The Cub Hub
The weekly newsletter for Bear Creek Elementary.
January 10, 2025
Dear Bear Creek Families,
Check those backpacks. Middle of the Year MAP reports went home today. It is exciting to see the progress our Cubs are making and celebrate the gains. Your child's teacher will be able to answer specific questions you may have about the assessment. On Thursday's Coffee with the Principal, I will review overall campus highlights and share the ways we have grown!
Interested in Bear Creek's lottery based Kindergarten Dual Language Program?
Now is the time to complete your priority registration for this program using the Enroll Austin online registration system. Priority registration ends February 4, 2025. Applicants will be notified of lottery results by March 14.
Returning to Bear Creek for the 2025-2026 School year?
Please help us staff appropriately for the upcoming school year by registering by February 4th! Knowing our staffing needs early in the hiring season gives us access to the best of the best pool of applicants we are able to hire for your children. Returning families do not need to upload registration documents unless something has changed.
Important Dates:
STAAR Reading (3rd - 5th) April 10, 2025
STAAR Math (3rd - 5th) April 24, 2025
STAAR Science (5th only) April 16, 2025
Theressa Engel Lewis
Come join Mrs. Lewis in the cafeteria to unpack middle of year MAP data and discuss our mid-year progress. Please RSVP so that we can prepare the space accordingly.
PTA Sponsor Survey
CAC Meeting
Thank you all who attended the December CAC Meeting. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 3rd at 3:30 pm in the Library. All are welcome to attend.
Questions? Email us at: BearCreekCAC@gmail.com
Citizens have opportunity to be represented on the agenda and heard during the meetings. Please use this form to submit your topic.
Rachel Cottingham, CAC Co-Chair - Faculty Representative
Kristin Stockfisch, CAC Co-Chair - Parent Representative
📚Library News 📚
Krisha Brown
Casey Ford
Bear Creek Elementary
Email: bearcreek@austinisd.org
Website: https://www.austinisd.org/schools/bearcreek
Location: 12801 Escarpment Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-0040