Intermediate Staff News SPOT😍
May 16th, 2024
November Staff Newsletter
Where did the time go?
Principal's Corner
Hold on tight! This last part of the semester feels like it is over in the blink of an eye! We have 3 weeks until Thanksgiving break and another 3 weeks after that until Christmas break! This is where it gets a little more difficult to keep everyone focused on the main thing! We've got to ensure we are engaging our students in the content and keeping them focused on learning and growing! We've got our first round of Benchmark tests coming up in December and although we will not shut down like we do for Mock in the Spring, we still need to know what our students know and what they still need more time to learn. We will all follow the same procedures so we can get accurate data (similar to STAAR), we will analyze this data and make action plans on how to get our students where we need them to be! Again, if you are focused on growing ALL students, we will get there.
This month, I encourage you to reflect on the positives in your life and what you are thankful for. If you're thankful for your team, another staff members, your Bobcat Buddy, etc - let them know! Let's focus this month on showing others our gratitude. This may be in a simple text, email, hand written note or grabbing their favorite candy or drink. It doesn't have to be extravagant to say Thank You!
Thank you for everything you do daily! I am so thankful for each of you!
Jennifer Hoskins ext. 1862/2514
📆 Important Dates 📆
November 1: Purple Out!
November 4th - 8th: 6th Grade Book Fair Open, Psychologist Appreciation Week
November 4th: Pass out Bobcat Bucks Store Order Forms, Asst Principal Collab AM
November 5th: Evening Shopping at the Book Fair 4:30-6:00pm, Election Day, New to HIS/1st Yr Meeting 4pm in 5th Library
November 6th: Mini MTSS Checks, 5th grade GT Field Trip
November 7th: Lighthouse Team Training, Ed Foundation shirts w/jeans, Lead meeting 4pm, 6th Grade GT Academic Rodeo field trip
November 11th: Veteran's Day and Parade
November 12th: Thanksgiving Lunch Served at 5th Grade
November 13th: Kona Ice
November 14th: Thanksgiving Lunch Served at 6th Grade, College Shirt Day, Faculty Meeting 4pm in Band Hall, Intervention Collab PM
November 15th: Fall Picture Retakes, 6th Grade Library Fun Friday
November 18th: Book Vending Machine Announcement, School Board Meeting 6:30 pm
November 22nd: 5th Grade Library Fun Friday, Substitute Teacher Appreciation Day, Stacey Grant Visit
December 2nd: Students and Staff Return
Staff Meeting (All Staff)
Go ahead and make plans now for our monthly staff meetings! We will meet from 4:00-5:00 pm. Please make plans for your personal kids. Some of them can possibly combine into one room and an older sibling may be willing to watch them. Work together and make a plan!
September 12
October 24
November 14
December 12 - CANCELLED - Please come to the staff Christmas party on Dec 9th instead!
January 16
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 23 - 8:30 am
THANK YOU H.I.S. Veterans!
Mr. Bunce, Mr. Locke, Ms. Marulli, Mr. Nolen, Ms. Lee, and Ms. Paul
Thank you for your service!