Bogan Weekly News
January 31, 2025
A Message From Ms. Cannon
Happy Friday!
Our students spent January getting back into their routines and setting goals for the second half of the school year. As we head into February, we’re looking forward to the upcoming months of growth and opportunity.
Now that the weather is (hopefully) warming up, we are starting to have outdoor recess again. Please talk with your students about the importance of being kind, safe, and responsible on the playground. Our expectations are listed below under the PBIS section and we would appreciate if you could review these expectations with your students at home as well.
We hope to see you at our Kids' Night Out event this evening from 6:30pm-9:00pm!
Kirsten Cannon, Principal
Around Bogan
Welcome Mr. Snyder!
I am thrilled to announce that Mason Snyder is joining our Bogan team as our long-term substitute music teacher! Mr. Snyder is a December graduate from Miami University and earned his degree in Music Education.
Mr. Snyder and Ms. Cannon are going to discuss the upcoming musicals and will send information out as soon as we have determined a plan. Our sincere hope is for every grade level to have their musical this year.
If your student has a lost or damaged book check and cash are acceptable forms of payment. Checks can be made out to Bogan Elementary. Payment can be dropped off to the main office or your student can bring the payment to the library.
Book Fair is February 28th to March 6th. Additional information about shopping will come out soon!
Grade 3 Fall ELA Results
Grade 3 Fall ELA state testing results are now available.
To access results, log into ProgressBook and click on the “Assessment Scores” tab, then “Assessments."
ELA scores of 700 and higher are considered passing. Students needing to retest will do so during Spring state testing 4/7/25-5/2/25. Please reach out to the building administration with any questions.
If you do not have access to ProgressBook, please contact your child's teacher to obtain their test scores. Paper copies of the scores will be distributed to families once they are received by the district.
For more information about state tests and how to interpret your score, please refer to the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce website
Spring Girls on the Run -- registration begins January 27th at 10a - February 9th at 11:59p; the season begins February 19th with practices from 315 - 445 on Monday and Wednesdays and a celebratory 5k on May 10th!
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
We have moved to grade-level incentives in the cafeteria. Grade levels have the opportunity to earn a "star" when they follow the expectations. When the grade level earns 10 stars, they will receive a movie party during lunch!
We rolled out restroom expectations this week and there are posters in the restroom to remind students of the expectations.
Our PBIS team will work on creating expectations for the hallways and buses in February.
Art Class Resources
Mrs. Kline has updated the Bogan Art Website with LOTS of FREE art apps, art websites, and things for our kiddos to do at home while they are stuck inside. Please click the image for access.
Lunch Accounts
As a reminder, you are able to add funds to your student's lunch account through the Talawanda EZ Pay system. If your student's account reaches -$50 it will be rolled into your school fees. Please be mindful and keep your student's account current. You can use Talawanda EZ Pay, send a check or cash to the school office to take care of your student's balance.
February Lunch Menu
Here is our lunch menu for February!
Counselor's Corner: updated January 24th
Hello parents and guardians! We are working hard in our Second Step classroom lessons on empathy and understanding how our friends and others around us feel. We are also continuing to learn what it means to be a good friend and to identify positive qualities in the people we choose to surround ourselves with.
As mentioned in last week’s Counselor Corner update, we are looking to start small groups that will provide support and build skills in a small setting outside of the classroom. Topics can range depending on the needs of your student.
Please fill out THIS Google form if you are interested in your student participating in a small group with their peers.
Do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything I can do to help support your student!
Nurse's Notes
January 31st: PTG Kids' Night Out: 6:30pm-9:00pm
February 17th: NO SCHOOL: Presidents' Day
February 26th: Spring Photos
March 4th: BookMobile (1st-4th)
March 6th: Spring Conferences
March 11th: Spring Conferences
March 31st-April 4th: NO SCHOOL: Spring Break
April 8th: BookMobile (1st-4th)
April 14th: KKids: 3:15pm-4:15pm
April 18th: NO SCHOOL: Conference Exchange Day
May 5th: NO SCHOOL: Data Collaboration Day
May 16th: Field Day
May 22nd: Last Day of School
PTG Corner
Pebble Go
We are excited to have Pebble Go! Pebble Go provides access to a lot of different digital books that you can read with your children at home. Many students also use Pebble Go in the classroom and have really enjoyed the content! Please see below for the login information. The subscription will expire August 30, 2025.
Site Login: https://login.pebblego.com/
Username: bogan
Password: bogan
Volunteers Needed!
Our next Kids Night Out is 2 weeks away and we need you! Volunteers get one student in for free!!! Check out the Sign up Genuis HERE to sign up online or turn in the volunteer paper that was sent home with students. If we do not have enough volunteers we will have to cancel the event. We appreciate your assistance!!!
Around Talawanda
Talawanda preschool is currently accepting applications for the 25/26 school year. Please fill out the following application before January 31 to be included in the preschool lottery. Please direct any questions to fuechsle@talawanda.org
Please click the photo on the left to access the survey.
Please click here for the Talawanda Community Events Page.