Husky E-News
November 24, 2024
From the Principal
Hillendale families,
If you haven't had the pleasure to meet our Hillendale turkeys yet, enjoy the photo attached of our feathered friends who have made our campus their new home!
In the spirit of the season, I simply wanted to share with you all how thankful I am to be a part of the Hillendale school community. I am blessed to work here with the best staff imaginable and the greatest kids and families a principal could ever ask for. I hope you all have a terrific Thanksgiving!
As a reminder, we will have 12:25 PM dismissals this week on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (11/25 - 11/27) for fall conferences. Kindergarten will run on a modified schedule (AM K - 9:10 - 10:40 AM & PM K - 10:55 AM - 12:25 PM) on Monday & Tuesday (11/25 - 11/26). There is NO KINDERGARTEN on Wednesday, 11/27. School is closed for all students on 11/28 & 11/29 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Have a great week!
Joshua Leight
Hillendale Elementary Principal
Hillendale Updates
Bussing on 12:25 PM Dismissal Days
On behalf of our Transportation Department, please be advised that many of our buses are at or near capacity. All requests for students to ride home with friends on other buses should be sent to the main office for approval will as much time in advance as possible so we can receive permission from our Transportation Office to ensure there is a seat for your child. Thank you in advance!
Fall Conferences
Fall conferences are fast approaching! See full details about how to sign up for Fall Conferences at Hillendale using this link. This information was previously communicated via email but I wanted it to be available again for families that still need to arrange a conference date and time.
From the PTO
25/26 - 12:25 PM Dismissal & Modified K Schedule - Conferences
27 - Grade 1-5 12:25 PM Dismissal, No Kindergarten - Conferences
28-29 - School Closed
4-6 - Holiday Shop
12 - Grade K-3 Winter Concert - 1:45pm (AM K concert - 9:30am)
13 - Grade 4-5 Band & Strings Concert - 1:45pm
23-31- School Closed: Winter Break
On December 4-6, the Hillendale LGI will transform into a holiday gift shop for our Huskies to shop for gifts for family and friends. During their designated time slots, Homerooms will come to the LGI to shop for their gift list.
During these time slots we do need help from our parent community.
Please sign-up for a slot HERE
Flyers and envelopes will be coming home in the coming days, so please be on the look-out. Please make all checks payable to "HILLENDALE PTO"
Volunteer Opportunities
🐾Volunteer During Library Class
Are you interested in helping to check books in/out and shelve returned books during your child's 1st-5th grade library class?
We are doing a trial run of our new sign-up system until Winter Break. Please review the expectations for volunteering before signing up. Please sign up at least 24 hours in advance.
Send any concerns or issues to Janette Grieb at
🐾Volunteer with the PTO Garden Club
Gather with friends to enjoy the outdoors while sustaining out beautiful outdoor spaces.
Ongoing PTO Fundraisers
Got Sneakers?
Boxtops for Education
Spirit Wear
In stock spirit wear (limited quantity/size) is available for order on square (orders will be delivered to your child's classroom). Shop Here
Peach Jar School & Community Flyers
Helpful Links
Questions or comments for the PTO? Email us at