JJHS Home & School News
May 5, 2024
FINAL Home and School Meeting of the School Year
Our FINAL Home and School Meeting of the school year Tuesday, May 7th, at 9A.M. We will be approving bylaws and accepting our exec and committee slates for next school year.
To listen in via Zoom, join using the information below:
Meeting ID: 971 0846 7534
Passcode: Patriots
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 971 0846 7534
Passcode: 61841855
Find your local number: https://naperville203.zoom.us/u/adotcxiySF
JJHS Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10
We love our JJHS teachers!
Home & School volunteers will provide lunch and snacks on Tuesday, MAY 7th
to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10.
Please click on the sign up button below to see what is needed.
All items should be dropped off on or before Tuesday, May 7.
Thank you for your support of JJHS's wonderful teachers!
2024-2025 JJHS Home & School Exec Board
Thank you to the new Exec Board and Committee Chairs that will be serving next school year. The slate will be ratified at the 5/7 Home & School Meeting.
President: Becky Olson
Vice President: Melissa Scacco
Secretary: Heather Huether
Treasurer: Jennifer Riordan
Committee Chairs:
Annual fundraiser/ magazine drive - Kristen Whitiker & OPEN
Directory Spot - Me’Chele Finn
Gift Cards: Theresa Sullivan
Patriot Night Out: Kelly Holquist
Staff Hospitality: Liz Ancel and Tiffany Wickert
Volunteer List: Tara Rester
Social Media: OPEN
Health and Safety: Cindy Smucker
Nominations: OPEN
Staff Appreciation: Stephanie Jacks, Jasmine Gilliam and Cheryl Morgan
Spirit Wear: Dani Bourgeois
School Supply Kits: Melissa Scacco
Front Pots: Audrey Lane
Staff Gift Cards: Theresa Sullivan
Home & School - Open Committee Positions
JJHS Home & School has several openings for Committee Chair positions for the 2024-2025 school year.
Open Positions:
Annual Fundraiser/Magazine Drive Co-Chair - (Fall) Acts as a liaison between the JJHS and the Magazine Drive Company to publicize the fundraiser to JJHS families via Talk203s, the JJHS website, and the H&S Facebook Page. Should be present during lunch hour prize days for 3 days during the fundraiser. Responsibilities may change slightly if a different annual fundraiser is chosen by the district.
Nominations - (Spring) Determine returning committee chairs and exec board members and recruit and present slate for following school year.
Social Media - Post content provided by exec board or committee chairs to our social media accounts (Facebook & Instagram) as well as assist with the newsletter.
Full position descriptions can be found here: JJHS H&S Positions
If you have an interest, please reach out to:
Becky Olson @ jeffersonhands@gmail.com
Order School Supplies 2024/2025 School Year
Parents can order online through June 9th for the ship-to-school option. Supplies ordered by June 9th will be at school for the locker Jam Event in August. Beginning June 10th, all orders will be shipped to home only and will include a price increase.
Go to the School Tool Box Website and search for Jefferson Jr. High School to order.
**See the below flyer for more information.
8th Grade Save the dates!
Boat Trip: May 16, 2024
Location: Navy Pier
Depart JJHS: 8:30am, Sail: 10:30am-1:00pm
Return JJHS: 2:30pm (approximate)
*more details coming soon
Moving On: May 22, 2004
Location: Wood Gym and Live Stream
Time: 9:00am
* see below flyer for more
Jefferson Junior High School Cordially invites you to attend
the Moving-On Ceremony In recognition of the Eighth Grade Class
9:00 a.m. on May 22, 2024
JJHS Wood Gymnasium
Due to space constraints, TWO guests per family
Tickets will be mailed home
Live stream link will be posted on JJHS website
8th grade Photo Project
8th grade families, we need your help collecting student photos of school events and activities to be used for some end-of year events. Could you please help us in submitting photos of 8th grade events/activities (extracurricular, Gala, etc)? Photos should be school-appropriate and depict students at school events. Photos can be submitted via the below link.
Please reach out to Laurel Anderson (LAnderson1@naperville203.org) and Matt Colbert (MColbert@naperville203.org) with any questions.
Sign-up Here for Remaining Bunker Dates
Please consider volunteering to help
run the Bunker table on certain Fridays during lunch.
It's fun and easy, and a great way to see your student at school!
Show your JJHS Spirit!
JHS's Spiritwear store is open all year long! Great for holiday and birthday gifts!
Order required PE Uniforms through the Spiritwear store!
Password: patriots
Donate Electronically to JJHS Home & School
Did you know that you can now donate electronically to JJHS Home & School? You can use Zelle (send to jeffersonhandstreas@gmail.com) or scan QR Code. All donations to Home & School are tax deductible and are used to benefit all students at JJHS!
JJHS Update School Newsletter
Email: jeffersonhands@gmail.com
Website: https://www.naperville203.org/Page/4464
Location: 1525 N. Loomis Street, Naperville, IL 60563
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JJHSHomeandSchool
Volunteer: https://bit.ly/JJHandSVolunteer