~October Newsletter~
Santa Maria Middle School, Home of the BULLDOGS
7250 W Lower Buckeye Rd, Phoenix, Arizona 85043
Phone: 623 707 1100 Fax: 623 707 1110
Principal, Amelia Sanchez asanchez@fesd.org
Assistant Principal, Donald McClintock dmcclintock@fesd.org
Secretary, Marcela Lopez malopez@fesd.org
Attendance Clerk, Maria Carroll mcarroll@fesd.org
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
School Dismissal: M, T, W, F: 3:30 pm
Every Thursday Early Release: 2:15 pm
Visit our school website: https://smms.fesd.org/
Costume Contest!
Santa Maria Middle School will be hosting a Fall Dance. The dance is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. We will have a photo booth, Spooky Maze, and a costume contest with winners in each of the following categories:
-Scariest Costume (1 winner) -Funniest Costume (1 winner)
-Most Original Costume (1 winner) -Best Costume (1 winner)
*** Winners will receive a gift card***
When: Friday, October 25, 2024
Time: 5:30PM – 7:30PM (Students MUST be picked up on time. Students picked up after 7:45PM may lose the opportunity to attend future events).
Where: Santa Maria Middle School. Student drop off will be at the bus loading area.
Cost: $5.00 (Tickets will not be sold at the door!)
Students can purchase their ticket during homeroom class. Students that have submitted their permission slip and payment will be given a wristband on 10/25 during school. Students will need their wristband to enter the dance.
Dress Code: Costumes are encouraged but not mandatory. Masks that can be easily removed/lifted off are fine to wear. Face paint is okay. Do not wear anything too short or revealing.
Weapons not allowed! Anything resembling a weapon will be confiscated prior to entering the dance. Anything being used as a weapon will be confiscated and the student will be escorted out of the dance.
Conduct: Students are expected to be respectful and follow the Student Code of Conduct expectations. Bullying will not be tolerated! Defiance, disrespect and/or other misconduct will result in parent pickup and other consequences outlined in our Student Handbook.
Snack Shack will be selling food, water, and soda at our Bulldog Cafe. Cash only!
La escuela secundaria Santa María organizará un baile de otoño. El baile está abierto a todos los estudiantes de 6º, 7º y 8º grado. Tendremos un fotomatón, Spooky Maze y un concurso de disfraces con ganadores en cada una de las siguientes categorías:
-El disfraz más aterrador (1 ganador) -El disfraz más divertido (1 ganador)
-Disfraz más original (1 ganador) -Mejor disfraz (1 ganador)
*** Los ganadores recibirán una tarjeta de regalo***
Cuándo: viernes 25 de octubre de 2024
Hora: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (Los estudiantes DEBEN ser recogidos a tiempo. Los estudiantes recogidos después de las 7:45 p.m. pueden perder la oportunidad de asistir a eventos futuros).
Dónde: Escuela Secundaria Santa María. La entrega de los estudiantes será en el área de embarque del autobús.
Costo: $5.00 (¡Los boletos no se venderán en puerta!)
Los estudiantes pueden comprar su boleto durante la clase principal. Los estudiantes que hayan presentado su permiso y pago recibirán una pulsera el 25 de octubre durante la escuela. Los estudiantes necesitarán su pulsera para ingresar al baile.
Código de vestimenta: Se recomienda el uso de disfraces, pero no es obligatorio. Se pueden usar máscaras que se puedan quitar/levantar fácilmente. La pintura facial está bien. No uses nada demasiado corto o revelador.
¡No se permiten armas! Cualquier cosa que parezca un arma será confiscada antes de entrar al baile. Cualquier cosa que se utilice como arma será confiscada y el estudiante será acompañado fuera del baile.
Conducta: Se espera que los estudiantes sean respetuosos y sigan las expectativas del Código de conducta estudiantil. ¡El acoso no sera tolerado! El desafío, la falta de respeto y/u otra mala conducta resultarán en la recogida por parte de los padres y otras consecuencias descritas en nuestro Manual del Estudiante.
Snack Shack venderá comida, agua y refrescos en nuestro Bulldog Café. ¡Solamente efectivo!
Interested In Helping Us Out For Our First Dance? We'd Love To Have You!
Please complete the form below to sign up as a volunteer for our BOO-lldog Dance in October.
Complete el formulario a continuación para inscribirse como voluntario en nuestro baile BOO-lldog en octubre.
Benchmark Exams - ELA/Math/Science/Social Studies
10/28 - 11/1
All students will be taking benchmark exams from October 28th to November 1st. It is very important that your child is present for these assessments, as they help us monitor their progress and ensure they are on the right learning path. The results also allow us to identify if additional support or interventions are needed to help your child succeed.
Questions About This Trip
Contact your child's homeroom teacher or norton@fesd.org.
7th Grade to Round 1 Bowling & Arcade
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 03:00 PM
Round1 Bowling & Arcade, West Arrowhead Towne Center, Glendale, AZ, USA
Questions About This Trip
Contact Mrs. Bourgeois at nbourgeois@fesd.org
Mrs. Bourgeois To State Fair
Friday, Oct 25, 2024, 08:45 AM
Arizona State Fair, West McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Here is the revised calendar for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Our teacher Inservice Day has moved from Friday 2/14 to Friday 11/8. There will not be classes on Friday 11/8. Please call our office if you have further questions.
Aquí está el calendario revisado para el año escolar 2024 - 2025. Nuestro día de capacitación para maestros se trasladó del viernes 14 de febrero al viernes 8 de noviembre. No habrá clases el viernes 8/11. Llame a nuestra oficina si tiene más preguntas.
