TCS News to Know
For the Week of January 20, 2025
Dear Families,
Snowcoming 2025 is this week!!! We hope that all students show their school spirit with the dress up days, spirit assembly and games for MS/HS, the banner contest to decorate the gym, and of course, cheering on our Tekonsha Indians at the home basketball game this week!
Weeks like Snowcoming are a great time to recognize all of the individuals that work behind the scenes the make these events possible for our students. Did you know that the cheer team selects the spirit week dress up days and decorates the hallways and lockers? Did you know that the Student Council picks the banner themes and coordinates the spirit assembly? Did you know that the freshmen class organizes and puts on the Snowcoming dance? We are so grateful for the hours that our staff put into being coaches and advisors of all of the various teams, groups, and organizations. Without their willingness to take on these extra responsibilities, these events wouldn't be the same, or possibly wouldn't happen at all! We want to say a special thank you to the following:
- Boys Varsity Basketball Coach - Mr. Dustin Orns
- Boys JV Basketball Coach - Mr. Blake Griffith
- Boys & Girls Jr High Basketball Coach - Ms. Kelsie Russell
- Girls Varsity Basketball Coach - Mrs. Aryn Henry
- Cheerleading Coach - Mrs. Michele Stuart
- Varsity and Jr High Wrestling Coach - Mr. Justin Kazmar
- Robotics Coaches - Mr. Ryan Groholske & Mr. Matt Lindsey
- Senior Class Advisor - Mrs. Michele Stuart
- Junior Class Advisor - Mrs. Krista Groholske
- Sophomore Class Advisor - Mr. Ben Kinnison
- Freshmen Class Advisor - Ms. Katie Butler & Mrs. Heather Layne-Fouty
- 8th Grade Class Advisor - Ms. Barb Calhoun
- 7th Grade Class Advisor - Mrs. Brenda Tew
- 6th Grade Class Advisor - Mrs. Chloe Butler
- D & D Club Advisor - Mrs. Paula Towery
- National Honor Society Advisor - Ms. Heather Mack
- Student Council Advisor - Mrs. Heather Layne-Fouty
Stay Safe and Warm!
This week is predicted to bring a lot of extremely cold weather! We are watching weather predictions, and try to make the best decisions in as timely of a fashion as possible for our students and families. As of right now, we have made the decision to cancel school for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, and this includes all afterschool and evening activities. We will continue to monitor the weather and if the temperatures continue to drop to dangerous levels as predicted, we will make the call for Wednesday, January 22nd by Tuesday evening. If your family is struggling to stay warm in these extreme temperatures, please reach out to Mrs. O'Keefe at okeefej@tekonsha.k12.mi.us.
MS/HS Honor Roll
Tekonsha Wrestler on the Podium!
Congratulations to Tekonsha wrestler Maleah Grubbs for her 3rd place finish at the Marcellus Wrestling Invitational Women’s Division!! She won 2 matches and lost 1. Her 2 wins were all by pin. The meet was on Saturday, January 19, 2025.
HIL Project Supports Teacher Development!
Last year, Tekonsha Community Schools had the opportunity to participate in a grant through Western Michigan University called HIL 2.0. HIL stands for the High Impact Leadership for School Renewal, and this was the second cohort of funding offered for this grant program. The HIL project is a three-year grant, focused on helping school develop leadership, accelerate and deepen positive change, increase implementation success for continuous school improvement, and more. The focus of the grant was on work related to ELA, math, or social emotional learning. Tekonsha Schools received $5000 in funding for the 2023-24 school year, and $8000 in funding for the 2024-25 school year. It is anticipated that we will receive an additional $5000 for the 2025-26 school year.
In addition to these funds, each participating school was also assigned a facilitator that would spend 1 day a week at the school, providing support to the leadership team. Our facilitator is retired educator John Gehrig. He has been supporting our staff through professional learning and instructional coaching. HIL facilitators across the state were paid from the larger WMU grant, and not all of those funds were used last year. Tekonsha Schools was excited to learn that there was an opportunity to apply for these carry-over HIL funds to be used for instructional coaching, professional development, or other services related to HIL objectives. The district applied for some funds to support leadership development, work on curriculum development, and offer an opportunity to staff to attend a couple of different national conferences. They will hear back by the end of January if funding was approved.
We are so grateful for the dedicated staff that works so diligently to make Tekonsha Schools so special, and we are also appreciative of grant funds like HIL that help support this work!
Jr. High Basketball Off to a Great Start!
The Tekonsha Jr. High Girls Basketball team had a great start to their competition season last week, winning their contests against Burr Oak and Litchfield. We can't wait to see what the rest of the season brings for this team!
