PS 199Q Newsletter
January 12, 2025
A Message from Principal Daliposki
Dear PS 199 Families,
Happy New Year! I hope your December break was filled with rest, laughter, and plenty of quality time with your loved ones. Whether you stayed cozy at home or went on new adventures, I hope it was a chance to recharge and create special memories.
As we step into the second half of the school year, I want to take a moment to thank you for all the ways you’ve supported your child’s learning journey so far. The new year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on how far we’ve come and look forward to what’s ahead. I’m so excited for the growth and achievements we’ll celebrate together in the months to come!
Here are a few things to keep in mind as we settle back in:
- Winter Weather Reminders: With the cold weather here, please make sure your child is bundled up with coats, hats, and gloves—and don’t forget to label them to help us keep track of those easy-to-misplace items! If you are missing any items, please see our lost and found.
- Every Day Counts!: Every day in school makes a difference, and we love seeing your children ready to learn, grow, and shine. Let’s work together to keep up strong attendance habits.
I’m truly grateful for your partnership and the trust you place in us to help your children thrive. If you ever have questions or ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can make 2025 an incredible year for our PS 199 community!
Here’s to a fresh start filled with learning, joy, and success!
Visit our website for the full calendar!
Mr. Daliposki
Kindergarten Open House - Applications due by January 24, 2025
Emergency Contact Information
Dear Families,
For the safety of our students and our school communities, it’s important that New York City Public
Schools (NYCPS) and school staff are able to contact a trusted guardian in the event there is an
emergency at the school or concerning a student in attendance.
Please be sure that PS 199Q has the current address and contact information of a trusted
adult who can come to school to retrieve your child in the event of an emergency.
You can update your student's emergency contact and health information online through your New York
City Schools Account (NYCSA) at schoolsaccount.nyc. You may also provide this information via the blue emergency contact card which can be retrieved at your school, if preferred.
Thank you as always for your partnership.
Mr. Daliposki
Estimada familia:
Para la seguridad de todos nuestros estudiantes y comunidades educativas, es importante que el Sistema de Escuelas Públicas de la Ciudad de Nueva York (NYC Public Schools, NYCPS) y el personal escolar puedan comunicarse con un tutor de confianza en caso de una emergencia en la escuela o en relación con un estudiante.
Asegúrese de que PS 199Q tenga la dirección e información de contacto al día de un adulto de confianza que pueda venir a la escuela a recoger a su hijo en caso de emergencia.
Puede actualizar el contacto para emergencias y la información médica de su hijo por internet a través
de su cuenta NYC Schools (NYCSA) en schoolsaccount.nyc. También puede proporcionar esta información mediante la tarjeta azul de contactos para emergencias en la escuela, si lo prefiere.
Gracias de antemano por su colaboración.
Mr. Daliposki
Important Dates from Ms. Becco, Parent Coordinator
December Activities
January Events
1/13/2025 - SLT Meeting in –person at 4:00 p.m.
1/16/2025 - Grade 5 Graduation Photos. If you have a child graduating and would like to volunteer on picture day, please contact the PTA or Ms. Becco.
1/17/2025 - PTA General Membership Meeting & Charter Champion Celebration –
8:30 a.m.
1/20/2025 - SCHOOLS CLOSED in observance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Day.
1/21 - 1/24 - Smile Dental Clinic will provide teeth cleaning to all students with signed parental consent.
If you have not returned your application to the school, please use the following link.
Website for Parents to Enroll: https://www.myschooldentist.com/P8NLNY_schsrm
1/28/2025 - Parent SEL Art Workshop: Paint -N-Sip – 8:30 a.m.
1/29/2025 - NO SCHOOL in observance of Lunar New Year
1/29/2025 - Sunnyside Holiday Camp in session
1/30/2025 - The PTA in collaboration with Ms. Gabriel presents Bollywood Family Dance Lesson – 5:30 p.m.
Dates to Remember
The deadline for the Middle School Application was December 20, 2024. School staff may input late applications until January 17, 2025. If you have not already submitted your grade 5 student’s application, please contact Ms. Colchamiro for assistance.
The Kindergarten Application closes on January 24, 2025.
