Weekly Update
Week of Sept 2-6
No School Monday September 2
What a wonderful first week! Our students were busy learning new routines, how to manage and organize their supplies, and all about the school expectations. Students got to know their classmates through collaborative games and activities. We even had our first all school assembly of the year!
Friday Folders - AVID organization
Our students and staff are focusing on organization by utilizing Friday Folders. Students should be coming home with their plastic Friday Folder today. Please make sure to check this folder every Friday and review any forms that need to be returned to school and keep any finished work at home. Please make sure to send this folder back with your child on Mondays (Tuesday this week). There may be a bit more papers sent home this week than we regularly send. The right side is for papers that need to be filled out and returned to school The left side is work that you can keep at home.
Transportation Reminders
Students in Kindergarten and First grade must have a parent present at the bus stop unless you have signed permission for them to leave the bus stop on their own. If there is not a parent present then students will be brought back to the school and parents will need to come pick them up at school. Please contact Danielle at the front office if you need to change permission for your Kindergarten or first grade student.
Remember every week won’t be like the first few weeks.
The first weeks of school can be an emotional rollercoaster for everyone. In addition to increased nerves, the first week of school also brings grumpier children at night. Getting back into the school routine can be hard! During the first week of school, your children are learning the new rules and expectations. It’s a lot! After keeping it together all day at school, they may have more meltdowns when they get home that first week. This is normal! Try to be patient, and sometimes an earlier bedtime might help combat that back to school exhaustion. Please reach out to us if you would like additional support! It is perfectly normal for your children to cry this week (parents too)!
Technology Update
As you know, HRCSD will be increasing its efforts to manage school-issued devices. You can view the original communication here. HRCSD will also become a phone-free environment during the school day. Cell phones and personal devices are not allowed by students during the day at middle or elementary schools. Personal devices include apple watches or similar devices. Students cannot use cell phones, smartwatches, AirPods, or other personal electronic devices during school hours. We encourage students to leave personal electronic devices at home, keep them in their backpacks, or ask the office to hold them until the end of the day.
Early Pick ups or Changes to after school plans
If your child needs to be picked up early from school, please call the office to notify them of the plans, including times and whether or not your child will be returning before the end of the day. The office will communicate the plans with your child and their teacher.
Please do not send your child’s teacher a message directly. It is not guaranteed that the teacher will see the messages during the day.
Please call the office of any changes before 1:30 PM to ensure the message is received and communicated to your child and their teacher.
September Lunch Menu
Cascade Locks is an AVID School!
Cascade Locks is an AVID elementary school. AVID stands for, Advancement Via Individual Determination.By teaching and reinforcing academic behaviors and higher-level thinking at a young age, AVID Elementary teachers create a ripple effect in later grades. Students develop the academic habits they will need to be successful in middle school, high school, and college, in an age-appropriate and challenging way. Students learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID Elementary students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.
Mission: Our mission is to empower and engage students by providing them with opportunities, instilling confidence and critical thinking skills, as well as the ability to collaborate effectively.
Vision:All students are lifelong learners who have the confidence to take risks, discover their passion, and achieve their goals and dreams.
Peachjar shares resources and opportunities
We are now using Peachjar! Parents/guardians receive digital flyers containing school and community resources that aim to improve the trajectory of students’ lives. This transition will also save our schools time and money while ensuring important information makes it home to parents.
Please visit this Peachjar web page to see current opportunities for Cascade Locks Elementary School.