St. Gabriel Education Centre
October 2024 Newsletter
Wonderful Start Up!
We have had a really wonderful September this year! So many of our students are coming to school in person and online and it's been a joy to see everyone. Our new space at the back of Holy Family Catholic School is really beautiful and bright and we're settling in nicely. Our student numbers are up again this year and we're happy that the great work our teachers do with students is getting out into the community. Please continue to spread the good news about St. Gabes!
You'll see we are also starting our first donation service project of the year. Check out the poster below for details about how to donate. Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples supports a very large community of lower income and unhoused people in the inner city of Edmonton. Please consider how you can help out.
This is the first newsletter of the school year. I send one detailed newsletter each month with a mid-month email reminder. The newsletters are posted on social media and on our website for easy reference. There is a lot of important information in our newsletters so please take a few minutes each month to read them and let us know if you have any questions. I try really hard to not fill up your inbox!
We're excited to continue to work with you and your families this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our staff.
Many Blessings,
Renee Trottier, principal
Meet our Staff
Renee Trottier, Principal
Teacher - Foods, Orientation, Art
Maryanne Kidd - Youth Success Coach
Val Franklin, School Office Support
Julie Bedi
Candace Ketsa
Frank Breen
Math 9, Science 9, physics 20, Chem 30, Math 20-3, Science 24, CALM, PE grades 9-12
Harmony Terin
ELA 20-2, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2, Social 20-2, 20-1, 30-1, 30-2, Aboriginal Studies 30
Julie Lamoureux, Learning Support Facilitator
ELA 9, 10-1, 10-2, 10-4, Social 9, 10-1, 10-2, 10-4, religious studies.
Monique Webb, Counsellor
October Calendar
Oct. 1 - Month of the Rosary
Oct. 5 - World Teachers' Day - thank your teachers!
Oct. 8 - Our school clothing store closes. Be sure to order your Gabes Gear before today!
Oct. 10 - Thanksgiving celebration and pie at 11:00 in the common room
Oct. 11 - PD/Staff meeting day. School is closed.
Oct. 14 - Thanksgiving Monday. School is closed.
Oct. 20 - Catholic Education Sunday. Please join us at the 9:00 mass at St. Albert Parish to celebrate Catholic education.
Oct. 25 - Drop out warning date. If you are more than 2 weeks behind by this point, you are at serious risk of being removed from your classes.
Oct. 31 - Halloween - come to school in a costume and get some treats!
Upcoming in November:
Nov. 7 - Parent Teacher Interviews 5:30-8:30
Nov. 11-15 - Fall Break - School closed.
Newsletter Draw
Thank you for taking the time to read about what's happening at St. Gabes each month. Our newsletter is a really important way for you to keep up with what's happening at school.
Each month you can enter our draw for a gift card. I reset the draw each month so you can win more than once!
PowerSchool and Moodle - Very Important
PowerSchool for students and parents
Students - You can access PowerSchool with single sign on. The link to our division PowerSchool is on our website under Quick Links.
Parents - If you don't have a parent PowerSchool account, please contact Principal Renee Trottier. You will need an access ID and Password from the school in order to set up your account. You can add all of your GSACRD children on one account.
The PowerSchool App - Did you know there is an app for PowerSchool? It's super easy to use. Once you've set up your account, download the PowerSchool App from your phone's app store. When it prompts you for our district code, type in QNMM.
Note - parents, you must set up your account from a computer first. After that, you can access your account from your phone or the app.
MyPass is an Alberta Education secure self-service website for Alberta students to:
- View and print diploma exam results
- Register to write a diploma exam
- Order high school transcripts
- View progress towards a credential (diploma or certificate)
- View and print a Detailed Academic Report (DAR)
- Order additional copies of an awarded credential
- View student personal information
Link to MyPass: https://public.education.alberta.ca/PASI/myPass
Grand Opening - December 12, 2024
School Council
We were unable to establish a School Council this year. As per Alberta Education requirements, we will instead offer parents an advisory committee. We will meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30. This will be an informal meeting to share insights and feedback, to ask questions, or to receive information. Please email me if you would like more information. mailto:rtrottier@gsacrd.ab.ca.
Video Surveillance
As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all students and staff, we would like to inform you that video monitoring and consequently its audio recording, in some cases, may be used on school property, including school buses. For more information please access Administrative Procedure 165 on the division website.
Catholic Corner - Three Year Faith Theme
Greater St. Albert Catholic School Division is now in our second year of our division faith theme. We will continue to focus on the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
2023-24 Growing in Love, with the Father
2024-25 Growing in Mercy, with the Son
2025-26 Growing in Grace, with the Spirit
Thanksgiving Donation Drive for Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples
Why God Loves You
I am a child of God.
We are ALL people of God.
Nothing we do can make God love us any less, or any more. God’s love for every person is limitless.
How do you personally experience God’s love?
A Little Humour
Mental Health and Wellness
Don't forget to check out our "Mental Health and Wellness" section on our website for wellness ideas, tips, resources and sessions that are being offered. Click on "community supports" for information about services in St. Albert and area to support you or your family.
If you follow us on Facebook and Instagram, we also post a lot of sessions that are offered by different agencies in the area. Worth checking out!
Counselling at SGEC
Hello, my name is Mrs. Monique Webb and I am a teacher at SGEC this year as well as the school counsellor. You will see me around the school each week on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. I am here throughout the day if you would like some help with your courses and am always happy to meet with students and families.
I look forward to working with you in the coming weeks. Should you need anything please don’t hesitate to text or call 587-983-2541 or email me at: mwebb@gsacrd.ab.ca.
Note - Counselling referrals can be made by parents or teachers. Support is provided for individual or family concerns and referrals to outside agencies can be accessed through Mrs. Webb.
School Supplies
Our New Location and Parking
Please remember that we are located at the back of the building and our doorbell is on the left side of the door. Our transportation office is the bell on the right. Don't ring them as they can't help you. Holy Family Catholic School is at the front of the building and they also will not be able to help you.
Thank you!
School Activities!
Gardening at Star of the North
Gardening at Star of the North
Students leaving for Star of the North
Gardening at Star of the North
Gardening at Star of the North
Gardening at Star of the North
Gardening at Star of the North
Welcome Back Celebration
Winners of the First Washer Toss PE Competition!
Celebration for St. Gabriel the Archangel
Terry Fox Walk
Terry Fox Walk
Halloween Decorations in our Neighbourhood
Halloween Decorations in our Neighbourhood
Halloween Decorations in our Neighbourhood
Is it really ever too late for Earth, Wind, and Fire's "September"?
Social Media
Please follow and share with your friends. We want everyone to know what a great place St. Gabes is!
Newsletter Draw
Please fill out the link for our draw! (Please do not enter more than once per month)
St. Gabriel Education Centre
Email: rtrottier@gsacrd.ab.ca
Website: https://www.stgabe.gsacrd.ab.ca/.
Location: 39 Sunset Blvd., St. Albert, AB T8N 0N6
Phone: (780)459-6616
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StGabesHS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/st.gabes/
Our Hours
Monday to Wednesday
8:00 am to 3:30 pm
8:00 am to 5:30 pm
8:45 am to Noon