Tiger Prints

Winfield School District 34
Where Learning is Personal
Thursday, September 12, 2024
From the Principal
As we wrap up the fifth week of school, I want to thank all the parents and families who attended our curriculum nights this week. Your presence and engagement are a testament to the strong partnership we are building to support our students. When parents and educators work together, it creates a powerful foundation for student success, and we’re fortunate to have such a committed community at Winfield 34.
In week six, we should all consider the importance of maintaining consistent routines, clear expectations, and positive habits. As students age, routines, clear expectations, and positive habits remain essential. Structured schedules, time management strategies, and open communication help ensure students are on time and ready for school. Adding positive elements to the morning routine and partnering with the school when needed reinforces punctuality and sets students up for success.
Curriculum nights are essential for parents to gain insight into their child’s learning experience and connect with the teachers who guide them daily. This partnership ensures that we are aligned to help students reach their full academic and personal potential. We appreciate your ongoing support and encourage you to stay involved throughout the year. Together, we can continue making “Where Learning is Personal” a reality for every student.
Starting school on time - Please be prompt!
Regular school hours are from 8:20 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Students should not arrive on school grounds before 8:10 a.m. Staff supervision of students is not available prior to 8:10 a.m.
Winfield Good Old Days Parade
Upcoming Events
Friday, September 13
Dismissal at 11:45 a.m.
PTO Half Day Social - Founders Park
Fall Picture Day
Thursday, September 26
Information will be sent home on Monday, September 16
PTO & WEF News
Half Day Social Tomorrow!
Our first early dismissal for the school year is tomorrow! Pick up the kids at 11:45 a.m. and head over to Founders Park (0N020 County Farm Rd.) Bring your lunch if you’d like and join other families for a fun afternoon checking out Winfield’s newest park!
Get your Spirit Wear Orders in by Next Wednesday, 9/18!
Show your Tiger pride on Fridays (or any day!) with our spirit wear! Many of our shirts are now offered in a variety of colors. The online store is only open for a limited time, check it out here! Orders need to be placed by 9/18! Orders will be delivered to your child’s classroom about three weeks after the order is processed. Contact Mary Ann Trevino with any questions.
Cook’s Night Out - Thursday, 9/19 from 5-8 p.m.
Mark your calendars for our first Cook’s Night Out at Portillo’s in Glendale Heights on 9/19 from 5-8 p.m. Show the cashier the digital flier or mention Winfield School District 34 and we will receive 20% of the total sales. See flier for more details!
Room Parent Meeting - Thursday, 9/19 at 7 p.m.
If you have signed up to be room parent, or are thinking about signing up, please join us for an informational meeting on Thursday 9/19 at 7 p.m. in the Central School Commons (If you marked your calendars last week, the date has changed to 9/19!). We still have some spots open, sign up here!
Volunteers Needed for Student Directory!
We are looking for a volunteer to help edit and print this year’s Student Directory. In addition, we need three volunteers to help with folding and stapling the document. This project will happen at the end of September and days/times will be determined to fit with the volunteers’ schedules. If you are interested in helping, please email Gina Christensen.
Student Directory and Drama Playbill Ad Fundraiser
We are looking for more local businesses to get involved with this exciting fundraiser! Do you or someone you know own or work for a business that would be interested in advertising in our directory and/or playbill? If so, please consider supporting the Winfield Education Foundation through the purchase of a business card size ad in the student directory or spring drama production playbill!
Cost: $35 for directory; $25 for playbill; $50 for both (quite the bargain if you ask us!).
Reserve your directory space by Sept 27th and play bill space by Feb 7th! Email wef@winfield34.org for details.
Thanks for your support!
Kelly Kurzer, PTO President
Mary Campbell, PTO Vice President
Lesley Gena, WEF President
Gina Christensen, WEF Vice President
Student Leadership Team
Zeman's Kicks for Kids Update
In the spring we collected used shoes honoring our late Physical Education teacher Denise Zeman through her family charity "Zeman's Kicks for Kids . On Wednesday, August 28th they delivered 65 pairs of new shoes to students and their families in 8 different West Chicago schools. We also sent 61 bags (25 pairs in each) of shoes to developing countries to be used by small businesses there. Overall we raised about $3,000.00.
Intermediate Team News
This week in third grade, the students were learning how to have constructive conversations in small groups to practice speaking and listening skills. 4th grade this week started a joint science/social studies project that students are so excited about! While learning about the structure of the Earth, students are creating a model of the core of the Earth and discussing where their civilization would be on the Earth to make it the most successful. In 5th grade this week, students started their investigation into matter. We kicked off with a discussion about what matter is, and students debated whether things like sound waves and gravity would classify as matter.
Middle School Stories
Each week a teacher from Middle School will report out on the happenings in their classroom. This week Mr. Wdowiarz’ is checking in!
This week in Mr. Wdowiarz’ Social Studies class, we tried out a new thought-experiment lesson that Mr. W learned in a workshop last summer. The students were given a list of ten terms that appeared in the past two weeks of instruction, and then were asked to write them on hexagonal post-it notes. Then in small groups, the students were to arrange the ideas based on how the hexagons connected together, and explain their logic as to why they placed the terms where they did. It was challenging and fun!
Specials Team News
In STEAM class we started our digital drawing and animation unit. Students are working through a series of Keynote challenges and using the Logitech Crayon styluses to practice their digital drawing skills. We also had our first LEGO challenge last week.
Information You Need to Know
No Parking - Please!
First days of school are always challenging and everyone wants to be there for their child. The Winfield Station Apartments is very concerned about families using their parking lot. They have confronted families about parking and have stated that they will have vehicles towed that do not have a Winfield Station parking sticker. Please remember, Winfield 34 is a community school. As such, there is never enough parking. Parents who plan to attend a meeting or park at school in order personally drop off or pickup their child are encouraged to park in the visitor parking on Beecher next to the playground, the Winfield Primary parking lot, the Winfield Central parking lot, or at Lions Park. We ask that you not choose the apartments' parking lot to park/drop off/pick up before and after school. We would like to maintain a good relationship with our neighbors.
This Spring there will be three seats for the Winfield 34 Board of Education up for election. Our school board guides our strategic focus for the district and helps ensure that our school district works towards helping our students learn and grow. For individuals interested in running for the school board, here is the 2025 Candidate’s Guide for Elections in Illinois. The Election Day will be Tuesday, April 1st, 2025. Board of Education member information is on page 52 of the candidate guide. Here is a link to the petitions and to the statement of candidacy. Paper packets are also available from Amy Watson in the Winfield Primary Office. Candidates need at least 50 signatures on their petitions. The signature gathering window is officially open. Petitions can be filed between November 12th and 18th at the Du Page County Clerks office.