Sports Calendar, Games Start Between 4:45pm - 5pm
ELA/Math Tutoring Round 2 Starts 10/21 - 11/6
Monday, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays!
Our second tutoring session will begin on October 21st and go till November 6th (3 weeks). All students that attend tutoring must have a permission slip completed. Please contact your child's teacher if you would like them to attend our second tutoring session. After school snacks provided!
Learner's Library 8:10am - 8:30am
Study Hall Time Available
Student’s may come in the mornings for a quiet space to catch up and get help on work, or just read and relax. Located in the SMMS library every morning.
Archery Club!
All Students Must Have A Permission Slip on File
Mr. Jimenez runs the Archery Club at SMMS. If your child is interested in joining, please complete the following form below. For further questions you may contact Mr. Jimenez at jjimenez@fesd.org.
El Sr. Jiménez dirige el Club de Tiro con Arco en SMMS. Si su hijo está interesado en unirse, complete el siguiente formulario a continuación. Si tiene más preguntas, puede comunicarse con el Sr. Jiménez en jjimenez@fesd.org.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 4:30pm @ SMMS Cafeteria
Second PTO meeting of the 24/25 School Year!
What is PTO? "A parent teacher organization (PTO) gives parents and teachers the opportunity to work together to supplement and enrich the educational experience" (Roland, 2023).
La Escuela Intermedia Santa María está buscando padres para ser parte de nuestro PTO. ¡Únase al PTO de SMMS!
¿Qué es el PTO? "Una organización de padres y maestros (PTO) brinda a los padres y maestros la oportunidad de trabajar juntos para complementar y enriquecer la experiencia educativa" (Roland, 2023).
Progress Reports Sent Home Each Week!
Every Thursday
A paper copy of your child's current progress will go home with your student each Thursday. Students failing one or more classess, or in jeopardy of failing one or more classes will be required to obtain a parent signature in their student agenda.
Parent Communitcation! Sign Up for Class Dojo!
Scan the QR Code!
Sign Up for Class Dojo to stay informed on announcements and SMMS events!
SMMS Text Messaging!
Text 67587 to receive FESD/SMMS Alerts
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages, straight to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more. You can participate in this free service just by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.
Help Our School Funding!
Complete the Form
Scan the QR Code to begin.
Student IDs
All students must wear their ID while on campus. Lanyards will be given to each student. Black lanyards will be given to students on the black team and teal lanyards were given to students on the teal team. Bus riders MUST have their ID to board the bus after school.
Cost to replace damaged/lost ID: $5.00
Cost to replace damaged/lost lanyard: $1.00
Cost to replace ID case: $0.50
Todos los estudiantes deben usar su identificación mientras estén en el campus. Se entregaron cordones a cada estudiante. Se entregaron cordones negros a los estudiantes del equipo negro y cordones verde azulado a los estudiantes del equipo verde azulado. Los pasajeros del autobús DEBEN tener su identificación para abordar el autobús después de la escuela.
Costo de reemplazo de identificación dañada o perdida: $5.00
Costo de reemplazo de cordón dañado/perdido: $1.00
Costo para reemplazar la caja de identificación: $0.50
CELLPHONES! Reminder that students are not allowed to use cellphones on campus! It is HIGHLY encouraged students leave cellphones at home!
If students choose to bring a phone, it must be turned off and put away in their backpack. If a student has a cell phone in their pocket, it will be confiscated. Confiscated cellphones will be kept in the office for parent/guardian pick up. Here is the cellphone policy per the Student Handbook.
Si el estudiante decide traer un teléfono, debe apagarlo y guardarlo en su mochila. Si un estudiante tiene un teléfono celular en el bolsillo, será confiscado. Los teléfonos celulares confiscados se guardarán en la oficina para que los padres/tutores los recojan. Aquí está la política de teléfonos celulares según el Manual del estudiante.
Bulldog Bucks
Every Friday students can use Bulldog Bucks to purchase goodies from our Bulldog Store. Students can also use Bulldog Bucks to enter the monthly student raffle. Bulldog Bucks are for good behavior, academic achievement, and for showing good character! Students can also purchase a SMMS bulldog hoodie with 60 Bulldog Bucks, an SMMS spirit shirt with 35 Bulldog Bucks, and a new ID with 25 Bulldog Bucks.
Todos los viernes, los estudiantes pueden usar Bulldog Bucks para comprar golosinas en nuestra tienda Bulldog. Los estudiantes también pueden usar Bulldog Bucks para participar en la rifa mensual para estudiantes. ¡Los Bulldog Bucks son para el buen comportamiento, el rendimiento académico y para mostrar buen carácter! Los estudiantes también pueden comprar una sudadera con logotipo bulldog de SMMS con 60 dólares de bulldog, una camiseta espiritual de SMMS con 35 dólares de bulldog y una nueva identificación con 25 dólares de bulldog.
Teacher-Parent Communication
At Santa Maria Middle School, we value and strive to build and maintain positive relationships with our parents and students. Please expect to hear from our teachers on an ongoing basis. Teachers are expected to communicate academic and/or behavioral concerns. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions/concerns.
En la Escuela Intermedia Santa María, valoramos y nos esforzamos por construir y mantener relaciones positivas con nuestros padres y estudiantes. Espere tener noticias de nuestros maestros de manera continua. Se espera que los maestros comuniquen inquietudes académicas y/o de comportamiento. No dude en comunicarse con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.