Cerro Villa Vikings News
October 1st - October 7th: Weekly Publication
Cerro Villa Highlights - Great things Happening at CV!
- Congrats to all four teams (Girls a/b and Boys a/b) for winning their games on Monday vs Portola.
- If you have photos from away games - you may send to Mr. Jones @ jjones@orangeusd.org
- 48 students were recognized at the September Student of the Month Ceremony.. Congratulations!!
"Win the Day" at Cerro Villa
Check out the NEW Bulletin Board located in the main office!
Link to "Win the Day" - Mark Batterson
Here are a few ways to "Win the Day"
- "Flip the Script" on struggles/challenges and make them successes!
- Follow "Kaizen" - strive for continuous improvement each day!
- "Be Kind" - smile, say hello, look out for your fellow vikings! Remember - everyone is going through a battle we may not know.. Be Kind Always!
Cerro Villa Announcements
October is Bully Prevention Month - Wear BLUE on Monday!!
KINDNESS is the quality or state of being kind. Give KINDNESS because you can. Do not judge. Learn other cultures because if you don’t you will never know what wonderful people can be in your life. Be RESPECTFUL to all people. Why? Because the world needs more people who are. And there is no one better to do this than ALL OF US!!
PFSO Fall Into Giving Fundraiser: October 2nd - 16th
"Fall Into Giving" runs from October 2nd - October 16th. This is Cerro Villa's biggest fundraiser that supports the entire school.
- Our $22,000 goal will be used to fund: Safety upgrades! Auditorium improvements! Teachers wish list items!
- Earn a monthly school-wide Free Dress Day if we reach our $22k goal!
- View Flyer for details on GOALS and PRIZES
CVTV Episode 1
Episode 1 includes:
- Flashback Friday - Class of 2023 Promotion Party
- Musical Chairs 1
- 7th Grade Mix and Mingle
- Getting to Know Mr. Jones
CVTV Episode 1 (10 minutes)
Custodian Appreciative Day
CV Viking Shelf Life - Monthly LIbrary Newsletter: October
Viking Shelf Life - October Library Newsletter
Student Expectations are being met!
Our new focus is to decline single period Tardies. A surprise Tardy Sweep was held and 20 students were identified in the sweep. Consequences include notification home and an assigned detention. Administration will continue to have random Tardy Sweeps in order to encourage ALL students to arrive to class on time. We are looking to allow another FREE DRESS if our single period tardies DECLINE throughout the week!
340 students were recognized on Friday for having 0 tardies!! Way to Go Vikings!
- Over 340 students were invited to a "Tardy Party" on Friday for having 0 tardies throughout the school year!!
- Students were sent out to the ampitheatre 10 minutes before lunch
- In the ampitheatre, students were provided candy, had music playing, got to hang with friends, and allowed to get lunch early!
Way to "Win the Day" every day and every period!!
Another way to "Win the Day" = Success is a series of small wins
Parent Conferences: Thursday, October 12th, 3:30 - 5:30pm
At Cerro Villa, Parent Conferences are scheduled by invitation. Each teacher will designate at least 10 students who are in need for a conference. Invitations will be delivered to those students/families who are requested by teachers.
Families/students not invited for a parent conference are still welcomed to attend.
Letters will go out at the end of this week.
Homework Help Available
Need Help with Homework / Classwork???
Check out the flyer for information!
Leadership / Activities Announcements
CV Athletic News / Events
October 2nd Games- Good Luck Boys and Girls Soccer!
- Yorba Girls @ Cerro Villa Girls
- Cerro Villa Boys @ Yorba Boys
About PFSO
https://www.cvpfso.org/ - visit the PFSO website to learn about all the opportunities to get involved.
What is the PFSO?
The Cerro Villa Parent Faculty Student Organization (PFSO) is a non-profit organization that assists the faculty and staff in enhancing the education experiences of our children.
The PFSO assists with many programs around the school, including dances, Student of the Month, Honor Society, and the 8th Grade Promotion Party. Without your support, these events would not be possible. Most importantly, the PFSO also supports the faculty and staff at Cerro Villa in acquiring items they need for their classrooms in order to enhance our children’s educational experiences.
Earn Free Money for Cerro Villa
Did you know that the CV PFSO can receive “free money” from Ralphs every time you shop? This summer we received $31.51 from just 8 participating families' grocery runs. Imagine how much more we could earn if you, your friends, and family sign up too!
This one-time sign-up will take just a few minutes of your time:
Step 1: Go to www.ralphs.com
Step 2: Sign in or create an account with your Ralphs Rewards account number (found on the back of your shopping card)
Step 3: Go to My Account, then to Community Contributions
Step 4: Enroll for free and designate "Cerro Villa PFSO" as your program of choice
Step 5: Forget about it! You just shop as usual from now on in-store or online :)
For more information, visit: https://www.ralphs.com/i/community/community-contribution-program
And if you have any issues, please email cvpfso@gmail.com - we're happy to help get you set up. Thanks! - CV PFSO
Important Dates
October 2nd: Bully Prevention - Wear Blue
October 2 - 16: PFSO Fundraiser
October 12: Parent Conferences, 3:30 - 5:30
October 13: Minimum Day
October 20: VPHS Feeder Football Game
October 23-27: Red Ribbon Week
October 27: 8th Grade Dance
Parent / Orange Unified Information
message from orange unified - september 29, 2023
View the latest message from Orange Unified:
In this Message
- Student Board Members
- National Merit Scholar Semifinalists
- Commended Students in the National Merit Scholar Program
- Employees of the Month
- U.S. News & World Report Best High Schools
- Connect with Us
- Orange High School Measure S Phase 2 Topping Out
- Villa Park High School Science Center Named ASCE Sustainable Project of the Year
- Employment Opportunities
- Free In-Person Bus Driver Training
- OUPSF Car Raffle
- CIF Early Season Polls
Upcoming Events
- October 4: Legislative Coalition Meeting
- October 6: Villa Park HS Homecoming Game
- October 16 - 20: Free In-Person Bus Driver Training
- October 19: Board of Education Meeting
- October 20: Villa Park HS Feeder School Night
VPHS Campus Care Day
Did you know that CV students can get service hours for attending and contributing to the VPHS Campus Care Day?
Take this opportunity to have a fun opportunity to care for your future home away from home, while earning valuable service hours!
2023 Orange Field of Valor
Saturday, Nov. 11th- Saturday, Nov. 18th
- OPENING CEREMONIES are on SATURDAY, NOV. 11TH at 2:30 PM with special recognition of Vietnam Era Veterans
Flags can be sponsored for $35 each for 2023, or for $90 for three years (2023, 2024 and 2025.) ONE HONOREE PER FLAG.
An online form to sponsor a Flag Tribute is available through the link above. There is a lot of information you may submit about the Honoree that increases the Flag Tribute information, such as dates of military service, medals, and certificates. Take a look at the form, gather your info, then submit.
Cerro Villa 2023-2024 Bell Schedule
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
2023-2024 Student Calendar / Attendance
2023-2024 Student Calendar - OUSD
Cerro Villa Calendar & Events - Cerro Villa
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
Positive Information on Student Attendance: