Baker Bits
January 10, 2025
A Note From Our Principal
Happy New Year, Baker Families!
This month we will be focusing on respect. Respect contributes to a positive culture within our school, decreases conflict, and encourages empathy. Join us in explicitly teaching respect! See the family letter below for details.
Currently we are in the middle of our testing season in the areas of both reading and math. Testing can cause anxiety - remind your child that there is nothing to worry about. These tests show us all you know and all you have learned so far this year!
On Monday, January 13, Baker is hosting our School Board Meeting. Ms. Hurni's class will be leading the Pledge of Allegiance for us, and we will have a presentation with highlights from our year so far. Feel free to join us in the gym around 5:45 p.m. for a 6:00 start time. It is always great to see students representing our school!
Here is to a great 2025 at Baker Elementary!
Amanda Nast
Upcoming Dates
- January 13: Board of Education Meeting 6pm @ Baker
- January 17: Tri 2 Progress Reports published to portal
- January 20: No School (Teacher PD)
- January 22: Mobile Dentist Visits Baker
- February 7: Muffins in the Morning (8:25am)
- February 12: Spring Count Day
- February 14-17: Mid Winter Break
- March 3: WEPA meeting @ Steeby 6:30pm
- March 7: Report Cards published to portal @ 4pm (2nd Trimester)
- March 11 and 13: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
- March 14-17: No School
- March 19: Roundup Night (more info to come)
- March 29: Daddy/Daughter Dance (see graphic below)
Muffins in the Morning
Daddy/Daughter Dance
What we are asking from parents is IF you are able to, send in a pair of corded headphones for your child to keep at school. We had originally requested this as the beginning of the year, so if you are unsure if your child has a working pair here, just reach out to their teacher!
Thank you and please know we always have extras in the building for those who cannot bring in their own!
Kids Heart Challenge
Hello, Heart Heroes! Are you ready?! Kids Heart Challenge is coming to our school soon! We
have some exciting things planned this year to get us moving, helping others, and having fun. Get
a head start by signing up today and becoming a lifesaver.
Visit our school page or download the Kids Heart Challenge app!
Family Literacy Lowdown
A literacy coach's job is to support teachers and improve student literacy skills. They also help implement effective reading and writing programs and provide resources. If you have any questions or want additional tips, please contact OUR literacy coach, Jill Terrell!
Is there a right or wrong way to read fiction and non-fiction at home? Here are some quick tips to help you generate discussion with your early reader.
Dentist Visit - January 22nd
MENU: January
Helpful Links
If you plan on attending classroom parties or field trips, we require an annual background check to be done. Use the button ABOVE to access the form online. Please send this link to anyone in your family or friend group who might want to be involved this year. We would hate to turn away a dedicated grandparent or other relative!
Who Do I Contact?
Teacher or Staff at Baker Elementary - Any and all staff can be reached via email by using the employees last name and first initial. Example - Krista Battenfield, school secretary at
Technology - Any and all questions concerning parent portals (log-ins, passwords, changing information, etc) must be directed to the WUS technology department. You will also want to contact technology with any Ipad concerns, including broken Ipads.
- Technology - OR call 269-792-6611
Busing - If you need to change a student's assigned busing routine, you must contact the bus garage. Please follow up any answers or changes made by calling/emailing with the Baker office staff and your child's teacher. These changes are not automatically communicated between the two buildings. It is the parent's responsibility to communicate the change.
- Transportation/Busing - OR call 269-792-2262
Food Service - All Free/Reduced Hot Lunch Applications are confidential. If you have questions concerning the WUS food service program, please contact the following:
- Food Service Program - OR call 269-792-3150