Franklin 411
Issue #25 - March 2, 2025
A Word From Mrs. Loor
Dear Franklin Families,
Get ready for Read Across America Week! This week will focus on fostering the love of books and reading. Thank you for sending in books for our book swap. Every student will be going home with a "new" book(s) by the end of the week. We hope you join us in our spirit week. Please see Mrs. Mill's blurb below for more details about all the fun activities planned this week.
This is a gentle reminder that for the safety of all students, we kindly ask that parents not enter classrooms to pick up their children early while in the building. All dismissals must take place through the main office. These procedures are in place to ensure a secure and organized environment for everyone. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe space for all students.
Save the date for our first Specialist Showcase during the week of March 17th. Please see below for more information. We hope you will be able to join us!
Have a marvelous week!
With Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Loor
On the Same Page: Library News from Mrs. Mills
Read Across America
Franklin’s Read Across America celebration will run March 3 - 7. We have many fun activities planned, including surprise guest readers, a theme week, potatoes dressed as book characters and a Vocabulary Parade! Please see the flier for our schedule.
All week long, we’ll be featuring Book Character potatoes in the library. Any day, bring in a potato dressed as your favorite book character! (See pictures below.)
Our Vocabulary Parade will feature students dressed as words! (staff pictures below) Students should come to school dressed in their word designs for a whole school parade first thing on Wednesday morning. Please make sure students have school-ready attire packed with them or under their word costume.
Franklin Musicians
March is the celebration of Music In Our Schools Month! Around the nation this month, educators, students, and communities will find ways to recognize the invaluable role of music education in fostering creativity, discipline, and cultural appreciation. Music In Our Schools Month showcases the power of music to inspire, educate, and unite.
Mrs. Silvester and Mrs. Lapinski have a shared philosophy of encouraging all students to develop a lifelong love of music. We hope our students become music makers and music consumers who share music with their families and communities in varied and authentic ways. Thank you for supporting music and the arts here at Franklin. We challenge you to find ways to be musical this month. Join us in celebrating the universal language that enriches lives and shapes futures!
Counselor's Corner
This week, all students completed lesson #5 of our THRIVE curriculum. The topics discussed were Anti Bullying Strategies. Click here for more information about our THRIVE program.
For any questions regarding our counseling program, please contact Ms. Audino, our school counselor. Her email is laudino@summit.k12.nj.us.
Specialist Showcase
We will be having our first Specialist Showcase where parents/guardians are invited to participate in either P.E., art, music, STEAM or library depending on your child's grade level. It would help our teachers for their planning to get an estimate of how many adults will be joining each class. Please fill out the form below if you plan on participating.
FLASH 2025
Registration is open for FLASH! Click here to register.
Thank you to all that contributed to the STEAM materials. It's amazing to watch students take basic items like paper towel rolls and cardboard and bring them to life! As of right now, we do not need anything for the STEAM lab. If we need something specific in the future, it will be mentioned in the newsletter. Thank you!
From the Nurse's Office
Dear Parents/Guardians of 5th Grade Students,
As mandated by the State of New Jersey and District Policy 5320, children entering 6th grade must receive a booster dose of Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (Tdap) and one dose of the Meningococcal Conjugate vaccine (MenACWY), given no sooner than age 10
in order to attend school.
Please submit proof of immunization on a physician letterhead, a prescription pad, or a printed immunization record (you may download from your child’s patient portal) to your elementary school nurse. If you are unable to submit proof of vaccination by May 16th, please send forms directly to LCJSMS nurse, Mary Ellen McDonald, once your child has received the immunizations. Forms may be submitted via standard mail to the Health Office at LCJSMS 272 Morris Ave. Summit, NJ 07901, via email to mmcdonald@summit.k12.nj.us or faxed to 908-918-2139. Failure to do so prior to September 2, 2025 will result in school exclusion. If your child’s 11th birthday is after September 2nd, you will have 2 weeks after their birthday to provide this information. Please schedule your child’s immunization appointment accordingly.
Please visit the NJ Dept Health website for information regarding school vaccine requirements at
and https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/documents/faq/meningococcal_faq.pdf for information regarding the meningococcal vaccine.
In addition, if your child plans on participating in a sport at LCJ Summit Middle School, he/she will need a complete physical exam completed within 365 days of the first tryout/practice. All forms can be found in the parent portal in Genesis (LCJSMS All Sports) and information including start dates can be found at https://www.summit.k12.nj.us/schools/lcj-summit-middle-school/ath
If you have any medical questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out to our school nurse, Ann Zanelli. Her email is azanelli@summit.k12.nj.us. You can also visit the Summit Public Schools Virtual Health Office for additional information.
Estimados Padres/Tutores de Estudiantes de 5to Grado,
Según lo dispuesto por el Estado de Nueva Jersey y la Política del Distrito 5320, los niños que ingresan a 6 º grado deben recibir una dosis de refuerzo de Difteria, Tos ferina y Tétanos (Tdap) y una dosis de la vacuna conjugada meningocócica (MenACWY), no antes de los 10 años de edad para poder asistir a la escuela.
Por favor presente prueba de vacunación en papel membretado de un médico, un talonario de recetas o un registro de vacunación impreso (puede descargarlo del portal del paciente de su hijo) a la enfermera de su escuela primaria. Si no puede presentar prueba de vacunación antes del 16 de mayo, por favor envíe los formularios directamente a la enfermera de LCJSMS, Mary Ellen McDonald, una vez que su hijo haya recibido las vacunas.
Los formularios pueden ser enviados por correo ordinario a la Oficina de Salud en LCJSMS 272 Morris Ave. Summit, NJ 07901, por correo electrónico a mmcdonald@summit.k12.nj.us o por
fax al 908-918-2139. El no hacerlo antes del 2 de septiembre de 2025 resultará en la exclusión de la escuela. Si su hijo cumple 11 años después del 2 de septiembre, tendrá 2 semanas después de su cumpleaños para proporcionar esta información. Por favor, programe la cita de vacunación de su hijo en consecuencia.
Visite el sitio web del Departamento de Salud de Nueva Jersey para obtener información sobre los requisitos de vacunación escolar en
y https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/documents/faq/meningococcal_faq.pdf para información sobre la vacuna meningocócica.
Además, si su hijo planea participar en un deporte en LCJ Summit Middle School, él / ella tendrá un examen físico completo completado dentro de los 365 días de la primera prueba / práctica. Todos los formularios se pueden encontrar en el portal de padres en Génesis (LCJSMS Todos los Deportes) y la información, incluyendo las fechas de inicio se puede encontrar en https://www.summit.k12.nj.us/schools/lcj-summit-middle-school/athletics.
Las Enfermeras de la Escuelas de Summit
Important Dates
March 10: Single Session Day, Dismissal at 12:30pm
March 11: Grade 2 Field Trip, Mayo Performing Arts Center
March 12: End of Marking Period 2
March 17-21: Specials Showcase
March 18-19: CogATs, Grade 3
March 28: Report Cards in Genesis
Franklin Attendance Form
Please bookmark and use this year's form. It is labeled 2024-2025 so you know you're in the correct one.
Fly High, Falcons!
Location: 136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ, USA
Principal's Email: eloor@summit.k12.nj.us
School Phone: (908) 277-2613
Other Websites: