Chandler Unified School District
Weekly News Update 07-24-2024

Tonight (Wednesday) CUSD is hosting an inaugural community resource fair to connect families to essential district services. Representatives from Families in Transition, Indigenous Education, Migrant Education, Technology Services (Infinite Campus/parent portal), Counseling and Social Services, and Food & Nutrition will be on hand to provide assistance in these critical areas. Click here to download the flyer in English and Spanish.
When: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 | 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: Chandler CARE Center | 777 E. Galveston St., Chandler AZ, 85225
First Day of School Recap
School, Staff, & District Highlights
Perry Dance, CUSD Band Directors Show Support at District Rally
Perry’s dance company, Moveo Dance Company, showcased their talents at this year’s district rally to support faculty and staff. In addition, CUSD band directors from around the district united to play for the audience.
Chandler Chamber of Commerce Winners
The Chandler Chamber of Commerce surprised Dr. Wendy Nance, retired Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, and Marques Reischl, Basha High principal with the 2024 Administrators of the Year award, district custodian Ron Spoon with the Support Staff of the Year award, and Angelica Abbey from Frye Elementary with the 2024 Educator of the Year award. Congratulations to all!
Meet our new principals for the 2024-2025 school year!
Meet our new principals for the 2024-2025 school year! Some of them transitioned from different roles in CUSD, others are brand new to the district. Have a great school year! #WeAreChandlerUnified
- Sarah Elliott - Carlson CTA & Classic Elementary
- Shelley Heath - Riggs Elementary School
- Jayson Phillips - Santan Junior High
- Dominic Romero - Hamilton High School
- Marcie Romero - Weinberg Gifted Academy
- Jay Schnittger - Casteel High School
CUSD Health Services Staff Enhance Emergency Skills with "Stop the Bleed" Course
On 7/12/24 All CUSD Health Services Staff (Nurses and Health Assistants) from every site across the district participated in a “Stop the Bleed” course with Chandler Regional Medical Center.
Rotary Club of Sun Lakes Names 2024 Scholarship Winners
The Rotary Club of Sun Lakes (RCSL) extends congratulations to the winners of the Rotary Club’s Annual 2024 High School Service Above Self and Vocational Scholarships to:
- Daniel Johnson – Service Above Self Scholarship Award - Daniel is a Perry High School Graduate who will be attending Grand Canyon University majoring in Electrical Engineering and minoring in Theology.
- Max Vogus – Vocational Scholarship Award - Max is a Hamilton High School Graduate attending the Conservatory of Recording Arts & Science in Tempe in the Fall to become an Audio Engineer.
- Minjee Kim – Service Above Self Scholarship Award - Minjee is a Hamilton High School Graduate attending Emory University in Georgia in the Fall to study Neuroscience.
- Michael Shin – Service Above Self Scholarship Award - Michael is a Hamilton High School Graduate who will be attending Washington University in St. Louis, MO to study BioChemistry.
According to the RCSL Scholarship Committee Chair/CUSD Executive Director Elementary Schools West Region Leo Schlueter, the $2,000 scholarship payments will be sent directly to the school/university the student will be attending this Fall. A panel of judges reviewed and scored applications from area high school seniors. Each application included a 300-word essay, which provided the student’s beliefs and understanding of what “service above self” means; teacher recommendations; and student academic standing data. Also, RCSL’s selections were based on each student’s exhibiting exemplary acts of service and character.
To learn more about RCSL projects, programs and membership – visit the website here.
Hamilton Junior Shines at National Artistic Roller Skating Event
Hamilton Junior Olivia L. is no stranger to the national artistic roller skating stage, as this is her sixth consecutive year as national champion. At the 2024 American Artistic Roller Skating Championships in Union, Missouri, Olivia won 2 Golds, 1 Silver, and 1 Bronze Medal.
- Gold in Junior Women Solo Dance
- Gold in Teen Women Domestic International Solo Dance
- Silver in Youth C Women Level 2 Figures
- Bronze in Junior/Senior Domestic Women International Solo Dance!
Casteel High School Student Drafted to Reds
Did you know a former Casteel High School Colt was drafted to the Reds? Congratulations, Mason! #WeAreChandlerUnified
2024 Outstanding Biology Teacher Award
Casteel High School's Jentry Yard-Husk has received the 2024 Outstanding Biology Teacher Award for the state of Arizona from the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)! In November 2024, Mrs. Yard-Husk will be honored at an award luncheon during NABT's annual conference. Congratulations!
Image: A screenshot from our video in which CUSD teachers read favorite teacher shout outs from their students. #WeAreChandlerUnified
Arizona College Prep Among Top Performers at National Congressional Debate
Divya N., a senior at Arizona College Prep High School and a member of the school's speech and debate team, competed at the 99th annual National Speech and Debate Tournament, which featured over 7,000 competitors from across the nation. She participated in Congressional Debate (House) and advanced to the finals, placing 16th out of 500 competitors. Additionally, Arizona College Prep High School was honored by being named one of the top 40 Debate Schools of Honor.