An Important Message from Ms. Becco
Happy New Year Falcon Family!
I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and the brief time off from school. Its nice when you can take time to quiet your mind, just a little, from your normal routine.
Let me just point out some dates you need to pay attention to this month.
As you can see, Kindergarten Applications will close on the 24th of January. Please plan to sign into MYSCHOOLS to complete an application if your little one will attend kindergarten next September. Also, the Middle School Application has already closed, but Ms. Colchamiro still has time to assist you with choosing your selections and completing the application.
On Tuesday, January 7th you are invited to join us in the school’s library to take care of some business. If you have still not created a NYCSA account for your child, you may come get assistance with it. If you are the parent of a Kindergarten student, now is the time for you the complete Building Block 1. If you have not returned your OPT- OUT form, please join us and we will assist you in signing into your account to view how much money has already been set aside for your child.
This is an opportunity to get questions answered, meet other parents with children that may be in the same class, gain a better understanding of everything that is going on in the school.
There are several dates this month, you are invited to come into the school building for learning opportunities as, well as entertainment. Please see our calendar for more details.
CEC Meeting
January 28, 2025 Hybrid Business and Calendar
Meeting 6:00 - 9:30 pm
Public School 305 Learners and Leaders 360 Seneca Avenue Ridgewood, New York 11368
Register in advance for the hybrid meeting: https://nycdoe.zoom.us/meeting/register/p-tsP8ESRlKLaZxZpXLzXQ
Meeting ID: 986 2242 6280 Code: 113485
P.S. 199 PTA
Welcome Back Falcon Families
Happy New Year!
We hope you had wonderful holidays and a restful break. We would like to extend our gratitude to those who donated their membership dues. Your contributions will help fund upcoming events for the remainder of the year.
We would also like to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation to all the families and staff who contributed to our December Potluck event. Your generosity, delicious dishes, and warm presence made the evening truly special. Thank you for making our NYC Reads Initiative Potluck a memorable night!
Here are some important upcoming events:
- NYCSA Account Set-up and Flu Season Awareness Workshop with Nurse Basma on Tuesday, January 7th, at 8:30 a.m.
- 5th Grade Graduation Photos (Grade 5 parents volunteers needed) on Thursday, January 16th, at 8:15 a.m. Please contact Ms. Becco at sbecco@schools.nyc.gov to volunteer.
- PTA Hybrid General Membership Meeting and Charter Champion Celebration: Friday, January 17th, at 8:30 a.m. Zoom link is on the school's website.
- Bollywood Family Dance Lesson: Thursday, January 30th, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be available for purchase.
We look forward to seeing you at these events! To stay connected, please join our WhatsApp group using the link below.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
Message from Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos
New Year, New Newsletter
Dear Families and Colleagues,
As we ring in 2025, we are excited to begin rolling out a fresh look and feel for PS + You! I want to thank everyone who provided feedback this past fall via our redesign survey. Based on your input, this newsletter will now incorporate new and exciting components, including:
- The Chancellor’s Spotlight: This section will highlight exemplary programs and extraordinary people across our school system. I have so many ideas for these spotlights, but I also want your help in collecting them. Who are the unsung heroes at your school, the people who embody our mission but are not often recognized? What are the unique, innovative programs in your district or school community that should be more widely known? I encourage you to nominate them here! We’ll feature at least one Chancellor’s Spotlight each week.
- NYCPS News and Resources: In your survey responses, you asked for more practical information on navigating our system, from reminders about enrollment deadlines to awareness of student opportunities and resources. In our brand-new NYCPS News and Resources section, we’ll share these types of announcements and reminders, many of which can also be found on our NYCPS blog, The Morning Bell.
I hope these changes make PS + You more enjoyable and useful for the one million-plus families and staff members who receive this newsletter each week. Thank you for your engagement and for your support of our students!
In partnership,
Melissa Aviles-Ramos
Message from Deputy Chancellor Cristina Melendez
Important Information
About us
Website: ps199q.org
Location: 39-20 48 Avenue, Sunnyside, NY, USA
Phone: (718) 784-3431
Twitter: @PS_199Q