Macleans Primary School Newsletter
Wednesday 11 September
Maori Whakatauki & MPS Value: Learning to Live Together
What is most important? The People, The People, The People!
Kia ora koutou Parents and Macleans Primary Whānau
Macleans Primary is in the middle of book week, and with today being the first day of the two-day learning conferences there is much going on. Please come along to the book fair and purchase or book or two. The children have all made a 'wish list' so please consider some of the items on that. Macleans Primary gets a small portion of each sale that we use to buy more books for the library. A reminder as well that school closes at 1pm tomorrow (Thursday 12 September) to allow for the learning conferences to take place. If you are unable to find a time that works for you, please contact your child's teacher to arrange an an alternate time. We do hope that for those of you who attended the learning conferences (or will be attending later today) found them (will find them) useful and informative, giving you a good understanding of your child's learning & progress.
Two Reminders:
1. Friday 13 September is a day for children to dress-up as their favourite book character. The Book Character Parade will be held in the hall/paved areas, weather dependent. Times for the book character parades are: Year 1 to Year 3 from 9.15 to 10am and Year 4 to Year 6 @ from 10am to 10.45.
2. Next Tuesday, 17 September from 6-7pm in the staffroom, will be the Parenting Place (https://parentingplace.nz/) presenting to parents on how to manage anxiety in children: 'Supporting Your Child Through Anxiety & Worry'. Please RSVP to me on m.cooke@macleansprimary.school.nz if attending.
Please enjoy this newsletter. Have a great week everyone.
Regards - Matthew Cooke
PS - Thanks to Farm Cove Superette for their sponsorship of this newsletter: 1/190 Fisher Parade, Farm Cove. See ad below.
PPS - Remember that at the end of this newsletter in your email you may get the note that the Message is Clipped and you may need to click on View Entire Message
Next Newsletter and Notices:
•Wednesday 25 September 2024
•MPS Notices and update at anytime
Inter-School Football & Netball This Week: Results in the Next Newsletter
Daffodil Day & PJ Day at Macleans Primary - Friday 30 August
We raised $660 for the Cancer Society. Well done everyone as the Macleans Values shone through with great collaboration and cooperation with the PTA, Schoo and The Cancer Society.
Student Achievements: Future Actors!
Chaney from R16 and Lea from R14 will be performing in Hairly McLary & Other Stories a performance by HCYT on 21 and 22 September. You may also be keen to watch a performance of The Snow Queen, See the information below. Well done Chaney and Lea!
Student Achievements For A Former Student
Former Macleans Primary student Sage McDonald has an opportunity to participate in the McCartney Football Tournament to be held in Taupo from 11th to 13th October 2024. Established in 2004, the McCartney Invitational Tournament is the largest Junior Football tournament in Australasia. Held in October each year it attracts over 120 junior teams from all over New Zealand and Australia. We want to support Sage in getting to the tournament through sales of Mini Bites and Frozen Cookie Dough. Donations are also welcomed. The options for the Mini Bites and Frozen Cookie Dough are listed below. Last date for orders is the 20th September 2024 (Next week Friday).
Mini Bite’s Flaves: $4 each (6 bites/packet): Sticky Choc. Brownie, Caramel, Rocky Road, Lolly
Cookie Flaves: $10 each (20 cookies/packet): ANZAC, M & M, White Choc. Macadamia, Choc Chip
Simply place your order with Sage's dad George McDonald - grm.archrenders@gmail.com - with proof of payment. Banking details: 01-0676-0258220-05. REF: *your name*
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Sage's dad George McDonald on:
E: grm.archrenders@gmail.com T: 027 364 9797
Chess Power Chess @ Macleans Begins in Term 4 at Lunchtime - Details Below
2025 Term Dates: Downloadable Below and at www.macleansprimary.school.nz
Love, Like & Live Lego! Lego! (can one ever have enough lego? NO!!! :))))))
Student Achievement: Aayan Sharma (R1) Wins Family Trophy! Well done, Aayan!
Scratchpad (Coding) School Holiday Programme
Macleans Primary Dance Festival Group 2024
Howick & Pakuranga Baseball This Summer? Download The Information Below
SKIDS Term 3 Holiday Programmes @ Macleans Primary
Sport X Basketball and Football Coaching in Term 4
NZ Author Helen Griffiths Visits Macleans Primary
International award winning author Helen Griffiths visited Macleans Primary last Tuesday 3 September. Thanks Helen for visiting Macleans Primary. You can read more about Helen and her story, and the stories and books she has written HERE.
Traffic and Parking Reminders
Skill Samurai Coding & Robotics: Afterschool and Holiday Programmes
Farewells and Goodbyes
Thank you to Mrs Tarryn Scott for being a great teacher and part of the Macleans Primary School Community for the last 3 years. Tarryn has been travelling form Waiuku daily for a couple of weeks now and will be moving into her new house in Waiuku at the end of term.
