Mustang Memo
News from Mint Valley Elementary School
January 2025, Issue 1
Upcoming Dates - Mark Your Calendars!
- 1/6 - School Resumes!
- 1/8 - Early Release - 2:30 pm
- 1/13 - Mustangs of the Week
- 1/13 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 1/13 - PTO Meeting - 6:00 pm
- 1/15 - Mustangs of the Month Assembly - 10:20 am
- 1/16 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 1/20 - NO SCHOOL - Martin L. King Holiday
- 1/21 - Mustangs of the Week
- 1/22 - Early Release - 2:30 pm
- 1/23 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 1/24 - NO SCHOOL - Semester Break
- 1/27 - Mustangs of the Week
- 1/27 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 1/29 - Early Release - 2:30 pm
- 1/30 - SW WA Symphony Concert for 4th/5th graders - 8:30-11:00 am
- 1/30 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 1/31 - PTO FREE Hot Cocoa - Last Recesses
- 2/3 - Mustangs of the Week
- 2/3 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 2/5 - Mustangs of the Month Assembly - 12:40 pm
- 2/6 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 2/7 - PTO Bingo Night - 5:30 pm
- 2/10 - Mustangs of the Week
- 2/10 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 2/12 - Early Release - 2:30 pm
- 2/13 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 2/14 - Valentine's Day <3
- 2/14 - NO SCHOOL - Weather
- 2/17 - NO SCHOOL - President's Day Holiday
- 2/18 - Mustangs of the Week
- 2/19 - Early Release -2:30 pm
- 2/20 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 2/24 - Mustangs of the Week
- 2/24 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
- 2/24-2/28 - PTO Scholastic Bookfair
- 2/26 - Early Release - 2:30 pm
- 2/27 - Art Club - 3:30 pm
Winter is here! The mornings have been cold and the air quality has not been great.
Please send your student to school with appropriate clothing for the weather so they are comfortable traveling to and from school and during recess.
We also wanted to remind families that our school gates open at 8:30 am. We are having an increase in the number of students arriving on campus TOO EARLY and the students are standing outside in the freezing weather without any supervision. Staff does not man the gates until 8:30 am.
We want to insure student safety and security before school. If you have not done so, please plan your mornings so that students arrive to campus between 8:30 am and 9:00 am.
Thank you!
Have you heard rumblings about possible winter weather coming our way?....BE READY!!!
The district uses the best information available to make decisions on school closures, early dismissal, late start, and lowland bus routes.
School delay, closure or other schedule changes will be posted BEFORE 6:00 AM. If no notice is posted, schools will operate on a regular schedule.
- Longview Public Schools website news
- Visit the Longview Public Schools Facebook page.
- Remind App
- Download the Longview Public School app on your Apple or Android phone. The app is available in Apple App store and the Google Play store, just search for "Longview School District".
- FlashAlert—Sign up to have messages delivered to your email and/or mobile device. You may also download the FlashAlert Messenger App for your cell phone or tablet.
- The KATU News website
- TV channels 2 (KATU/ABC), 6 (KOIN/CBS), 8 (KGW/NBC) and 12 (KPTV/FOX)
- Radio stations 1270 AM (KBAM), 1400 AM (KEDO), 1490 AM (KLOG); 93.5 FM (KBAM), 94.5 FM (KLYK), 101.5 FM (WAVE), 105.5 FM (KUKN)
Submit absences on the Longview Schools App!
Of course, you are always welcome to call the school directly, as well, at (360) 575-7581.
FOR VACATION ABSENCES: The Mint Valley Elementary secretaries have a special form for families to use when they take their children out of school for vacation. It must be pre-approved (and with sufficient notice), by the principal and teacher so that homework is available and the absence has the least impact on the student's learning.
Mustang Trait of the Month
with Mrs. Hendrickson (school counselor) & Mrs. Allis (behavior specialist)
In January, our trait is "GROWTH MINDSET." A great way to have a growth mindset is to have stamina. Here is a definition and acrostic poem about this important characteristic.
Stamina is doing anything for a long period of time without getting too tired or giving up.
How Do I Build My Stamina?
- S tay Focused
- T ake Your Work Seriously
- A void Distractions
- M anage Yourself
- I ncrease Your Time On Task
- N ever Give Up
- A lways Try Your Best!
Andrea Hendrickson, School Counselor
Shelley Allis, Behavior Coach
5th Grade Families,
Each year we dedicate multiple pages in the yearbook for a “Guess That Baby” for the 5th graders. Please email a quality picture of your child--AS A BABY UNDER 3-- to ekessler@longviewschools.org as soon as possible.
Please include their first and last name. We are beginning to work on the yearbook within a couple of weeks, so we would appreciate your participation in this fun activity and don't want anyone to miss out.
Thank you to those that have already contributed! We are looking forward to seeing your cute baby!
Mr. Huff
Mrs. Hutton
Mrs. Kessler
Next PTO Meeting
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 06:00 PM
School Library
Friday, January 31st
Join our PTO as they distribute FREE hot cocoa to all students in their final afternoon recess!
Friday, February 7th - 5:30-7:30 pm - More info to come!!
February 24 - 28, 2025
February 24 through February 28, 2025, is our book fair! Celebrations will include special spirit day events each day as well as the Scholastic Book Fair open each day. More details will be coming home and posted as they become available.
Information on volunteering is on the district's website. The entire application is online.
Remember, parents, guardians, grandparents and other adults are eligible to volunteer. Even older siblings can volunteer and their time goes towards graduation volunteer hours.
The application is at the bottom of this page:
Don't wait if you'd like to be on campus for those fun holiday crafts and parties!
Please contact our volunteer coordinator, Terri Troy, at (360) 575-7599 or ttroy@longview.k12.wa.us if you have any questions about the application or volunteer opportunities.
Mint Valley Elementary School
Email: mintvalley@longviewschools.org
Website: https://mintvalley.longviewschools.com/
Phone: 360 575 7581
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MintValleyElementarySchool