Newsletter - Week 2 Term 1
Newsletter 02 - 9 February, 2022
Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to all our families and children. I hope you all had a great break with your families over the holiday time. It is great to see our children returning to school rested and ready to go for a new year of learning. Thanks to our fantastic staff who have been working hard over the holidays preparing for the return of our students. I am looking forward to an exciting year.
It was great to see that children in Year 4 to 6 were wearing their masks. We are doing our best to keep our children safe during these Covid times. We are making sure children are sanitising each time they enter the classroom, hand washing is emphasised and we are having no large gatherings indoors. Our ventilation in classrooms is excellent with doors and windows open and fans operating in all learning spaces. Air purifiers have been ordered for each learning space. These will also be helpful for those children who have allergies and for keeping influenza at bay. I can’t emphasise enough that if your child is unwell then you must keep them at home. If your child has a sore throat you should have them tested for Covid.
It was so good to have those two days last week for you and your child to meet this year’s teacher, update your records, download apps, meet oral health people and register for this term’s sports teams. Thank you for supporting this.
A special welcome to our new staff members. Delwyn Bowen teaches in Totara Room 3 and Matt Liley teaches in Kakano 3. I am sure you will make them feel very welcome. Also a welcome to Abby Sorrenson who returns from maternity leave as one of our Learning Support Coordinators.
A special welcome to all our 32 new children and their families. It is great to have you join our large St Mary’s family and I hope you find your time with us rewarding.
Enrolment for the Sacramental Programme (Confirmation, Reconciliation and First Holy Communion) for children who are baptised Catholics. The enrolment forms are now available at the Parish Office, 8am until 2.30pm Tuesdays through to Fridays, enrolments close Thursday February 10 at 12noon. If your child / children are not baptised in Rotorua, please bring along their baptismal certificates at the time of enrolment. The children are required to be 7 years old by June 12, 2022, to qualify to enter this program. If you have any queries, please phone the Parish Office: 07 348 0289 ext. 2. CLOSES TOMORROW.
We have our ‘start of the year’ Mass on FRIDAY 18TH FEBRUARY and we will be celebrating outside in the school grounds and following Covid protocols. Unfortunately we can not have you join us for this.
Just to give you plenty of warning: THURSDAY 17th MARCH is the swimming sports for our Years 4 to 6 children. Whanau support will be needed on the day especially within the pool. Some of our children are reluctant swimmers and your help would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Leanne Rankin our sports’ coordinator by email if you are able to help:
A number of children read lots of books over the holidays and we will be having our lucky log soon. If you have been reading stories to your child, that counts too. Just write the story on the holiday log. Please continue to support your child/children reading at home.
Summer sports will be starting soon. Unfortunately cricket is the only interschool sport on offer because of Covid. If you want your child to play, please register THIS WEEK.. Registration forms are on our school website. There are sports being run at our school for our children only and they are gymnastics and golf. These sports will go on during school time.
You have probably heard by now that our Gala Day has been cancelled for 2022. There is a huge amount of organisation put in by the PTA to ensure that the Gala is a success and with Covid there are far too many variables this year. I also think that the numerous businesses we ask to help are finding these times challenging and it would be great if our community could support them during these times.
Have an awesome week.
David Macmillan, Principal.
Sylvia Dunkley Room 1
(Team Leader)
Moira Pinfold Room 1
Liz Macaskill Room 2
Delwyn Bowen Room 3
Bevan James Room 4
Sheryl Todd Room 5
Jill Dinniss Room 12
Karen Tabuteau Room 14
(Team Leader)
Sophie Bowie Room 15
David Bach Room 16
Lorette Tiedt Room 17
Sara Mines Kakano 4
(Team Leader)
Suzie Bye Kakano 7
Lorraine Thompson Kakano 6
Michelle Ryan Kakano 5
Matt Liley Kakano 3
Sany-Joy Kakano 2
Lorna Dobson Kakano 1
Kia ora, and welcome back! It is great to see everyone again after a sun-filled holiday.
A special welcome to all our new families and staff members who join us for 2022!
