Principal Pattiey's Post
Some thoughts for this Week

Edition #35
Hello Woodsy Owls,
As the weather continues to be ever changing, please remember to help your student dress in layers and remember to retrieve all of their belongings on their way home.
I was so very happy on Friday to see drivers respecting our handicapped spaces and leaving room for them to back up out of their spots during pick-up. I truly appreciate that thoughtfulness.
Spring is blooming in some of our littles and teasing is on the rise. Please remind your kiddo that we only use a person's name for them. We don't make-up our own names for them, nor do we use mean descriptors or words that rhyme with their name. (Growing up with the name Pattiey - it doesn't take much of an imagination to know what I was called.) We have had kiddos so very sad come to the office because peers teased them, called them their formal name (not the name the go by at school), or made mean rhymes out of their names. Please just have a talk with the kiddos reminding them that others might be more sensitive that they are, and no one would want to cause another student to feel sad.
Thanks for ALL you do. I am still amazed at what a great community this is.
Hang-on! The days are going to fly by!
It Takes A Village.......
Principal Pattiey
June 5th All Third graders Will Be Going on a
Field Trip to Preview Fourth Grade Life
at Weimar Hills School
Permission Slips will be going home later in May.
Woodsy Owls Who Give a Hoot!
Please join me in extending our heartfelt congratulations to these humans who exemplify the qualities that define a true Woodsy Owl. While numerous Woodsy Owls engaged in acts of helpfulness, demonstrated outstanding behavior, took ownership, and practiced truthfulness over the past few days, these few really went the extra mile. Each of these students has a photo displayed in the front office and received two HOOT LOOTs that can be used to purchase fun rewards
Please Join Me in Congratulating Mrs. Heidi Polewaczyk - SHS Teacher of the Year
George Rooks - Trustee Sadie Caldas - Heidi Polewaczyk - Principal Pattiey
Heidi Polewaczyk is SHS's Special Education Preschool Teacher. Miss Heidi is dedicated to teaching, innovative in her approaches and works to understand student needs, so that she can meet that need accurately and effectively. She has demonstrated that she can teach children and professionals alike. She is the type of professional that will be open to learning, active in participation and striving to apply what she has learned toward improving the field of education.
Record Setting Runners!!!!
Run in 25 Short Minutes - 16 laps is One Mile!!!!
Jaxtyn in Mrs. Longtin' Class - 49 laps
Adam in Mrs. LaRoche's Class - 47 laps
Isaac in Miss Thompson's Class - 47 laps
Reagan in Mrs. Longtin' Class - 45 laps
Henry in Mrs. VanSloten's Class - 45 laps
Remi in Mrs. Smead's Class - 42 laps
Jaspen in Mrs. Howell's Class - 42 laps
Bryson in Mrs. Olson's Class - 42 laps
Henley in Mrs. Poniatowski's Class - 42 laps
Jorgi in Mrs. Smead's Class - 39 laps
Colton A.. in Mrs. Clark's Class - 38 laps
Landon in Mrs. Clark's Class - 38 laps
For Brave Family Members to Try.
Anyone can log in as a guest and try these tests.
Before and/or After School Childcare
Put your name on the list for the 2024/2025 school year now.
Intent to Return Form
In order to prepare for next year and ensure that we have appropriate staffing and materials, we are asking our families to fill out the following form. Please fill out for what you plans are as of today. If they change you may contact the front office to update the information. 530-887-9473 (WISE)
We are needing this information by March 31st to best prepare for the following year.
April 30th is the last day to make your personalized collage pages in the back.
May 7th is the Last Day to Order Your 2023/2024 Yearbook.
Toolbox Tools
Patience Tool
April 30th is the last day to make your personalized pages in the Yearbook.
May 6-10: Staff Appreciation Week
We will be celebrating all of our amazing staff the week of May 6th through the 10th.
May Wellness Update
LCAP Survey - Open until May 10th
PHUSD Community,
As a part of our ongoing commitment to continuously improve our services, and to foster engagement with our local community partners, families, parents, and staff, we are delighted to announce the release of our annual Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) survey. We believe that community feedback is crucial in shaping our school's mission, vision, and direction, and we would love to hear from you.
Our objective is to involve all our community partners in this process, which is why we are inviting you to take the survey and provide us with your valuable insights. Your feedback will help us identify areas of growth, strengths, and opportunities for improvement. The survey is open until Friday, May 10th, and we would appreciate it if you could spare a few minutes to complete it. Your voice matters to us, and we assure you that the survey is anonymous.
To participate in the LCAP survey, please click on the link provided below. We are grateful for your time and input in helping us better understand how we can meet the needs of our students and community more effectively.
Thank you for your continued support!