Lions Roar
December Monthly Newsletter
The second marking period has started, and report cards are available on the parent portal. Students who received straight A’s will be celebrated with an ice cream served during their lunch period. Thank you to the PTC for sponsoring this fun activity! Winter sports have started. Good luck to all our student athletes. School pictures were held at the end of November. Picture retakes and make ups will be January 29th. Administration and Guidance counselors went into ELA classes to go over Student expectations and behavior. Important topics covered were the following: dress code, cell phones and HIB. Guidance counselors spoke about attendance, grades and social emotional support.
Click here for the Survey, please complete it by December 16th.
Please continue to report student absences to:
(609)242-2100 Option 2.
Excused Absence notes can be emailed to: or fax (609)242-2114.
Upcoming Events
- 12/5 - Band Winter Concert 6PM at LTHS
- 12/12 - Chorus Winter Concert 6PM at LTHS
- 12/18 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 12/20 - Holiday Early Dismissal 11:30AM
- 12/23 -1/1 - School closed - Winter Recess
Calendar Events*
- 1/15 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 1/29 - School Picture Day Make-ups and Retakes - Half-day for students - dismissal at 11:30AM
- 1/29 - 1/31 - Parent Teacher Conferences - Half-day for students - dismissal at 11:30AM
- 2/6 - Volleyball Tournament - more details to follow
- 2/12 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 2/26 - 3/1 - School Play
- 3/12 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 4/16 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 5/8 - Spring Chorus Concert
- 5/14 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 5/22 - Spring Band Concert
- 6/3 - 8th Grade Awards Ceremony 8:00AM - Invitation only
- 6/3 - NJHS Induction Ceremony 5:00PM
- 6/4 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 6/6 - 8th Grade Dance 6:00-8:00PM
- 6/18 - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony 6:00PM - Rain date: 6/19 3:00PM
*dates are subject to change
Helpful Hints
If your child has trouble remembering to charge their chromebook, please consider purchasing an extra chromebook charger to keep at home.
Students can join clubs at any time. Check daily announcements for club and activity updates. Continue to check the parent portal to monitor your students academic progress. Call the Main office at (609)242-2100, if you need username and password information.
LTMS Boosters Applebees Gift Card Fundraiser
PTC Fundraiser
WaWa Shorti Hoagie Coupon Sale
LTMS Boosters Fundraiser
January 23rd Frozen Paint Night
Yearbook Snap - Send Us Your Pictures
PTC Fundraiser
December 5th