This Week at Fincastle
Monday, March 12, 2023
Thank you to missionaries Frantz and Rhode Previl from Haitian Impact Christian Ministries for visiting Fincastle!
Pray for our Jellico ministry!
Opportunities to get involved at Fincastle:
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 14th 10:00AM @ Life Center
Bible Reading group with Ty and Stephanie (Acts study)
Wednesday, March 15th
Teacher Lunch for Valley View Elementary (Contact Barb Klosterman for details.)
Wednesday, March 15th 5:30PM @ Life Center
Bible Reading group with Nancy and Sheila (Acts study)
Thursday, March 16th 10:00AM-12:00PM @ Life Center
Meal ministry for homeless and elderly
Friday, March 17th 10:00AM-2:00PM @ Jellico UMC
Jellico Outreach (If you would like to carpool with Pastor Steve, meet at Fincastle by 9:00AM.)
Saturday, March 18th 8:00AM
Men's Breakfast and Church Clean-up Day
Sunday, March 19th 10:00AM
Sunday School Classes for all ages (adult classes in church building, children’s classes in Life Center)
Sunday, March 19th 10:15AM @ Life Center
Sunday, March 19th 11:00AM @ Life Center
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Sunday, March 19th 4:00PM @ Life Center
Worship Team Practice
Sunday, March 19th 5:00PM @ Life Center
Bible Study with Pastor Steve (The Prayer of Jabez)
Tuesday, March 21st 10:00-11:30AM
Bible Released Time
Friday, March 24th 6:00PM @ Life Center
Ladies' Night Out ($15 per person. Childcare provided. Men's help needed for serving.)
Saturday, April 1st 10:00AM
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 2nd 4:00PM
Palm Sunday Worship at Jellico UMC
Sunday, April 9th 7:00AM
Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast
Wednesday, April 12th 5:30PM
Passover Teaching Session
Wednesday, April 19th 12:00PM
Ladies’ Luncheon
Saturday, April 22nd 10:00AM @ Central UMC in Knoxville
Special Called Annual Conference of Disaffiliation
Sunday, May 21st 11:00AM
Blessing of the Bikes Day
Fincastle Church
Location: 629 Old Middlesboro Highway, LaFollette, TN, USA
Phone: (423) 562-6262