Millswood Email Template
April 21 2024

Millswood Announcements
Honor Roll
Thank you to Kiwanis for BBQ-ing for our Honor Roll students on Thursday! Kiwanis partnered with Miller Hot Dogs and Cherokee Memorial Park to provided hotdogs, chips, cookies and water to our students. Our own Parent Club provided gift cards for our raffle. Plus a community member arranged a flyover during our 8th grade lunch to recognize our outstanding academic success!! Thank you to all for the fun afternoon!
7th gr. Social Science classes:
All 7th grade students are going to be playing the Mesoamerican Ballgame on Friday, May 3rd. Students must wear their "jerseys" to school all day. If you have any questions, please contact your child's Social Science teacher.
Thank you,
Mrs. Goehring, Mr. Ramos & Mr. Sell
English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)
We will host an ELAC meeting 9:30 to 10:30 . Millswood conference room. Donuts/Water and ELPAC information.
Testing is the week after next!! Students will be taking the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Test, otherwise known as the CAASPP test.
All Millswood students will be assessed on English Language Arts and Math. Eighth grade students will also take the California Science Test.
Students will follow a modified schedule and will be dismissed at 1:28 on the following dates: 4/29, 4/30, 5/1, 5/6, 5/7 & 5/9.
Mission Zero
There are only 8 days until progress reports and 29 days till the end of the quarter. Make it a priority to attend Mission Zero to complete missing assignments and be included in our final $50 gift card raffle of the year.
AVID Class
8th grade AVID students painting the cornhole boards. They had a blast and did a great job. Lunch time cornhole tournaments are in our future!
Leadership activities
- Monday, 4/22-Camo Day: Blend in, stand out: Camouflage your doubts, conquer the test!
- Tuesday, 4/23-Construction Worker Day: Build up Your Confidence for Testing
- Wednesday, 4/24-Dress Like a Teacher: Dress the part, ace the test: Teachers' style for student success!
- Thursday, 4/25-Hat Day: Hat Up for Success: Ace your Test with Style
- Friday, 4/26-Cozy Day: Relax and Get Ready to Show what you Know
Lodi High Sports
ALL incoming 9th grade athletes (current 8th grade students) and their parents are encouraged to attend. QUESTIONS? 331-7695 ext. 320022 or email sbarnhart@lodiusd.net
Parent Club
Parent Club news:
- Eat at Buffalo Wild Wings on April 24th and 10% of your bill will go to our Millswood Parent Club. Present the flyer below
- Spring cleaning? donate your gently used Millswood t-shirts and hoodies for our incoming students. Simply bring them to the office and we will pass them along!
- This quarter our dance is for our 8th grade students only. Those that are eligible to participate in promotion will be invited. The event is free and will be held on May 23rd
Catalina News:
A note from our Catalina Team:
Casa Mexicana is giving 50% of all sales the entire week of April 29-May4th to our Catalina Field Trip!! Plan ahead: Eat at Casa Mexicana at least one time during that week and present the attached flyer.
Students are selling coffee as well! Use the link below to support the Catalina Trip
May 3rd Juice It Up smoothies will be sold to students during lunch.
Also, students need to remember to keep their grades up for the last quarter. All students need to remain above a 3.0 with no F's. If a student falls below this GPA, they will not be allowed to attend the Catalina trip! Please remember to check Google Classroom and the Remind app for updates.
Save the date!
Mark your calendars
- April 18: Honor Roll BBQ for students
- 4/29, 4/30, 5/1, 5/6, 5/7 & 5/9- dismiss at 1:28 due to testing
- May 8: minimum day and Teacher Appreciation Day
- May 21st: 8th grade awards night, invitation only
- May 23: 8th grade dance
- May 24: Yearbook distribution
- May 31: Promotion* for 8th grade students (7th grade has no school!)
*Students with a 1.5 GPA and no suspensions are eligible to participate in the promotion ceremony. Plan ahead: no balloons or signs in the audience at promotion. Students may not wear leis or carry gifts/flowers during promotion. Specific details will be shared soon. Keep looking for updates in our weekly newsletters.
District messages:
Math and Computer Science Summer Programs for Middle School:
See flyer