NCS Family Newsletter
April, 2024
Upcoming Events
4/1/2024 Classes resume after Spring Break
4/4/2024 Outdoor Learning: Indian Lake County Park (Mr. Lohr & Mrs. Bennett's homerooms)
4/5/2024 NCS/VAIS Library's 5th Birthday!
4/8 - 4/12 National Library Week
4/9/2024 NCS Governance Council Meeting - NCS Library 6pm
4/11/2024 Outdoor Learning: Festge County Park (Ms. Xistris and Ms. Ziegler's homerooms)
4/12/2024 Special Guest Readers for Library Week
4/18/2024 Outdoor Learning: Taliesen
4/25/2024 Outdoor Learning: Location TBD (Mr. Lohr and Mrs. Gleiter's homerooms)
5/2/2024 Outdoor Learning: Henry Vilas Zoo (Mrs. Xistris and Mrs. Bastien's homerooms)
5/8/2024 NCS Spring Music Concerts
Butter Braid and Collectivo Success!
Phases of the Moon
VASD Pre-K / 4k registration is here!
Helpful Info for Families
Let's get ready for Summer School!
As you read through the 2024 Summer School course offerings (linked below) with your child, you will find a list and description of courses for grades K to 12. Online registration for courses will open at the following times:
- Thursday April 4 at 4 PM for high school seniors
- Monday April 8 at 12 PM for K-5 students
- Monday April 8 at 2 PM for 6-8 students
- Monday April 8 at 4 PM for 9-11 students
When registering your student, please make sure that you are selecting courses based upon the grade your child will be ENTERING for the 2024-25 academic year. You will need the Power School Parent Portal to do this, email Miss Amelia for your log in if you have not yet set that up.
Help fill your child’s summer with learning, discovery, and fun. Consider taking advantage of these summer opportunities for students in the Verona Area School District.
Click here to go to the summer school website to view the 2024 Summer School Course Catalog
Is your child well enough to be in school?
It is not always easy to decide if your child is sick enough to stay home or well enough to be in school. Children who come to school are expected to participate fully in school activities including recess and physical education. A doctor’s note is required for any activity restriction.
National Library Week
National Library Week is coming up and we have celebrations here at school each day for a week to help show how much we enjoy reading. April 8-12 we show each day how much we love reading in some wonderful, weird, and wacky ways!
Then Guest Readers are needed on Friday, April 12. Sign up here!
April 22nd is Earth Day!
April 22nd is Earth Day! Please consider having your child wear BLUE or GREEN for our school wide event!
From 12:45-2:20pm, students will participate in activities centered around recycling, outdoor adventures, and planting. In order to make this event a success, we need YOUR HELP! We need volunteers to rotate through activities with multi-age groups, and to lead the stations, and supplies donated like scoops/potting soil.
See the SignUp Genius for more information and volunteer opportunities. We can't wait to celebrate Earth Day together as a school!
If you have any questions, please email Lindsey at loeffler.lindsey@gmail.com
Neurodiversity Resource Fair!
From Common Threads Family Resource Center: My name is Rebecca Ryan and I am the School Director here at Common Threads. We are hosting a Neurodiversity Resource Fair here at our center on Saturday April 6th from 9-11am and would love for you to join us!
This resource fair is open to all families, friends and children so please stop by!
Spring Concerts
Our Spring Concerts are on their way! We are sending both schools' information so that friends and family who wish to support both schools have these dates on their radar. All concerts will be in the NCS/VAIS school gym, and you are able to walk straight through Door 1 on concert day. We hope we see you at these celebrations of learning.
NCS Music Concert, Wednesday, May 8th
4/5: 8am-9am
2/3: 9:10-10:10am
K/1: 10:20-11:10am
VAIS Music Concert, Friday, May 10th:
2/3: 8am-9am
4/5: 9:10-10:10am
K/1: 10:20-11:10am
Vaccine Clinics
Public Health Madison & Dane County is partnering with Madison Metropolitan School District and SSM Health this spring to offer two more school vaccine clinics to get students up to date on their school vaccines ahead of the 2024-25 school year. These clinics will take place on Saturday, February 10th and Saturday, May 11th 2024. Both clinics will be from 10am to 2pm at the Holtzman Learning Center in Madison. It is highly encouraged that appointments are scheduled through the website listed on the flier attached. Vaccine Clinic
Get your Bucky Book Here!
Bucky Books are on sale currently: $35/each
Please reach out to Jen to purchase your book today. we are happy to send home in a your child's backpack or Jen can drop it off within the Verona area.
Bucky Books can also be purchased online and shipped directly to the you here. (There is a slightly lower return rate to the school for online sales.)
Communication with Teachers
Check out our online NCS Google Public Calendar
Here is the link to a Google Public Calendar with this year’s updated NCS events:
This calendar will be updated continually throughout the year with school events, such as swim and gym days, library days, Picture Day, Back to School Night, field trips, parent/teacher conferences, days off of school, Governance Council meetings, and so much more! We hope that this will make things easier for you!
Looking for Another Way to Connect
Have you joined the New Century School Parent Community Facebook Groups?
Current and incoming families are welcome to join “New Century School Parent Community” on Facebook. This is a great place to post summer events and pop-up playdates. This is also a great resource for new parents/guardians to ask any questions they may have.
Additionally, please like and follow our New Century School Facebook page here.
Need assistance with lunch costs?
If your student is ill, has an early morning appointment, or will be late arriving to
school for another reason, in addition to notifying their classroom teacher please make sure that you one of the following PRIOR
1) EMAIL NCS Attendance: ncs-attendance@verona.k12.wi.us
2) CALL the office at (608) 845-4500
Please do not email the school secretaries directly if possible.
Change of Clothes
If you can send a Ziploc bag with a pair of pants, socks and underwear it will come in handy over these next wet months.
And, always, we will happily take your donations of gently used sweatpants and bottoms that have stretchy waists. All colors, sizes, patterns are appreciated.
Volunteer Corner
Spring Concert Costumes
Ms. Holland-Barry needs volunteers to make costumes for the Spring Music Concert. This year, the students will wear animal headbands during the performances.
Please sign up to make headbands at home with paper, card stock or thick material.
Guest Reader Sign Up
Refill Teacher Treats and Shared Supplies
Please help us replenish dwindling supplies and fill the teachers' lounge with delicious snacks. Explore the Sign Up Slots and lend a hand if you can.
Please reach out to Shannon Ratchman, NCS/VAIS Sunshine Committee Chair, with any questions. Shannon.Ratchman@lls.org.
Lunchroom Volunteers
Please complete this short survey with your availability. **We are especially in need for help on Tuesdays at this time.**
Library Helpers
Volunteers keep the library running smoothly and our 9,583 books organized.
They are so appreciated! Please consider signing up for a one-hour shift on our updated Sign Up Genius link.
Sunshine Committee
For more information and to assist in brining sunshine to our community please contact Shannon Ratchman.