Over the next few weeks, we are covering Prayer in Religious Education. Pope Francis wrote: “Our Families need to ask for the Gift of the Spirit! Through Prayer, even in the busiest times, we give time back to God, we find the peace that comes from appreciating the important things, and we encounter the joy of God’s unexpected gifts. Through daily prayer may our homes become, like the house of Martha and Mary, places where Jesus always finds a warm welcome.”
The start of our academic year is where, we as a school, try to ensure all our students and whanau feel welcome. Just like Jesus, we hope we are continuing to foster and build our relationships. In the same way, when we pray to God we have a relationship.
Each day at school we take the time to pray with our students at the start and end of each day, before eating and during meditation. Prayer is a conversation that we have with God. We can talk to God at any time and anywhere about anything.
There are different ways that we can pray. We can Praise God. This is where we tell God what we love about him. Another way to pray is to listen to God. Listening to God can sometimes be challenging especially in our busy world. When we stop and think about what God is asking us to do. We all matter so much to God he always wants to hear what we are thinking.
One lovely way to pray is using the 5 Finger Prayer written by Pope Francis. It is a visual way of praying especially for lots of different people. Give it a try and let us know what you think of praying in this style. We would love to hear your thoughts.
God bless and stay safe.
Lorna and Sara DRS St Mary’s School
Plea for some more helpers for our Uniform Shop Roster
It's really important you regularly check the Class Blog!
Term 1:
Unfortunately, there is NO Touch Rugby this Term.
At this stage we only have cricket available for registrations. However, there will be Netball and Futsal available in the coming weeks. Please see the information below, we will provide updated details once we receive them from the organisers.
Please click on the link HERE for information on Cricket and to complete the registration form. Hardball Cricket starts this Saturday 12th February. An email will be sent out with further details.
Netball is now run during Terms 1 & 2 this year. It will be a 10 week season.
Y5 - 6 Monday 7 March - 23 May
Y1 - 4 Tuesday 8 March - 24 May
Y1 - 6 Sunday 29th May - Festival Day
If you are interested in coaching netball, please contact Whaea Leanne ASAP as we are arranging a coaching session with Rotorua Netball & Wai/BOP Netball.
Futsal will run for 6 weeks from Saturday 5th March to Saturday 9th April. Games will be between 2pm and 6pm. NOTE: Due to venue availability games are on Saturdays for this Term.
St Mary’s Golf
Golf will start in Week 3! The schedule will go up on a Sunday on the Golf Blog - you can access it through the school website HERE.
Please add Golf in your alert subscriptions on the School App. This is a new group created this year, so you will need to add it again even if you had it last year.
If you can help with transport please let Ms Holmes know or 0272121206.
There are a lot of children interested in golf, which is great and there are a couple of tournaments we can play in this term. Make sure the golf notifications are turned on on your phone.
Mark this one on the calendar..
Tuesday 22nd February at Springfield, 3.30pm-6.00pm
Fun Ambrose event 3 and 7 holes
Everyone is welcome, players, parents and whanau.
It is a Christmas theme, so dress up and show your Christmas spirit, there are prizes for costumes.
It is a relaxed event designed to get people interested in golf and maybe learn a few things about the do not need to know what you are doing.
Please come along.
Whaea Leanne
School Sports Coordinator
027 285 7579 or 07 348 1701
Only $70 for the season for juniors. This includes fun matches and games on Friday afternoons this term plus all the benefits of being a member.
Entry to courts year-round, interclub, tournaments. Starts Friday October 22nd.
Contact Jo on 0212548434 or see our website or Rotorua Tennis Club Facebook Page.
Primary aged Friday 3.30-4.15pm
Intermediate and High School Friday 4.15-5.45pm
Professional Tennis Coaching with Justin Megraw on Wednesday and Thursday at extra cost. See website for details.
Lunch Order Options
This year we have the following options available.
Monday - Kapai Kai - order online. Delivery to school. (This is a new option being trialled in Term 1)
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday - Pita Pit. Order online. Delivery to school.
Friday - PTA fundraiser Sausage and Juicy orders ($1.50 each) ordered through the classroom on a Friday morning.