Notice of Vacancy - Board of Education
Notice is hereby given to the electors of Tekonsha Community Schools, a public school district, that a vacancy on the board of education of this district exists due to an unfilled position following the November 5, 2024 elections. The position is a full term seat that is open beginning January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2030.
Notice is further given that any elector of the Tekonsha Community Schools may apply to the board of education for consideration to fill either vacancy, beginning in January of 2025. The next regular election of the board will be in November of 2026, at which time, the remainder of the full term position will be posted for the remaining four years of the term under regular election procedures.
Interested electors are requested to send a letter of application, stating the position of interest, reasons for their interest, qualifications for board service which they believe they hold, relevant public service, and a history of elected office, public appointments, or service on other elected or appointed boards, public or private, to:
Tekonsha Community Schools Board of Education
℅ Superintendent JoEllen O’Keefe
245 S. Elm Street
Tekonsha, MI 49092
The board will accept letters of application until 3:00 pm on Monday, January 27, 2025 via USPS delivery or personal delivery. Letters of application can also be submitted via email to okeefej@tekonsha.k12.mi.us. Interested electors submitting a letter of application via email must ensure their letter of application is received prior to the deadline and bear the full risk of failed or untimely transmission of their letter of application. The board will contact all eligible applicants to schedule interviews with the board during a special board meeting on Wednesday, January 29, at 7 pm at the address listed:
Tekonsha High School Library
245 S. Elm Street
Tekonsha, MI 49092
The Board will choose a candidate for each seat by majority vote, for the term as described above.
Anyone with questions may contact the superintendent at the address above, by telephone at 517-767-4121 ext. 101, or by email at okeefej@tekonsha.k12.mi.us.
Attention Parents of Kindergarten Students!!!
Did you know that Section 333.9316 of the Public Health Code requires that all children in MIchigan enrolled in their first year of school (kindergarten) must receive an oral health assessment? This is referred to as the Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Law. 2024-25 is the first year that this new regulation has applied. Parents are responsible for getting their child's dental screening completed. This screening can take place can take place anytime from 6 months prior to the student's start of kindergarten through May 31st of their kindergarten year. If your child has had a dental screening, please either return a MDHHS Dental Assessment Form (MDHHS-6067) or a letter from your dental office to the elementary office as documentation.
If you have not taken your child to get a dental screening, or do not have your own dentist, then be sure to take advantage of the FREE dental screening happening at the school with Smiles on Wheels listed below. This screening will meet the public health requirement.
Free Dental Care Coming to Tekonsha!
DATE to RESPOND EXTENDED!!! Smiles on Wheels is a FREE children's dental hygiene program that offers dental assessments, cleanings, education, sealants, and fluoride treatments to ALL students K-12 at NO COST. In order to have your child participate, simply return the consent form that is being sent home this week (or download a copy at the link below). This service is being provided as part of the SEAL Michigan grant program through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Even if your child has insurance and regularly sees the dentist, you can use this free program to have sealant put on your child's teeth. Be sure to return your consent form by Friday, January 24th to your child's building secretary.
Student Section Theme Nights are Back!
Check out the dates below to come and support our basketball teams! Students that come dressed up in the theme will get a FREE popcorn from the concessions stand!
Jammies & Juice - Family Engagement Night!
On Monday, February 3, 2025 from 6:30-7:30 pm, Tekonsha Elementary School will be hosting "Jammies & Juice." This is a Title I Family Engagement activity. All elementary students are invited to come to the elementary school in their jammies, get a snack and a free book, and find a classroom or corner to read their book with their own parents or guardians. This is a chance for families to have a special "read-in" with their own students!
Student Congrats
Congratulations to our Tekonsha Elementary Schools GOOD LISTENER Indians of the Week for the week of January 6-10.
Athletic Schedule
Menus for the Month
Breakfast and lunch menus for both the elementary and the MS/HS are now available on the website! Click on the links below to access these. Breakfast is available for FREE for all students and is served in the elementary from 7:50 - 8:25 am (times vary by grade) and in the MS/HS from 7:50 - 8:00 am. Lunch is also available for FREE for all students, served from 11:00 am - 12:10 pm in the elementary (times vary by grade). In the HS, lunch is served from 10:45 - 11:11 am and from 11:41 - 12:06 pm for the MS.
Tekonsha Community Schools
Website: www.tekonshaschools.org
Location: 245 South Elm Street, Tekonsha, MI, USA
Phone: 517-767-4121
Facebook: facebook.com/TekonshaCommunitySchools