September 20, 2024
Mr. Matthew Reiner, Principal
Upcoming Events
- September 20th- SJG HSA Welcome Back Picnic 5:30pm-7:00pm
- October 7th through 10th- Week of Respect
- October 11th- School Closed
- October 14th- School Closed
- October 18th- Grades 3-5 Author Visit
- October 22nd- 12:40pm Dismissal Day
- October 31st- Halloween Parade at 2:15pm on SJG back field
SJG Calendar of Events
If you are looking for future events, we update the SJG Calendar of Events as we solidify dates. You can find the calendar on our website but below is the link that we will keep in our newsletter going forward.
What Are We Learning At SJG?
How often do your children come home and give you the answers of "SCHOOL WAS FINE" or "NOTHING" when you ask them what they did today? We recognize that and now our students are informing all the parents about what they are learning by completing this section of the newsletter! Each week, different students from each class will collaborate and put together what they are excited to share about their learning. Below is a picture of our reporters for the week!
Kindergarten (Madelyn, Roan, Katie): We are reading picture books and we are learning how to work together and change groups. We are drawing story pictures in writing. In math we are learning about numbers and shapes. Shapes are on the board, we get our clip boards, and we talk about what we notice. We play with our friends in our classroom during choice time. We play with blocks, the kitchen, and toys. We also get to go on the playground!
1st Grade (Grace, Brooke, Luca): We are learning how to make 10 in math in different ways. We are reading books from our book bins. We read books that are level books and we read interest books. We are also playing education games on the computers.
2nd Grade (Miriam, Genevieve): We are writing personal narratives. We are doing addition and subtraction. In social studies we are learning about our community. 2nd grade is really cool!
3rd Grade (Delia, Leah, Ryan): We are learning rounding in math. For science we are learning about termites and how they follow different patters with different shapes and different materials. For writing we have been doing our summer writing where we write about what we did over the summer. We also read a couple of books like Enemy Pie. At the end of the day we are also reading Mr. McGee books. We love our free reading time and learning new, hard things. We love finally being up stairs!
4th Grade (Garrett, Brady): In Math, we are finishing up place value to the hundred thousands place. In ELA we are reading stories and then we have questions to relate / connect to the story. Next week we are starting to read Frindle and writing personal narratives. Social Studies has been fun learning about maps and the different types of maps. Our science experiment was to take a dropper to see how many drops of water we could fit on a penny. We then worked together to find what the average was. 4th grade is really fun!
5th Grade (Matthew, Daniel): Right now in Math we are doing two digit by two digit multiplication. In Language Arts we are reading "Wonder" and working on summarizing. Our teachers are teaching us how to take notes about what is important when reading. We can work with friends and assigned partners too. One of our teachers sings all the time!
Phys Ed (Ameila): In phys ed we are learning how to throw and catch correctly. We have a partner or a group of 3 and you run between the cones and then they throw the ball to the aiming target who they has to catch it while running. We are learning how to make good throws.
Art (Zach): In Kindergarten art we have been painting rainbow and fish. We are using water colors. We are also cutting our rainbows and then we glued our cutting onto a black paper. When we are done, we get to free color. We have had art two times!
Music (Montgomery): In third grade music, we have been learning the songs for our veteran's day concert. The songs that we learned are about the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and Air Force. We are having so much fun!
Media (Fiona): In 4th grade media center, we are doing an assignment about book care. We are creating slide shows to show the younger students how to take care of their books and the library.
ESL (Petro): In ESL we are learning more and more writing and reading. We get better and better each year.
Our 5th Grade Pledge Leader For The Week!
Samantha did an awesome job this week reciting The Pledge of Allegiance as well as our kindness quote for the day. Thank you for being fantastic Samantha!
Late Student Sign In- IMPORTANT!
In the event that your child arrives at school late, please park your vehicle and come into the building to sign them in. It is essential for us to maintain accurate records of student attendance. Therefore, parents are no longer permitted to have students ring the bell and enter the building unaccompanied when they are late. Thank you for your cooperation.
Elementary Handbook for 2024-2025
Please see the handbook below for the upcoming school year.
Attendance Matters!
Being present in school is super important! Full days out, 1/2 days out, being late, and leaving early affect your children's learning. See below!
New Elementary School Parent / Teacher Conference Dates and Times!
The district is going to pilot a new schedule for elementary school conferences for the 2024 school year. In coordination with community input as well as planning with the principals and staff, we have generated a schedule that we believe will be more efficient and effective.
Conferences will be held on Wednesday 11/13 from 3:00-4:30, and then on Thursday 11/14 from 1:30-7:30. Following conferences we send a survey to gather feedback from families on their thoughts on the new schedule, which should help us determine if to move forward with the new times or continue to work towards finding a more effective plan.
Quick Reminders!
- Get your Spirit Wear orders in! Our Fall apparel sale closes this Sunday night-
- Calling all SJG artists! Send us your submissions for the chance to have your art featured on our directory cover this year. Info here.
- Don't forget to enroll in our HSA! Sign up here.
HSA Calendar
Stay in the know with the HSA calendar below!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!! Things to Remember from The SJG Health Office.
When your child is ill, please call the school by 8:15am to report an absence. The attendance line is available 24/7. Please let the school know why your child is absent and be as specific as possible. If you take your child to the doctor, please bring documentation from the doctor so as to provide better care here at school. Extended absences or PE excuses require a doctor’s note.
If your child is ill please keep children home for 24hrs symptoms free. This includes temperature 100.4 or above, vomiting, diarrhea, consistent coughing, runny nose etc. This is part of our school doctor’s standing orders.
Students in many of our classes have serious food allergies. A child with a serious allergy can suffer a reaction merely by touching their particular allergen. Please review for yourselves and with your children the safety guidelines we are using throughout our district elementary schools. This letter was sent home and is also posted on my web page.
Students will have the following health screenings over the course of the year based on grade level state requirements: vision, hearing, height, weight, and blood pressure. Scoliosis screenings will be done in the spring in 5th grade only. Appropriate referrals will be sent to parents as needed.
NJ Family Care and NJ Kid Care Insurance - This insurance is for families or college students not covered by any insurance. For further information go to or call my office.
Stephen J. Gerace Elementary School
Location: 59 Boulevard, Pequannock Township, NJ, USA
Phone: (973) 3055615
Twitter: @SJGPride