Lowell News
November 1, 2024
No School on November 5, 2024
Greetings, Lowell Community!
Our diverse community embodies a wide range of beliefs and experiences, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure our school remains a space of empathy, unity, and respect. Above all, we emphasize the importance of kindness, respect, and thoughtful engagement with others.
With the elections on the horizon, I want to highlight the critical role we play together in shaping how our students understand and engage with the democratic process. At our school, our primary aim as educators is to help students develop the skills necessary to become informed and responsible citizens.
We focus on teaching students how leaders are elected, how to discern fact from fiction, listen and disagree respectfully, and identify and be guided by their values. Our goal is to equip students with the tools they need to become informed voters in the future, not to impose values or share personal opinions.
In these times, it is understandable that many of us feel concerned and even anxious amid the political noise. Students, too, are exposed to this environment, whether through direct conversations at home or indirectly through media and peers. As such, they bring their own experiences and knowledge into school, prompting discussions and questions.
In our role, we address these concerns as they arise, focusing students' attention on understanding the democratic process itself, rather than the specific politics or platforms of candidates. We are committed to fostering a respectful and neutral setting where civic understanding and respectful dialogue are cultivated.
Thank you for your continued partnership in maintaining a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students.
I'm sharing a statement teachers will read on Monday during Morning Meeting to their students.
Here are a few additional resources that might help.
To support you, your students, and their families, we’ve developed:
Dear Students,
As election time approaches, it's important for us to learn how our country chooses leaders and how to think critically about information we see and hear. In school, we are here to help you become informed and respectful citizens. This means learning to listen to others, even when you disagree, and understanding the democratic process.
Let's work together to keep our school a place of kindness, respect, and thoughtful discussions.
Mrs. Phelan, Principal
With Gratitude,
Principal Phelan & Assistant Principal Rufo
Book Fair, Book Fair, Book Fair!
Wellness Watch 2024
Greetings WPS Community,
The colorful autumn leaves are just beginning to fall from the trees and our school year is well
underway! As colder weather is settling in and we are spending more time together indoors,
let's give some attention to our health and wellness.
One of the best ways to protect yourself, your children, and your loved ones from respiratory
illness is to get your Flu and Covid-19 vaccines this season.
The Watertown Public Health Department is offering free influenza vaccines to people ages 9
and over at the Watertown Free Public Library located at 123 Main Street. Please register
ahead to secure your appointment on one of the following days and times:
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 from 3:30 to 6:30pm (register here) or Saturday, November 16,
2024 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (register here).
Be sure to bring your ID and health insurance card(s) to the clinic, and wear loose or short
sleeves if possible. If you feel sick on the day of your vaccination, please reschedule. Call
617-972-6446 if you have any questions or would like more information.
Further information about how to get your Flu and Covid-19 vaccines can be found on the
following web pages:
Cheers to Your Health,
Jennifer Thermenos
Nurse Coordinator
Watertown Public Schools
Highlight of the Week!
Team ISP living and dressing in our CORE Values. Look who's been spotted!
Lenny Visited Ms. Hantson's Classroom this Week!
Lenny was welcomed with open arms by Mrs. Hantson’s first grade class. He joined a reading group and learned about “magic e” words. He played a new math game called “Salute” and he wrote a story retell during Wit and Wisdom. He also enjoyed outside snack on one of the many beautiful days we had this week! He received many hugs and high fives during his stay in room 53. We will miss him but are excited to hear about his next adventure!
Equity Corner Newsletter
Help Support Our School!
After noticing how much unopened food is thrown away during lunch time, 3rd grader Naomi Ward has worked with staff and other community members to create a food rescue program at the school. She is raising funds to purchase a glass-fronted fridge for the school cafeteria where unopened food can be stored and made available to students during, before, and in after-school programs. All leftover food will be delivered to the Watertown Community Fridge for the greater community to access.
Here is the link to the fundraiser if you'd like to participate in raising funds for this project. All money will go to the FTO account and then be dispersed for this project: https://gofund.me/dc18c38f
Feedback and Engagement Opportunities for Special Professionals and Families
BlackPrint Education Consulting, in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is gathering feedback from individuals who support students with IEPs and their families. We invite you to provide your valuable input by either attending a virtual focus group or completing a brief survey, open until November 8.
Register for a Virtual Focus Group|https://bit.ly/DESEFocusGroup
Family Survey Link | https://bit.ly/LetDESEknow
Special Educator Survey Link | https://bit.ly/SpedEducatorSurvey
Morning Meeting 8:15 - 8:35 followed by Coffee in the Learning Commons
Watertown Public Schools Announces Family Meet and Greet Series
We Need Your Support
Dear Lowell Parents & Guardians,
The Department of Children and Families is seeking to keep Watertown children in their
schools and communities. In order to accomplish this, DCF is looking for Watertown parents
who would consider opening their homes and hearts to a student in need for short-term
Please complete this brief survey if you are interested in opening your home and your
heart to a student in need.
We are so appreciative of your support. We’re hoping that with your help, we can reduce disruption for
children and school communities, mitigate traumatic experiences for children entering care, and reduce
transportation costs to school districts this school year.
If you have any questions you would like to ask before doing so, please reach out to:
Katheryn Butterfield, Area Clinical Manager
Upcoming Events
Contact Us
J.R. Lowell Elementary School
123 Lowell Ave.
Watertown, Ma 02472
Phone: 1-617-926-7770
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JRLowellElementary
Website: https://watertownjrlowell.ss19.sharpschool.com/Principal: Stacy Phelan
Assistant Principal: Tara Rufo
Administrative Assistant: Kara Flynn
Receptionist: Jim Swift
Nurse: Kristen Thibodeau
Guidance Pre-K - 2: Melina Jacovides
Guidance 3-5: Brian Connors
School Psychologist: Kelley Starrett
Special Education Team Chair: Greg Roberts
LEDP Site Coordinator: Adam Vachon
Lowell Elementary School Principal