Ranger Ready
Tech Thursday | 17 November 2016
Please watch the Garland Independent School District's Superintendent Dr. Bob Morrison's Superintendent Update as he discusses the GISD Ready Initiative with Dr. Mida Milligan, Executive Director of Communications.
Garland ISD: Superintendent Update - GISD Ready
Every teacher, in every class, everyday needs to have students use their iPads. The expectation is that students are using their iPads at least 15 minutes in every class.
Teachers please turn in lost iPads to the main office or the iTech (Room 400a) ASAP!
Please remind students to bring their iPads EVERYDAY because the devices must check in to the building and receive daily security and inventory updates.
Apps of the Week
Formative Assessment
Quick checks for understanding don't have to take lots of tech-know-how or time. This week's tools are quick, easy and engaging, yet give teachers powerful information in seconds.
Engage students and get instant feedback with Mentimeter. This web-based application helps make lessons innovative and memorable in no time flat.
How to create a fun event or meeting using Mentimeter
Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is a web-based application that allows teachers to ask students questions and get real time feedback using their iPads. Teachers can view responses live on the web or embedded in their presentation.
Introducing Poll Everywhere
Mr. Mason, M.Ed. Ready 1:1 Instructional Coach
Your feedback is greatly appreciated and can be provided HERE.
Email: almason@garlandisd.net
Website: www.edtechmason.com
Location: Naaman Forest High School, Naaman Forest Boulevard, Garland, TX, United States
Phone: (972) 675-3090
Facebook: facebook.com/edtechmason
Twitter: @edtechmason