CP News for January 23, 2025

News for January 23, 2025
Tomorrow night we look forward to gathering for our Bingo & Silent Auction Night. We have wonderful prizes. We are still in need of volunteers –sign up here. Our online Silent Auction is live and we will be showcasing some amazing items at Bingo Night. Bids will be accepted through January 31st. We have been blown away by the generosity of local businesses, staff and families. Thank you for supporting Central Park Elementary. Doors open at 5:30 pm tomorrow so you can purchase your Bingo cards, food and drink and view the Silent Auction items. The first Bingo round begins at 6:00 pm. I can’t wait to see our students and families sharing a night of community and fun.
Becky Sutten
February Conferences
Roseville Area Schools values the partnership between school and home. We have conferences scheduled in February to build relationships, share goals and ensure the school year is going well for each child both academically and socially.
Our conferences will be on February 13 and 18. Thank you to families who signed up already. If you have not able to do so yet, here are the directions:
1. Go to My Conference
2. Click on the name of your child’s teacher.
3. Select the desired date/time for your conference by clicking on “Sign Up.”
4. Submit the requested information.
If you have several children attending our school, click on “Register for Multiple Conferences” on the top left and follow the prompts to schedule your children. After you schedule a conference online, the date and time are reserved for you. If you entered your email address correctly, you will receive email confirmation of your conference.
You will also receive an email reminder the day before the conference. Online sign up will be available until February 10.
Connect with us at school if you would like assistance with this process. It's important to us that we connect with each child and their family!
Friday, January 31 and Monday, February 3, 2025
Staff Development Days
Cold Weather Reminders
Student Drop-Off:
A reminder, student drop-off in the morning begins at 8:45 AM. If students arrive prior to 8:45 AM they will need to wait outside or in their vehicle. There is no supervision or coverage prior to that time outside. With the cold weather, please make sure your students are dressed for the weather!
We know that it is important for students to get fresh air every day and we will send students outside for recess as weather permits. Our weather guidelines are outside recess unless the temperature is below 0 or the windchill is between -10 to -15 degrees. Weather reports are consulted before sending students outside on cold days. Please send snow pants, boots, jackets, hats and mittens everyday with your child. If you are in need of warm outerwear for your child/ren, please contact the teacher or the school office for assistance. It is a good idea to label the clothing as our Lost & Found is growing every day.
Please Consider Helping:
Central Park Bingo Night is on Friday, January 24th. We need your help!
Please consider volunteering on this fun night! Sign up here.
Kindergarten Enrollment Night
Do You Have A Rising Kindergartener?
Visit HERE for more info on Kindergarten Enrollment and mark your calendars for Central Park's Kindergarten Welcome Night on March 4, 2025 (6m-7:30pm). Applications are now being accepted for fall of 2025.
Questions? Contact Central Enrollment:
📧 enrollment@isd623.or 📞 651-635-1626
School Links
Free Dental Care Event - Give Kids a Smile
Appointments Open for Give Kids a Smile, Offering Free Dental Care to Underserved Children
February 7 and 8, 2025
Appointments are now available for Give Kids a Smile, a charitable outreach program that provides free dental care to underserved children. Dental professionals volunteer to provide free dental care on February 7 and 8 in many locations throughout the state. Find a participating clinic by visiting www.mndental.org/gkas or by contacting the United Way – just dial 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898-211. Appointments are then scheduled directly through the clinic. No eligibility questions are asked, in an effort to remove any possible barrier to care.
Flyer: https://www.mndental.org/files/GKAS-Flyer-2020-Event-English.pdf
🍎 Help support our kitchens in providing nutritious breakfast, lunch, and super snacks for our students! Our dedicated kitchen restaurant managers offer onsite training to ensure students receive high-quality meals every day.
As a substitute, your responsibilities might include:
🥗 Prepping fruit and vegetable bars 🍉🥕
🍕 Serving meals to students 🍽️😋
🧽 Washing dishes 🫧✨
And more!
You’ll enjoy flexibility to choose your availability and location options. For more information and to apply, visit https://bit.ly/623nutritionsub.
Call For Presenters: 8th Annual Career Cafe
Upcoming Events
- PTA Bingo Night and Silent Auction 6-8 pm
- No School- Staff Development Days
- Honor's Choir rehearsal @ RAHS 7:30-9:30 am
- Grade 4 Wilderness Inquiry at HANC
- Honor's Choir rehearsal @ RAHS 7:30-9:30 am
- Honor's Choir rehearsal @ RAHS 7:30-9:30 am
- Honor's Choir Concert @ RAHS 10:00 am and 6:30 pm
February 13 and 18-
- Conferences
“PEP Talks” (Parent Education Program) are held in Shoreview, MN, at Presbyterian Church of the Way. Designed to be a “sequel” to ECFE, we invite talented speakers from our community to discuss a wide range of parenting topics. Presentations are non-religious in nature and open to all. Childcare is available (please sign up in advance) and any free-will donations are used to compensate speakers and childcare providers. We hope you’ll join us as we grow into this lifelong journey known as “raising kids.”
Youth Summer Camps - Register February 3! ⏰ 🗓️
Roseville Community Education offers summer camps, classes, and field trips for youth! Registration for summer 2025 youth opportunities will open on Monday, February 3. Mark your calendars to sign up for these exciting experiences! We recommend registering online at isd623.ce.eleyo.com for the best experience. If you have questions or need to register by phone, please call us at 651-604-3770.
Tour Our 3 Pre-K Sites 🔍 📍
Are you thinking about registering your child for Pre-K during the upcoming school year? Our district's Pre-K program is offered to children who are age 3 or 4 by September 1, 2025! We have Pre-K at three different Early Childhood Centers. Join us for a site tour to see your options for Pre-K class locations. No registration needed, just join us:
Wednesday, February 19 at 10:00am
Early Childhood Center at Harambee (30 County Road B East, Maplewood)
Wednesday, February 19 at 10:45am
Early Childhood Center at Parkview (701 County Road B West, Roseville)
Wednesday, February 19 at 11:30am
Early Childhood Center at Aŋpétu Téča (1910 County Road B West, Roseville)
Adult Open Pickleball in the Gymnasium! 🌟 😄
It's chilly outside, but we have INDOOR pickleball for adults at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center! Bring your friends to open pickleball this winter. Ages 18+. Balls and nets are provided, just bring your own paddle! Players rotate in and out of games to ensure everyone gets to play. Purchase a $25 pass for 5 sessions.
Current Schedule:
⏰ Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
⏰ Sundays, 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
A Grand Time at the Royal Ball 👑 😊
We had such a grand time at the Roseville Royal Ball this weekend! These young princes and princesses danced, played games, twirled, and sang their hearts out among their favorite famous characters. 🎵✨ Special thank you to all of the families who joined in the fun! 💜💚