On the Horizon
VUHS May 31st, 2024
Principal Message
As we approach another end of the school year, I want to take a moment to think back on the 2023-2024 school year that we did together. This time of year always brings a mix of emotions: excitement, joy, nerves, and even some sadness. This is a time to celebrate the growth of our students, the achievements of their hard work, and the resilience we have shown as a community.
We have faced many changes this year but we did it as a group. It is exciting to think about all the things that we have done. My favorite thing this year was getting pied in the face at Social Justice Fest. It was a fun way to raise funds for the community and support student groups. Let us finish together and finish strong. There are many end of year exams, final projects, and creating lasting memories with your class and your friends to look forward to in the next two weeks. Let's give it our best together in these final weeks.
Thank you families for you continued support and dedication to working together to educate the future leaders, business owners, teachers, mechanics, and more. The class of 2024 is finishing up and the class of 2027 is just getting started but together we created memories together. Hopefully we will see many of you at the events in the next two weeks.
Some events that are coming up in the next few weeks are:
- June 4th: Walden Celebration @ 6
- June 5th: Senior Awards @ 6
- June 7th: Graduation @ 6
- June 10th: Underclass Awards @ 11:30am
- June 12th: Class of 2027 Field Trip
- June 14th: 1/2 Day - Last Day of School
Thank you for all your support!
Jody Chamberlin JChamberlin@anwsd.org
Messages from the District
Upcoming Board Meetings
Please join us for our June Board Meetings.
School Spotlights
The Spring Track team participated in the D3 State Track Meet at Fair Haven High School this past Thursday. The boys’ 4 x 800m relay team (Grey Fearon, Riley Gagnon, Calvin Gramling, Calder Rakowski) held onto their championship title from last year with another 1st place finish and Calder Rakowski finished 1st in the 800m for another state championship! Way to go Commodores!! The track and field events were well-represented by Vergennes. Thanks to Coach Castillo and Coach Kornman!
School Counseling News
School Counseling Office Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, June 5th, 6pm, Senior Awards Night - Auditorium
Drive for Excellence - Juniors & Seniors - A Chance to Win a New Car or a $1,000 Scholarship
Qualifying students (current Juniors and Seniors who are at least 16 years on or before 7/20/24) have the chance to win a new car or one of three $1,000 scholarships. Important information and instructions regarding this opportunity can be found here.
Job Opportunities For Students
Job opportunities for students are posted on the School Counseling Resources Webpage as well as in Job Opportunities for Students 23-24 document. As opportunities arise, they will be added to this document throughout the year. If you are looking for a job, check one of these two places often. Job opportunities are also posted on the wall right outside the School Counseling Office. Summer job opportunities are starting to come in including one from Basin Harbor & Goodies Snack Bar for this summer as well as full-time opportunities for graduating seniors.
Boosters, CPTG, Friends of Music
CPTG - Commodore Parent Teacher Group Sign up. Let's work together to ensure that our children have access to a stimulating and nurturing educational environment. Your partnership with VUHS Commodore Parent Teacher Group will help shape the minds of future leaders, innovators, and lifelong learners.
Friends of Music - Consider joining the Commodore Friends of Music for our children, our music educators and our community. Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm via the Zoom link. For more information please visit our website https://sites.google.com/view/commodore-friends-of-music/home
Food Services
Nurse Announcements
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss your child's illness. Jaime Wells at jwells@anwsd.org or 471-2298
We have put together a new Community Health and Wellness site that can be accessed from the ANWSD website. The site is updated as new info becomes available.
Session IV Registration
Spill the Tea and Yarn Club are joining forces to create SPILL THE TEA & SPIN THE YARN!
This calm, relaxing environment will be open for BOTH students AND staff that would love to learn how to knit or crochet AND/OR learn about herbs and health while connecting!
Starts Monday at 3:15pm in the VUMHS Library!
Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center News (interested and current students)
Check out the new and updated (April) PAHCC Newsletter!
Important Documents
Community Events
PCAVT is starting a Circle of Parents Group called Family Fun Circle. The idea came after several discussions with folks about the challenges of summer for parents. Working parents must find childcare and parents who aren’t working are with their kids more than during the school year. This Circle would focus on support for parents of children in preschool through 5th grade. It will be a space to share ideas and frustrations such as, “my child is making me crazy”, “how do I limit technology?”, “how can I develop a summer routine?”. In addition, participants will exchange suggestions for activities and outings that are free or inexpensive!
It will be on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm, beginning June 11.
To register for this free, virtual class follow this link: Upcoming Nurturing Parents and Circle of Parents Programs — Prevent Child Abuse Vermont (pcavt.org)
Contact Information
Vergennes Union High School
Email: JChamberlin@anwsd.org
Website: https://vumhs.org/
Location: 50 Monkton Road, Vergennes, VT, USA
Phone: (802) 877-2938