Y.E.S Indeed!
York Elementary School November Newsletter
November 2024-- Important Dates
Sunday, November 3: Daylight Savings Time Ends (Set clocks back)
Tuesday, November 5: Arby's Night Out
Wednesday, November 6: Early out and Slushy Day!
Monday, November 11: Veterans Day. Thank you to all the Veterans!
Monday, November 11: Salute to Veterans Program YHS Theater (4th & 5th will attend)
Wednesday, November 13: Early out
Monday, November 18: Wendy's Night Out
Wednesday, November 20: Early out, and Slushy Day!
Wednesday, November 20: Picture Retake Day
Monday, November 25: Career Day!
Wednesday, November 27- Friday, November 29: No School- Thanksgiving Break
Y.E.S. Bond
Y.E.S Families,
As we shared in the October newsletter, a bond for a potential addition and renovation to York Elementary School will appear on the ballot on November 5th.
If you still are seeking information on the bond project, I encourage you to visit our website: https://yorkdukesbond.com/ On our website, you can see the financial impact this bond will have, see potential plans and design, as well as visit our FAQ page to get the answers to many questions that have been asked. If you have further questions, please reach out, and I am happy to answer any question I can.
York Elementary School is a special place, and will continue to be a special place no matter the results of this election. We strive to provide a quality educational experience for your student through hands-on experiences, quality instruction, and a strong partnership with our families. I appreciate you taking the time to become an informed voter on November 5th.
As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Go Dukes!
Katie Burger
York Elementary School Principal
katie.burger@yorkdukes.org or 402-362-1144
Salute to Veterans/Veteran Pennants
-Attached is a document of what they look like. If you need another one, please feel free to print.
Career Day November 25th!
Today is the perfect day to start setting goals! It is important for every student to set goals and consider further education or training after high school. This is the underlying philosophy behind "College & Career Day" at York Elementary School. The staff members of Y.E.S. will focus on sharing their excitement for the future, higher education, and making college and post-high school training more familiar and accessible to students. By thinking about education and training beyond elementary school, students can better understand how what they learn in the classroom can be applied in the real world.
Setting goals and dreaming big can be further encouraged by Career Day, which gives students an opportunity to explore various career paths and learn how their education can lead to career success. During this event, community members and leaders share insights about their career and details about the necessary education and training required for career success.
Lost and Found
Weather Changing/Reminder
Reminder, the school doors will not open until 7:30 a.m.
Contact Us
Dan Flynn, Assistant Principal
Website: yorkpublic.org
Location: 1501 Washington Avenue
Phone: 402-362-1414
Facebook: facebook.com/YESDukePride
Twitter: @YESDukePride