We welcome back Mrs Amber Dawson as the Room 3 class teacher for a term. As a regular reliever at our school, Amber knows Macleans Primary School well and will be a seamless fit for R3 and the children's learning.
HPPA Literacy Quiz
Over the last two terms, the Lit Quiz group of students have been working hard preparing for the HPPA Lit Quiz. They read through a selected list of 10 books by top New Zealand children's authors, taking careful note of details around the characters, settings, and plots. The weekly meetings held in the library involved fun book-related activities including two author interview videos, sharing book reviews, awarding books with medals, quiz practices, and writing a letter to an author. From this group, six students represented MPS at last week’s competition held at Baverstock Oaks. It was a fun event involving 19 local schools, and our two teams enjoyed the challenging experience. Thank you to the whole group for taking part in Lit Quiz.
Ever Wonder Goes on at a Staff Meeting at Macleans Primary? Collaboration !
Child Turning Five?
If your child is turning five in the next six (6) months please ensure you enrol them as soon as possible. Our roll is steadily growing and we need to plan for classes and teachers during the year. Please collect your enrolment pack from the office, or go to www.macleansprimary.school.nz for more information. You can also email the Office Team (Sally or Sharon) on office@macleansprimary.school.nz. Deputy Principal Angelique Wendzich will also be able to assist with any questions. Angelique an be emailed on a.wendzich@macleansprimary.school.nz
PTA Link to the 19 September Disco is Now on Facebook
Amazing Astronaut Art From R18
Parent Session from the Parenting Place: Tues. 17 Sept. @ 6pm in the Staffroom
Share Your Child's Achievements Outside of School With Us
Please let me know of any achievements by your child. Whether it be in sport, the arts, cultural or other! Perhaps you have seen a great example of the Macleans values at home. We know our Macleans students achieve great things, and we want to share them! Please email on m.cooke@macleansprimary.school.nz. I'd love to hear from you!
PTA Updates
- PTA Disco (Movie Characters theme) - Thursday 19th September; Session #1: 6–7pm (Years 1–3) and Session #2: 7:30-8:30pm (Years 4–6) (pre-sales Thursday 22nd August – Thursday 12th September)
- Tuesday 15 October: PTA Meeting in the staffroom, 6.30pm
- Sunday 3 November: PTA Colour Run, 1–4pm
Learning Conferences: Macleans Learning Pathways Progress Shared Begin Today
The online bookings closed today at 12 noon. If you need to book for tomorrow, please contact Sharon in the office s.waller@macleansprimary.school.nz or phone on (09) 534-5191. The conference times will be set at 12 minute intervals, allowing for a good 10 minutes of the sharing of your child's progress against the Macleans Learning Pathways. The Macleans Learning Pathways are aligned with the Y1-Y6 National Curriculum. 12 September - Learning Conference #2 - 1.30 - 6pm. School closes at 1 pm.
You can download and vie all of the information on how to book below.
Book Week (In The Hall) and Book Character Parade
Yummy Apple Stickers: 1Sticker = 1 House Counter
Please collect and send in your yummy apple stickers. Collect the Yummy cut-out labels from bags (each cut-out label is worth 10 stickers) and individual Yummy apple stickers and Macleans Primary School can get free Sport sports gear. Yummy apples are available from New World, PAK’nSAVE and participating Four Square stores. The more we collect, the more sports gear we can get so get going and start collecting your Yummy cut-out labels and stickers now. With each yummy apple sticker brought in, children get a House Counter! The sticker sheets are available for pick up from the office. They can also be downloaded below.
Dates For Your Diary - Term 3 2024
Thurs. 12 September - Inter-School Netball (Y4-6 students only selected from trials)
Monday 9 September - Friday 13 September - Book Week in The hall or Library - TBC.
12 September - Learning Conference #2 - 1.30 - 5pm. School closes at 1 pm. (see sep. org.)
13 September - Book Character Dress-Up Day and book parades. Y1-Y3 parade @ 9.15 and Y4-Y6 parade at 10.00am. The parade will be in the hall or paved areas, weather dependent.
16 September - BoT Meeting 6pm in the staffroom
17 September - Parent Evening with the Parenting Place (details TBA)
19 September - PTA Disco
25 September - Whacky Hair/Wig Wednesday (Child Cancer) - Full Cazh Day Gold Coin Donation.
25 September - Y4 Science Competition at Point View School
26 September - EPro8 Competition
26 September - Winning House for Term 3 Cazh
27 September - Last Day of Term 3 (End of Term Cazh)
Monday 14 October - 1st day of Term 4
Monday 28 October - Labour Day (school closed)
Copyright © 2024 Macleans Primary School, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Macleans Primary School
10 Wycherley Drive
Bucklands Beach
Auckland, 2014New Zealand
Email: admin@macleansprimary.school.nz
Website: www.macleansprimary.school.nz
Location: Macleans Primary School Wycherley Drive, Bucklands Beach, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: (09)534-591
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Macleans-Primary-School-and-PTA-194780747573611