WES is the Best Weekly Newsletter
We Before Me Edition 6: September 16th-20th
Dear Team,
As we reach the midpoint of the semester, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible progress we’ve made as a school in embracing and living out our "We Before Me" vision. This core principle, focused on fostering a culture of collaboration, empathy, and community, continues to guide every aspect of our work together.
Celebrating Teamwork and Growth
One of the most rewarding aspects of this journey has been watching our students come together, not just as classmates but as collaborators who lift one another. Whether in the classroom, during recess, or while working on group projects, I have seen examples of students putting the group's needs before their own and supporting one another in ways beyond academics.
As we visited classrooms for Region 3 Amplify & Eureka learning walks, we observed teachers and paras fostering this atmosphere by creating environments prioritizing cooperative learning and collective problem-solving. In doing so, they are helping our students develop the essential life skills of communication, empathy, and respect.
Continuing the Journey Together
As we move forward, I encourage everyone—students, staff, and families—to continue finding ways to live out the "We Before Me" vision. This can be as simple as lending a helping hand to someone in need, offering words of encouragement, or working together to achieve a common goal. Together, we can create a culture where everyone thrives.
Looking Ahead
In the coming weeks, we will be launching new initiatives to further integrate our "We Before Me" ethos into the fabric of our school. Stay tuned for details on our upcoming tutorial program, club, UIL sponsorship opportunities, and WES student clubs sign-up.
Thank you for your ongoing support in helping make our school a place where we prioritize the collective good. Together, we are stronger, and together, we will continue to build a community of learners who value "we" before "me."
Warm regards,
Venitra Senegal
WES Grade Levels and Departments with Perfect Attendance
September 9th- 2nd Grade, Special, Office Staff, ESL paras
September 10th- 2nd Grade, 4th Grade, Office Staff
September 11th- 4th Grade, Specials, ESL Paras
September 12th- 2nd Grade, 4th Grade, ESL Paras
September 13th- 2nd grade, ESL Paras
At the end of September, we will start incentives for the teams with the longest streak of perfect attendance each month! Keep up the great work, caring for yourself, and showing up for students.
Attendance Award Incentives
- Premium Parking Spot
- Drawing for Special Prizes
- Recognition Breakfast/Lunch
- Pop Up Surprises
Student Attendance
2nd Grade: 96.64 -Attendance Stars
3rd Grade:95.25
4th Grade: 95.85
5th Grade: 95.92
Average: 95.93%
Attendance Goal: 97%
Student Attendance Average: 95.93%--- WE Have to work hard this week to increase our percentages, teachers, please call and send Class Dojo Reminders for Attendance!
Let's ALL work hard to ensure that our staff and student ratings stay up! Who's got first place next week?
Getting to Know You Better- Staff Survey Please Complete
Weekly Updates
September 16th-20th
- Instructional Rounds Admin. Focus: Pacing of the lesson in the Power Zone
- C&I Walks Focus: Lesson plans alignment to instruction execution and classroom management classroom systems
- TTESS Goals Setting Meetings & Informal Walk-throughs begin- TTess Assignments Link
September 16th- Hispanic Heritage Program @ 9:00 am & Team Leader Meeting (rm. 308) , The Final day to pay for WES is the Best t-shirt for the September order
September 17th- WES' Tax Payer Tuesdays @ 9:30 am & SDC Committee Meeting @ 4:15pm (room 607)
September 18th- Staff Meeting (professional staff required to attend) rm 604
September 19th- WISD Board Meeting
WE BEFORE ME School Shirts Orders
Weekly Reminders
Circle Lessons- Circle lessons are to be conducted daily activity on the floor with students, centered around the week's topic.
Hispanic Heritage Program Preparations- Teachers please plan to bring students to the cafeteria at 8:50 am, and review assembly expectations (level 0 during performances and tracking the speaker). Please ensure that students take care of restroom needs before the program.
10:00 am- Teachers will take attendance before exiting the program to go to classrooms.
Student Behavior Supports & ODR's Reminders- Please follow the Student Behavior Intervention Process to address behavior concerns in the classrooms. Specials teachers/paras are to complete ODRs for students' behaviors during Specials. Consequences for ODRs during specials should occur with the grade-level administrator's guidance with the special's para/teacher, not the classroom teacher.
Social Emotional Learning Counseling Support Request
Please complete the "Counselors Request Form" if you believe you have a student or have observed a student, who has raised any discipline or family concerns. Mrs. Perkins (School Counselor) and Ms. Molina (CIS Site Coordinator) will coordinate their efforts to support students by addressing their needs and identifying any underlying issues.
WES is the BEST- PLC Schedule & Information
PLC Schedule & Conference Meetings of the Week
Monday, September 16th- NO PLC (Internalization during Conference Time
Reading/SS: Amplify Region 3 - Must Do's
Math/Science: Math Internalization- Must Do's
Tuesday: September 17th-PLC
Reading/SS: Amplify Region 3 with Megan (Bring your students' Amplify Preassessment data)
Math/Science: Math Internalization- Must Do's
Wednesday: September 18th PLC
Reading/SS: Social Studies Internalization/Amplify Preparation
Math/Science: Eureka Math with Region 3- Lisa
Thursday: September 19th PLC
Both- WES Growth Template Update & Students Smart Books Set Up
Friday: September 20th PLC
Both: See below
Regroup students according to their skills.
Math/Science: Miller and Herrera
RLA: Reveles and Baranowski
WIN Intervention schedule and Resources Set Up
PLC Times & Days Adjustments (4th Grade Only)
4th Grade Only
Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays
7:45 am- 8:25 am- Teacher Conference
11:05- 11:50 am- PLC
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
7:45 am- 8:25 am- PLC
11:05am- 11:50 am- Teacher Conference
Team Preparation & Internalization Planning Schedule
Each grade level has developed a schedule to support internalization, lesson preparation, and planning.
2nd- Monday & Tuesdays
3rd- Mondays-Science & RLA, Tuesdays- Math & RLA, Wednesdays- Math/Social Studies & Small Group/WIN Time
4th-Wednesdays & Thursdays
5th- Tuesdays & Thursdays
Fridays are Conference and WES ARD days during the Conference Time as needed.
Fundamental Five Focus
Our campus focus for this semester is teachers/staff working with students in the Power Zone.
See the video for the Fundamental Five Instructional Model- Staying In the Power Zone below.
Character Trait of the Week: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting
Character Traits Lessons of Week: Unit 2- Emotion Management
2nd - Feeling Proud
3rd - Why Emotions
4th - The Balanced Brain
5th - Strong Emotions
Happy Birthday to our Wonderful Staff!
September Birthday Stars!!!
9/11 - Lequajia Waddle
9/13- Frances Rockwell
9/16- Nemesis Reveles
9/ 14- LaDonna Jones
9/30- Kendra Walker
If it's your birthday...please let me know by completing the staff survey.