Basha High Brings Home Gold and Silver from FCCLA National Competition
Four exceptional Basha High students—Emily M., Jenna P., Hannah R., and Gillian W.—traveled to Seattle, Washington during summer break to compete at the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Nationals. They brought home three GOLD medals and one SILVER medal in the STAR Event Competitions and achieved national top scores on the Challenge Tests.
- Emily secured 1st PLACE in the nation on the Education and Training Challenge Test.
- Jenna achieved 2nd PLACE in the nation on the Early Childhood Education Challenge Test
- Gillian earned 7th PLACE in the nation on the Early Childhood Education Challenge Test
- Jenna and Gillian were STAR Event Competitive National Finalists.
- Jenna placed 7th in the nation for her STAR Event Competition: Say Yes to FCS Education
- Gillian placed 9th in the nation for her STAR Event Competition: Career Investigation.
Do you want to see your school, program or students featured?
There are a TON of great things going on in our schools -- honors, awards, community service projects, special programs we offer and accomplishments. Click below to spread the word, and to see the things we're doing. Check out our BRAGS | BRAG about our schools
ParentSquare & StudentSquare
Families and staff, we continue to encourage you to register your ParentSquare account at www.parentsquare.com/signin and download the FREE ParentSquare app. By registering your ParentSquare account, you can customize your language and notification settings. If you do not wish to register the account or download the app, you will still receive ParentSquare messages since ParentSquare sends to the email address you have on file in Infinite Campus. ParentSquare allows you to determine when and how you want communication from the school, classroom, and district.
You may have also heard about StudentSquare. If you have ever used Remind, ParentSquare bought Remind and offers students in grades 7-12 similar features and more. Students ONLY in grades 7-12 can download the free StudentSquare app to get alerts about school events, tryouts, important dates, etc. like Remind was used for, but the app is not required. Any posts schools do on ParentSquare where they include 7-12 students in the audience will go to the student’s GSE (Google email). App not required…just for convenience. No student cell numbers used EVER as posts go to their GSE emails. So again, no app or phone required. It can all be done on the StudentSquare web interface.
As the new school year begins, the transportation department asks for your patience and understanding. The department is diligently working to finalize routes and requests, all while answering numerous calls and emails. Each communication requires careful attention, so response times may vary or be slower than usual.
The CUSD transportation department is working to service more than 11,000 bus riders. To help them serve you better, please have your student ID ready when calling or emailing, as searching for it during the call slows down their ability to assist you efficiently.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Transportation Department
Lightspeed Alert
We are excited to introduce Lightspeed Tipline to Chandler USD! Our goal is to help foster a safer community by giving students, staff and community members a way to easily share important information to the right people, anonymously.
How does it work?
- A user can submit a ‘tip’ via the online form, phone (voicemail) or email
- The tip is reviewed by a Safety Specialist on the 24/7 Lightspeed Human Review (HR) team
- If concerning, the Safety Specialist will follow the same process as an Alert escalation. You will always receive an email, and in addition if there is something imminent then we will leverage your organization’s escalation list to make a phone call and/or contact local authorities.
Students may use Lightspeed to report:
- Bullying
- Planned fights
- Students in crisis
- Threats of violence
- Weapons brought to school
- Other urgent situations
CALL: (512) 540-3773
EMAIL: tipline@lightspeedsystems.com
Online Form: https://tipline.lightspeedsystems.app/
We are excited to recruit community members to join Chandler Unified School District on Purposity. Purposity is one of the easiest ways to help our students and families in need.
As we continue the school year, we are working hard to ensure all of our students have the resources they need. And you can help! We have identified the most urgent student needs and uploaded them to Purposity - an app that allows our community to meet these needs with just a few clicks. Items include everything from new shoes to school supplies.
What do you need to do? Simply sign up at purposity.com/@ChandlerUnified, follow our page, and meet a need with just a few clicks today.
Free Back-to-School Immunization Clinics
Free immunizations for children ages 18 and younger who meet at least one of the following:
- no insurance
- insurance does not cover one or more vaccines
- Native American/Alaska Native
Location: Chandler CARE Center | 777 E. Galveston St, Chandler, AZ 85225
Important Links
School Calendar
CUSD Governing Board Meetings
Guide to Solving Problems
Governing Board Policy
We invite all families and the community to keep up to date about Chandler Unified by liking, following and subscribing below!
Notice of Nondiscrimination:
Chandler Unified School District
Email: ChandlerCommunicationOffice@cusd80.com
Website: https://www.cusd80.com/chandlerschools
Location: 1525 West Frye Road, Chandler, AZ, USA
Phone: 480-812-7000
Facebook: facebook.com/ChandlerUnified
Twitter: @ChandlerUnified