RES Rocket Weekly
August 16th, 2024
Welcome To A New School Year!!!
Dear RES Students and Families,
We can't wait to welcome back our students returning to Ridge Elementary School and to welcome our new students!
If you are new to Ridge Elementary School, the “RES Rocket Weekly” is a weekly communication we send to families throughout the school year. Please always take the time to read the “Week at a Glance” and skim the rest of the bulletin to make sure you are getting important information that may apply to you.
We are less than a week away from the start of the 2024-2025 School Year. This Back to School Bulletin highlights some key details you'll need to prepare for our year together. You'll find information about:
- Open Houses
- School Supply Lists
- Transportation and Car Riders
- Meal Benefits & Menus
- Volunteer Registration
- Technology
I hope everyone enjoys these last weeks of summer break! We're excited to welcome our students back to school on Wednesday, August 21st!
Working collectively and collaboratively, our students will soar to great heights!
Message from the Superintendent - Cell Phone Policy
Click the above link to access important Forms (Impact Aid Survey, Emergency Information, Acceptable Use Policy, Buses, Meal Application Form,) Registration and Vaccinations, Buses and Transportation, School Lunch Menus, Student Handbook, and other important information.
RES Informational Items
Home Access Center - Friday, August 16th
The Home Access Center (HAC) opens this evening, Friday, August 16th by 5:00pm.
Please log in to view your child(ren)'s homeroom teacher's name. You may also learn your child(ren)'s homeroom teacher's name at our Open House.
If your student is new to Ridge Elementary School, or you have misplaced your login information, please contact our main office via email ( or call the school, 301-872-0200 x12101. Staff will provide the requested login information to the email address we have on file for your child(ren). HAC login information will not be provided over the phone.
Open House Schedules
Monday, August 19th
Location: Multi-Purpose Room
Time: 2:30pm - 3:00pm
Monday, August 19th
Grade Level: 1st through 5th
Location: Classrooms
Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Wednesday, August 21st
Location: Classroom
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
School Supplies
Students are welcome to bring their school supplies
when attending Open House.
Rolling backpacks are not permitted due to safety reasons. Please reach out to Mrs. Batelka if there is an exceptional reason that needs to be considered.
As all students (Kindergarten - 5th Grade) will have a laptop assigned to them and as some students have difficulty with using the built in mouse pad, parents/guardians may want to consider purchasing a wireless external mouse.
Additional Supplies Needed for the Classroom may be posted at Open House.
First Day of School
1st Day for Kindergarten-5th Grade Students:
- Wednesday, August 21st
1st Day for Pre-Kindergarten Students:
- Thursday, August 22nd
Some important times to know!
- Our school day begins at 9am
- Students arriving after 9:15am are considered late and will not receive breakfast
- Breakfast is served until 9:15am
- Students dismiss at 3:45pm
We are going to have a fantastic first day!
Car Riders
Every Day Car Riders
- Please click here to complete the RES Every Day Car Rider School Year 2024-2025 Form
All parents/guardians will park in the parent loop in two lanes and parents need to pull all the way through around the circle.
Parents/Guardians will pull up as close as possible to the vehicle in front and may not pass unless directed by school staff.
Parents/Guardians will pull into the parent loop and display the laminated “RES Car Tag” provided to all students who are every day car riders.
Only two RES Car Tags will be given to each family. If you are sending someone else to pick up your child, or using a different vehicle, you will need to transfer the tag to the vehicle that is being used at pick up time.
If there is a change in transportation, written notification must be received by the office staff by 2:30pm. Send email notifications to with a copy to the classroom teacher.
Student Drop-Off:
Staff will begin dismissing students from their vehicles at 8:50am.
Parent/Guardian Drop-Off (all students) - Parent/Guardian Loop
Student(s) arriving after 9:15am will need to be “walked” to the foyer entrance and signed in.
Student Pick-Up:
- Staff will begin calling students out once bus dismissal has begun as students are being escorted to the Gym.
If a student is to be placed on the pick-up list, a parent/guardian must call by 2:30pm.
Unless it’s an emergency, students will not be able to be picked up between 3pm and 3:45pm as we are preparing for dismissal.
Parents/Guardians need to notify Main Office Staff of other authorized individuals to pick up their child(ren).
All students must be picked up by 4:00pm.
Attendance Matters
Chronic Absenteeism
From the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), "Chronic Absenteeism" is defined as Students being absent 10% or more of the school days while enrolled at that school. For example, a student who is registered to attend a school for 30 days and who is absent 3 of those 30 days is considered chronically absent.
RES will follow up with chronically absent students through the Pupil Services Team, Pupil Personnel Worker, and the Department of Student Services. In order to reduce the number of our students with Chronic Absenteeism, incentives to encourage good attendance will be in place this upcoming school year.
Bus routes and times - SMCPS Elocator
There will be limited bus passes (emergencies only) provided this year for students.
Students must ride their assigned bus home.
If your child needs to ride a different bus from last school year, for childcare reasons, please contact Mrs. Orr to discuss your specific needs.
- We highly recommend tracking your student's bus through (school code 86563) and/or the "Here Comes the Bus" app on your phone.
- Click here for specific information on how to download/sign up!
Food Services
Meal Benefit Application
Children need healthy meals to learn. SMCPS offers healthy meals every school day.
Lunch costs $3.00.
Your student may qualify for free or reduced-price meals.
Please complete the meal benefit application.
School Menus
Check our Nutrislice Webpage to:
- View Helpful nutrition info
- Download our FREE mobile app!
- Print menus
My School Bucks
SMCPS families may pay for school meals with MySchoolBucks!
View balances and purchases, schedule automatic payments, receive notifications when your student's meal balance is low, and make payments on the go with the mobile app.
There are many additional benefits of submitting a meal application form.
These perks include waivers on college applications, dual-enrollment courses with the College of Southern Maryland, and discounted fees to participate in St. Mary’s County Parks and Rec programs. Families can request more information by contacting SMCPS' Food and Nutrition Services Office at 301-475-4256, Option 5, or via email at
Meal Prices for SY 2024-2025
Ridge Elementary School qualifies for free breakfast for all students.
All students will be offered breakfast each morning.
Technology Information
Update Your Laptop!
If you haven't been using your laptop this summer, our IT Department recommends that you turn it on and install updates before the start of school. There may be a lot of updates to install and it could take a while.
Please see this guidance on how to run updates on your laptop.
Please see this document for information about the care and liability of your SMCPS devices and other school resources.
My School Bucks
Use my School Bucks for cafeteria purchases OR to PAY FOR INVOICES for technology debt & library books.
Adding money to your student's cafeteria account DOES NOT transfer over for paying invoices for tech/library debt.
Please refer to this information on My School Bucks and your school library.
If you need to pay over time, consider making PARTIAL PAYMENTS.
Volunteer Registration
Volunteers must apply annually for approval.
- Applications are accepted only until May 1st.
- There is no application fee.
- Vetting of applications can take several weeks.
- Field trip chaperones and classroom volunteers must have successfully completed the volunteer application process before they can be considered.
Apply to be a volunteer!
Family Involvement Team (FIT)
Family Involvement Team (FIT) will meet monthly.
Please stop the FIT Table, in the Media Center during Open House for additional information!
Meeting notes will be posted below for families unable to attend meetings and notifications of volunteer opportunities will be shared via our Rocket Weekly for Families, Schoology, and ClassDojo.
Meeting Notes:
- Will be posted following each meeting
Links and Informational Items Worth Repeating:
Click on each picture to access forms to be completed or to access important information.
For additional information, please see the specific sections above.