the chaperones.
Out and About
We took a peek into a few of our math classrooms. Our students are usually working in groups, but several had their first tests this week.
Teen Roles
Part of our 10th grade health curriculum is building trust and confidence by experiencing the LHS Ropes course. One of Mrs. Sowa's classes are shown below on their first day outside, and the focus was on the roles to support a classmate while climbing and learning to belay. What a beautiful day!
STEM Internship
Students in the STEM Internship are at Hypertherm are beginning a project-based learning experience that will culminate in January. They are currently working on their resumes and will use them to apply for a role on in a Shark Tank simulation. Students are seen below working with the group from Thetford as well as Tim Renner, Hypertherm, and Susan Swenson, Fujifilm Dimatix.
First in Class at the Tunbridge Fair
Sara won a blue ribbon! Mentored by Jacklyn Angell, Sara earned academic credit by completing an extended learning opportunity in 4-H and dairy showmanship. Through her involvement in 4-H, Sara honed her skills in dairy cattle care, learning the intricacies of animal grooming, show preparation, and presentation techniques. Her dedication shone brightly as she successfully showcased her dairy cattle at the Tunbridge Fair, demonstrating both her expertise and her commitment to the agricultural community. This experience not only enriches her high school education but also paves the way for future endeavors in agriculture and animal science. Congratulations, Sara!
Physical Education at LHS
Physical education is about building healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Our weight room is a great place to work out, thanks to Mr. Kehoe and Mr. Dancosse.
The Lebanon Times
Some of our Weekly readers do not receive the Lebanon Times, so we wanted to draw your attention to the most recent edition. The top story features the Niroula family and their inspirational journey from Nepal to Lebanon. Aadish is a current sophomore, and Aavarika graduated in June 2024. You will find a link to the story on the Lebanon Times website.
News from School Counseling
The last day to drop a semester long class without penalty is September 26th.
Counselors will be visiting senior English classes the week of September 9th. We will be providing information on the college application process, CommonApp, and Scoir. Students will be filling out information indicating if they are applying to college (Early Decision, Early Action, or Regular Decision) or planning on entering the workforce or military. Once counselors identify the students who have early college deadlines (11/1 or 11/15), we will be setting up individual meetings with students. It is HIGHLY recommended that seniors check their emails daily.
FINANCIAL AID 101 FROM GRANITE EDVANCE-----> Click here for webinar recording
College Visits Schedule: click here
9/16- (5:30-6:30) College Info Night for families of senior planning to apply to college
10/16- 7:30 am PSAT/NMSQT for juniors
Ready for Some Raiders Football? Good luck in your season opener tonight.
JV Soccer Beat Laconia Last Friday!
Bass Fishing
Seventeen boats competed with Lebanon putting three boats in the mix. On a day with only five boats limiting out at eight fish, and most boats with four or fewer fish in the bag, Captain Jay's boat with Sam and Jon had a day with five fish in the bag for 7th place! Captain Aaron's boat and Captain Mike's boats had good learning days finishing in the second half of the group.
Time spent fishing is always time well spent. We talked on our boat about how we spent an entire day without worrying about any of life's stressors - school, homework, disagreements with friends and family and so forth. All in all, a good day.
Yep, no wind on Winni today! Seventeen boats competed today out of Shep Brown's. Tim Cooper had a big day on his first tournament boating five fish, with Caleb adding a sixth. Tim and Caleb led the three Lebanon boats placing 7th with 8.43 lbs. A big thank you to Captain Jay and Captain Aaron for bringing the kids out!
Runner-Up Sportsmanship Award 2023-2024
When Ben Davis attended his first NHIAA meeting this week, he receive the banner below. We are proud of all of our athletes' accomplishments, but this one really stands out. Congratulations to all of our students who played on LHS teams last year with grit and integrity.
Mike Stone Named Athletic Director of the Year 2023-2024
Mike Stone may be enjoying the first weeks of his retirement, but his reputation lives on. The NHIAA named him the Division II AD of the year, and we don't think they could have made a better choice. Congratulations, Mike!
Congratulations to our Tennis All Stars
These honors were bestowed during the summer.
D II - Player of the Year - Nolan Arado
D II - Coach of the Year - Tammy Arado
D II - 1st Team All State - Nolan Arado
D II - 1st Team All State - Will Katz
D III - 1st Team All State - Adaa Karanwal
D III - 2nd Team All State - Hailey Shibuola
Alumni Corner
We absolutely love it when we hear from LHS alumni & their parents. If you have an update to share, or if you would like to join our mailing list, please email Bonnie at brobinson@sau88.net. You will receive the Weekly automatically.
After the big Patriots win last weekend, we are thinking about football. It is great to see our alumni coming together!
Nyeoti (LHS '22) now attending Holy Cross met fellow Raider Jackson (LHS '22) now attending UNH met on the gridiron last weekend. Fellow Raiders Justin ('22) now at Assumption, Calvin ('21) now at Connecticut College, and Braeden ('22) now at Wesleyan, were there to cheer them on.
CJ (LHS '22) is playing football at Castleton University, and they won the Sap Bucket trophy for the first time since 2017. He is seen above with two other LHS alums and one honorary one: Chris Childs '95, Rich Rogers, and Todd Bircher '94.
In the MASCAC weekly awards, CJ was named the Special Teams Player of the Week! See more here. Congratulations!
The LHS Admin Team
Ian Smith, Principal, ismith@sau88.net
Bonnie Robinson, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, brobinson@sau88.net
Colin Tindall, Assistant Principal, ctindall@sau88.net
Ben Davis, Director of Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities, bdavis@sau88.net